Chapter 043 Admonishment

The three little guys followed Keilal down the road dejectedly. They could already imagine the violent storm they would have to bear next.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Hermione." Kelar's voice came over as he walked in front.

Hermione was a little scared. She had never seen the teacher speak in such a tone. It was as if he had been completely disappointed in her. Such thoughts made fear sweep through her body. What did the teacher mean by this? Did he not want it? Is she there? Is she going to be fired?

She wasn't afraid of being expelled from Hogwarts, but the thought of Keilal expelling her made her fearful.

When a person opens his eyes to see the world, it is absolutely impossible to want him to close his eyes again. Hermione is like this now. When Keilal asks her to open her eyes to see the world, it is absolutely impossible for her to close her eyes again. In a world of magic, it's impossible to be an ostrich.

Hermione's little face turned pale slightly, and she looked panicked. Both Harry Potter and Ron looked at her in surprise, wondering why she paid so much attention to Kelar's words.

When Kelar felt that the heat was almost there, he shook his head and said: "Hermione, you are the smartest one among the three, and you are also the think tank among the three. Why are you so easily fooled? I hope you I will review it in the future and see that this incident has not caused any serious consequences, so let’s forget about it.”

Hermione's little face suddenly turned red, and she happily responded neatly: "Yes!"

Harry Potter and Ron couldn't believe it, this matter just passed? Are they okay?

Of course this is impossible.

He was sent back to the girls' bathroom above the sewer by Keilal using the levitation technique. By this time there was no one there.

Keilal could guess that the entire Hogwarts was under martial law.

The destructive power of the basilisk is so great that even teachers may not be able to escape from it, not to mention students. Even sixth- and seventh-grade students are very dangerous when facing the basilisk. of.

Therefore, for the safety of students, the entire Hogwarts began to take action. Students were sent back to the dormitory for inspection. Students who were not called were nervously searched by teachers. All teachers were mobilized and fought. I placed powerful teachers such as Snape, McGonagall and Flitwick at key intersections. With the size of the Basilisk, I felt it was impossible to pass through Hogwarts quietly.

This idea is absolutely correct. If Keilal were to handle it, it couldn't be better than this, but unfortunately they didn't grasp the key point of the problem at all.

When Kelar walked out of the girls' bathroom with three students, he was immediately recognized by Professor Flitwick.

He shouted in surprise: "Oh my god, why are you still here? Professor Kelar, why are you leading the three of them around here? Send them back to the dormitory quickly."

"Professor, the basilisk is dead and the threat is over. I am taking them to the principal's office now. If you meet the principal, please convey this message to him. We will wait for him in the principal's office." Kayla I smiled at Flitwick gracefully.

Flitwick didn't expect Kellard to say such words, but the biggest terror of the Basilisk was its petrified evil eye. When he saw Kellal's closed eyes, he believed him directly. if.

Yes, who better to deal with the basilisk than Kelal.

Professor Flitwick relaxed.

"Thank you, Professor Keilar." He looked at Keilar with kind eyes and said, until this moment he began to identify with Keilar.

Keilal nodded slightly to him, smiled, and then walked to the principal's office with the three naughty little guys.

Harry Potter and Ron grimaced, they finally realized how big of a mistake they had made.

Because of them, the whole school was mobilized and the whole school was in a panic. Because of them, the basilisk was almost released. Because of them, someone might die.

This kind of thing cannot be solved by one or two verbal warnings.

Kellar did not deduct their Gryffindor points on the spot just so that Dumbledore could punish them.

Whether it was points deducted, repeated grades, or outright expulsion, Keilal didn't care. He didn't care much about anyone except Hermione. If he was expelled, it would actually be more in line with his wishes. Hermione would It can be developed directly based on his painting like a clean white canvas.

But thinking about it, I know this is impossible.

The relationship between Harry Potter and Voldemort is that as long as he is expelled, Death Eaters may come to kill him. Ron is a child of the Weasley family, and Ginny is also involved in the accident this time. If he wants to be expelled, he must be expelled four at a time. , this is Hogwarts' loss.

Besides, Hermione is also a talented person. Her magic talent is even stronger than Harry Potter and Ron. As for her learning talent, there are few people in Hogwarts who can match her.

Four people were expelled at once, and two of them were magicians who were destined to become masters in the future. Even Hogwarts could not accept this kind of loss.

Keilar was convinced of this, so he took them to the principal's office with confidence and let Dumbledore make a decision.

Kelal looks powerful, but he has no real power at Hogwarts. His identity is just a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Whether they are the four major deans or the vice-president or principal, they are all people with a higher level than him. Keilal has been involved in politics before, so he knows the taboos of politics better than others.

When they arrived at the principal's office, Kelar poured himself a cup of tea first, and then let the three little guys stand there, waiting for Dumbledore's arrival.

Clearly, he had no intention of sitting the three little guys down.

You should stand upright when you are being beaten, and you should have the attitude and appearance of doing something wrong when you do something wrong. The three little guys standing there were not qualified to sit down in the principal's office.

After hearing the news, Dumbledore hurried back with a large number of teachers. All the deans of the four houses were present, Professor McGonagall, Vice-Principal, and Principal Dumbledore all walked in swarm.

Kelal looked at them and couldn't help but smile.

PS: I was too sleepy today and took a nap after class, so it’s a bit late. I’m going to write the second update now.

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