The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 443 Magical Girl Nanoha

Chapter 146 Magical Girl Nanoha

The appreciation of Demon Marshal Zelrich definitely does not come from the same line of appreciation.

Of course, although there are some, it is by no means the main reason.

Tohsaka Rin's battle is the battle of a magician. This is how a pure magician should be.

Most magicians are academics, which means that their battles are very stiff. The most famous case was when Emiya Kiritsugu killed Kenneth.

And the magicians of the practical school are actually better than the magicians of the academic school.

It's not about excellence in combat power, but about calculation, ruthlessness, and fighting with everything under control.

Academic magicians certainly have a lot to consider.

But for a practical magician, if these considerations fail, they will die.

Therefore, their calculation ability far exceeds that of academic magicians, as does their mental preparation and calmness in battle.

He is the Tohsaka Rin who handles things calmly.

When Tohsaka Rin faces danger, he does not analyze it immediately, but makes a judgment based on the magician's physical reaction. This is good. The more powerful the magician's intuition, the stronger it is. This powerful Intuition often corresponds to the actions of magicians.

For example, Aozaki Orange didn't know what the Holy Grail War contained this time, but there was no doubt that she just came in to join the war. This was the intuition of magicians.

Similarly, Tohsaka Rin didn't know what attacks were coming around her, but she relied on her intuition to take off.

Then, the puppet is in the light and the orange is in the dark. What is even more terrifying is that Aozaki Orange also possesses the powerful magic of runes...

It's really tricky...

So what do you do next?

Holding his stubble, Zelrich looked at Tohsaka Rin floating in the air with interest.

He is clearly standing on the treetop, but it seems that he does not exist anywhere. This is the second method. If he is willing to be observed, then he really exists, but if he is not willing, no one can find him. he.

Tohsaka Rin immediately noticed something was wrong after flying into the sky.

I don't know when there were countless more threads around me. These threads were completely invisible, just like spider threads, but when Rin used magic to perceive them, they were extremely clear.


Rin Tosaka was so surprised that he stopped in the air and did not dare to move. Did the interaction between Aozaki Orange and the puppet just now make the entire sky covered with puppet silk?

It's really awesome.

Tohsaka Rin didn't move because she didn't know the danger of this puppet silk, so as a magician, she shouldn't act rashly.

But she wasn't completely motionless.

Just when Aozaki Orange was about to launch a stranglehold, the ground suddenly shook.

Aozaki Orange didn't dare to move. He only saw the ground suddenly explode. The bluestone floor of Liudong Temple was exploded piece by piece. Pieces of bluestone weighing hundreds of kilograms were overturned, and then a figure came with it. Soaring into the sky with light.

The light of the Vanguard Spear instantly burst out of the sky, and King Arthur of the Spear rushed out of the ground on Dong Stallion, and jumped to Artoria's side in just an instant.

Zelrich opened his eyes wide and looked at King Arthur of Guns with an interested expression on his face, "This is really an excellent Servant." Of course he could tell that King Arthur of Guns had not used any command spells or had already With such power, she pierced the earth directly and came to the side of her Master.

Now Tohsaka Rin's crisis disappeared immediately because of King Arthur's judgment and attack.

On the contrary, it became difficult for Aozaki Orange to escape unscathed.

Aozaki Orange, who was hiding in the dark, clicked his tongue, gave an order to the puppet, and turned around to leave.

But at some point, Liang Rili and Nagato Yuki were already standing in front of her.

The two men with their magic eyes looked at Aozaki Orange coldly. Her body was now full of dead lines and dead points, and she was a genuine product.

Since it is genuine, the other party cannot escape.

Caster's heroic spirit, the two rituals of the Death Eye, Lancer's King Arthur, and an outstanding young magician who is proficient in runes and gem magic.

Even the Gem Man has heard of the name of the Orange of Pain. In such a situation, what should you do? Aozaki orange.

Gemstone Weng seemed to be enjoying a scene from a big movie, with no intention of interfering at all.

In the sky, a light suddenly flashed.

The gem man suddenly raised his head.

What the hell is this! What's going on with this huge magic power!

Not just him, everyone who could sense magic raised their heads.

All I saw was the pink stream of energy tilting down in the sky for an instant, rushing towards the two rituals and Nagato Yuki.

A blue light flashed in Nagato Yuki's eyes, and he instantly calculated that the magic power was unstoppable. His whole body pulled the two rituals and disappeared in an instant.

Only the pink magic flow was seen, like a beam cannon, which made a huge hole in the earth in just a moment.

What is creepy is that this pink magic flow is not just a blow, but lasts for a full three seconds.

In these three seconds, both the retina and the sky and the earth were filled with this huge, huge magic power that made the second magician eclipse.

Tohsaka Rin's outlook has even collapsed under this huge flow of magic power - if she had not experienced two Holy Grail Wars, her faith as a magician would have collapsed.

In the sky, a girl under ten years old stood on a pink magic circle at her feet, holding a magic wand in her hand like a cannon.

The magic power surging around her was like a tsunami of joy and cheer. This girl made the whole city cheer with just her own power.

The magic power on her body was as motionless as if it were real.

How could there be such a girl in this world!

The three magicians, Tohsaka Rin, Aozaki Orange, and Gem Ou, all raised their heads and stared at the girl with twin tails in stunned silence. However, the magician floating next to the girl did not let them ignore it. .

"Aozaki Aoko?!" The gem man couldn't help shouting.

As the only two magicians in the world, he was certainly no stranger to Aozaki Aoko. In fact, he even planned to make Aozaki Aoko the woman who would bury him with his own hands.

But why did this woman appear here? She even became a master!

"Sure enough, I still didn't watch you get killed." Aozaki Aoko showed a smile on her face and looked at Chengzi and said.

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