The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 439 This is Sparta

Chapter 142 This is Sparta

Keilar decided to go to Illya in person with Artoria, not just because Illya was the daughter of Emiya Kiritsugu.

Illya is still the Little Holy Grail, a key figure in this Holy Grail War, just like Irisviel the last time.

She had to get a crucial key.

And after Kaylar's description from Red R, he had an instinctive intuition about Kratos.

This is no ordinary heroic spirit.

It's probably more troublesome than Caster, and even more troublesome than Kotomine Kirei's Archer.

Before other Servants were exposed, Kelal decided to solve the problem personally.

Artoria and himself were the top fighting power.

The bond between them brings about a Noble Phantasm that can defeat everything. It is not a simple thing like Utopia, but a more terrifying Noble Phantasm.

Together, they can defeat anyone.

Even Kratos is no exception.

Keilal held Lily in his arms and rode the Silver Spirit across the entire Fuyuki City.

It is obvious that after driving ordinary people out of Fuyuki City, the entire Fuyuki City has become a complete battlefield.

This battlefield belongs to heroic spirits and has nothing to do with mortals.

According to mortal understanding, it would be fair to say that it was a battle between gods.

The coming of heroic spirits to the mortal world and the battles on earth are indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Although Fuyuki City is a city, only the core area is a flat outlet to the sea. Once around the outlet, there is a mountain range.

And this is actually a typical Japanese terrain.

In a land of 370,000 square kilometers, 130 million people are crowded together, and the actual living area that can provide livable space is actually very small.

Coupled with the squeeze from agriculture and breeding...

Keilar shook his head. If a country like Japan wants to transform, there is no other way except geopolitics. However, it is precisely restricted by the United States, which is the most distant country across the Pacific Ocean.

It can be said that there is no way to survive.

While Keilal was radiating his thoughts, Silver Spirit crashed into the transparent film like a tank in an instant.

This is the boundary.

But it's not a clever barrier.

Compared to the barrier Irisviel had set up, it looked like a child's craftsmanship.

From this, we can judge that the Einzberns did not seriously cultivate Illya.

If they were really serious about cultivating Illya, Illya would never be in this state.

What happened? Did the Einzberns give up treatment?

Or... they don't know that this Holy Grail has actually been purified by Kelal?

That's right...this situation is the most likely to happen.

Keilal grabbed Silver Spirit's mane, as if walking in his own garden, and slowly led Lily toward the garden and the direction of the castle.

There were only a few insiders back then.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Kotomine Kirei were not so kind as to tell Einzbern that the Holy Grail this time was the perfect Holy Grail - even if they had already guessed what the Holy Grail was this time.

As for the remaining insiders, they are all from Kailar. It is normal for them not to know about this matter.

Is this so...

But heroic spirits have nothing to do with Einzbern.

Kellard thought of the sixteen-year-old Arturia from the last Holy Grail War and shook her head gently. She and Emiya Kiritsugu were both rigid people, and it was precisely because of this that the two were very compatible. , although their thoughts and behavior are not synchronized, this is also one of the commonalities.

Aozaki Yuko and Medea were framed and betrayed at the same time. They were really in sync with each other to a certain extent.

What is the compatibility between the heroic spirit summoned by Illya this time and her?

Perhaps we can see some information about the other side from this aspect.

Kelal thought to himself.

"Welcome, welcome to my garden, Kai." Illya stood on the balcony of the castle, looking down at Keilar and Lily in the garden, holding up the hem of her skirt, bowing slightly, full of Without feeling ladylike and well-behaved, you would never believe that such a girl is actually eighteen years old.

She was like Artoria who pulled out the Sword in the Stone at the age of sixteen, and was permanently fixed in that time.

What fixed Arturia was the sword in the stone and the scabbard like a curse, and what fixed Illya was the real curse, the Holy Grail.

The manifestation of this third method made Illya's time freeze at that moment forever.

Do humans stay in a certain period of time, thoughts, or tempers due to hormones secreted by the body?

In fact, humans are affected by biology more than we think.

Adolescence, maturity, and old age are not only the secretion of time, but also the body's self-adjustment.

But Illya stopped adjusting like this, and her tone and expression were the same as those of an eight-year-old girl - except that the thought of her being eighteen was terrifying.

"Hello, Illya." Kelar smiled and waved to Illya like a prince riding a horse.

Except for Lily in his arms, everything was so harmonious.

"You're here, why don't you bring any gifts?" Illya pouted and complained.

"That's Illya. You've already come, why should you bring a heroic spirit with you? Wouldn't it be better to accept the teachings from your brother and father?" Keilal smiled slightly and asked.

"He is not my father!" Illya's voice suddenly became sharp, and she screamed: "My only father is Kratos!"

In the door behind her, a figure bowed slightly, revealing his face.

The goatee face, the bald head, the patterns on his face, and the naked upper body made both Kelar and Arturia recognize his origin in an instant.

"Sparta?!" the two asked in unison.

"You have good taste." Kratos walked out from behind the door and came to Illya's side. The muscles on his body were like bricks, but they did not appear to be sharp-edged, with a rounded beauty, like a piece of muscle. The pieces are like life with a rhythm.

This being who has trained his body to the extreme is him, Kratos, and Sparta.

This barbaric city-state is definitely the most difficult country to mess with in the Greek Federation because of its belief in Ares, the god of war.

That battle was so difficult, how could Artoria and Kelar forget it?

Those followers of the God of War who were born to be berserk warriors were so naked (harmony) that their upper bodies were naked, and then armed with short spears, daggers, and round shields, they charged at the Knights of the Round Table.

Even if the two armies faced each other openly and openly, the Knights of the Round Table paid a profound and painful price to annihilate them.

Even so, Spartacus's will was never broken.

Artoria and he felt that they had not completely conquered it in the end.

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