The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 433 Dante fights Alcatel

Chapter 136 Dante fights Alcatel

Dante was speeding on the way back to the church, silently analyzing the gains and losses of this battle in his heart.

He thought it would be an easy battle, but this time the enemy was unexpectedly difficult. Although he didn't like fighting with women, he had to admit that both Arturia and Mordred were extremely outstanding warriors.

When fighting the two of them, both Artoria's sword skills and Mordred's charge were impressive.

There is really an interesting world here.

Dante's footsteps suddenly stopped and he stood on the roof of the building.

I don't know when a tall man wearing a slender red windbreaker and round glasses was standing in the corner on the other side of the building.

The man smiled with his mouth open, revealing the fangs inside.

"Vampire?" Dante looked at him slightly warily.

Although vampires are also the target of his purge, this person in front of him is a heroic spirit among vampires, an extremely powerful and terrifying existence, and even Dante can't help but be afraid of him.

Just like Mordred and Dinisha knew that this generation of Servants were not weak after facing Dante and the Mountain Lord, the same was true for Dante and the Mountain Lord.

Dante's words made Alcatel smile.

His white-gloved hands pulled out two guns from the holsters on his waist.

Dante's eyes suddenly hardened.

As a person who can become an Archer with a gun, his vision is naturally unmistakable. This large-caliber pistol is incredibly powerful. Even if it is not a Noble Phantasm, it can easily break the legs and waist of ordinary people and turn it into a treasure. The power after the tool is even more terrifying.

When Dante pulled out his ebony and white ivory, Alcatel had an admiring look on his face.

The styles and clothing of the two are very similar. Apart from their round glasses and long-brimmed hats, there is almost no difference. Even their weapons are very similar, which makes people feel a pity for each other.

"Alcatel, Berserker."

"Casull: white pistol, caliber less than 13mm, equipped with baptismal silver bullets, mainly used for continuous attacks to deal with vampires. Jackal: black pistol, total length 39cm, weight 16kg, loaded with 6 bullets It has a caliber of 13mm. The cartridge case is made of pure silver and is made of a special alloy. It contains the Marbles chemical cartridge NNA9 and is equipped with a mercury bullet. It can cause a lot of damage. The disadvantage is that it cannot fire continuously. It is specially used to target monsters." The man raised the two guns in his hands and gestured.

"Dante, Archer."

"Ebony wood, 11.43mm caliber for long-range attack, white ivory, 11.43mm caliber, used for close combat, magic power filling, endless." Dante raised the two guns in his hands with enthusiasm, and his face showed Come with an excited smile.

What he said was true. He didn't like fighting girls, but men were different, especially if he was a male devil.

Vampires are by default subordinates of demons in hell, but powerful vampires can be on par with the great demons.

The person in front of him now was a powerful vampire who was as powerful as him.

A smile appeared on both of their faces at the same time, feeling excited and happy to meet such an opponent.

Suddenly, both men started shooting at the same time.

Dante shot out like an arrow from a string in an instant, and he found that the man opposite him didn't hide at all.

I only saw 11.43 mm caliber bullets like a submachine gun, firing more than a hundred rounds in an instant. However, while shooting at Dante, Alcatel did not even dodge, and was instantly hit by more than a hundred bullets. Got minced meat.

But even though Alcatel was shot dozens of times in the head and body, the two large-caliber pistols in his hands were still as steady as rocks, and he fired dozens of hot bullets at Dante in an instant.

Dante's body was glowing with red magic power and he instantly stepped on the magic circle to dodge in the sky. It was obvious that he did not show his true skills in the battle with Mordred.

Now facing Berserker, the ability he revealed in an instant was truly astonishing. With such terrifying speed, it was almost impossible for Rider, let alone Saber, to catch up with him.

The only thing that needs to be considered is how long he can continue at this speed!

But now it seems that there is no problem in continuing a battle!

All I saw was that Alcatel's body was beaten like meat. The 11.43 mm caliber bullets have a strong inhibitory effect on the human body. Almost all the bullets bloomed into metal flowers in Alcatel's body, and then instantly caused a wound bigger than a fist. The large cavity effect can turn Alcatel into a pulp with just a dozen rounds, let alone hundreds of bullets.

But the strange thing is that even though his body was beaten to a pulp and trembling, his bullets were still chasing Dante very accurately.

Dante's face remained motionless as bullets flew towards Alcatel's gun-holding hands.

He didn't believe that a vampire could be killed so easily. The hand that was still shooting was the best proof.

If that's the case, beat his hands into a pulp and beat him until he can't get up again.

Although Dante is Archer, his endurance is actually EX level. Obviously he has enough patience and will to accompany Alcatel in this game of killing everyone.

If this is Alcatel's fighting power, I'm afraid he has no chance of winning!

I only saw that his hands, starting from the shoulder position, were beaten into pulp in an instant. Without the support of muscles, the two large-caliber pistols also fell to the ground.

Dante looked at the things mixed with flesh and blood on the ground that were constantly squirming. He had seen a lot of such disgusting things, and he started shooting at the pile of rotten meat with an unchanging expression.

The bullets were like submachine guns. Dozens of bullets were fired in one second. In two to three seconds, hundreds of bullets were fired. If he hadn't filled it with magic power, if it hadn't been for ebony and white ivory, he would have definitely done it. Not at this speed.

Ebony wood and white ivory are extremely powerful, and only armor like Mordred can completely defend against it. With this caliber and the rate of fire, Artoria can't even think of counterattacking when Kiritsugu Emiya is protected. !

Once Alcatel loses the ability to fight back, he can only let Dante beat him into a puddle of flesh!

Is Alcatel just dead?

Of course it's impossible!

All he saw was that the ball of flesh turned into countless bats in an instant, scattering towards the sky.

But how could Dante let him go like this!

He only saw clusters of blood flowers blooming in the air, and those bats were exploded by him one by one!

He is Archer, not only has a fast shooting speed, but he also has good eyesight!

But... among the mass of flesh and blood, a hand quietly stretched out from the shadows, aiming at Dante...

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