The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 45 Black Wednesday

Chapter 045 Black Wednesday

This time the matter basically ends here.

Interestingly, Draco Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy, unexpectedly came to Hogwarts, intending to use this time to force Dumbledore to step down.

This is really intriguing.

It's just that this incident only caused Mrs. Norris to be petrified, and it could be dispelled by Kelar. It would be no problem for any student, plus Dumbledore's reputation as the number one wizard in the wizarding world , trying to drive him away by this is really a fool's errand.

But what is more intriguing is that the timing of his arrival was so coincidental.

He arrived just after the basilisk was released. It was so coincidental and on time.

Although he didn't succeed in the end and left in despair, Dumbledore must have been sneering behind his back.

I'm afraid that in the future, the Malfoy family will be included in the list of key observations... They are very likely to have connected with the resurrected Voldemort and conspired to plot against Hogwarts. Otherwise, it would be difficult to say that there is such a coincidence in this world.

Harry Potter actually blocked Lucius and angrily asked him if Ginny's book was given to him, but Lucius angrily refused to answer.

Lucius angrily snatched Harry Potter's book and threw it to the house elf. Then he sneered and despised Harry Potter: "I am the head of the Malfoy family, one of only twelve major families in the wizarding world. One of the nobles, a noble pure-blood, and you, who are you, Harry Potter! Don't forget your own identity."

"Of course I know my identity." Harry Potter looked at him with a slight sneer and heard a cheer.

"Dobby got his master's socks, Dobby is free!"

Lucius' expression changed greatly as he watched Dobby terminate the contract in front of him, only to lose both people and battle.

All of this was of course what Hermione told Keilal later.

Although it was indeed quite interesting, Keilar still didn't pay too much attention to this little gossip, and instead asked Hermione more sternly to get up.

Hermione actually felt guilty, so as motivation, she worked harder.

The next thing was the annual Quidditch Cup at Hogwarts. This was the first time for Kelal to see Quidditch. Although it was indeed very interesting, almost equivalent to the world's rugby match, he understood everyone a little bit. Why did he like Quidditch so much, but he didn't find it very interesting? He asked Gringotts to prepare what he wanted at the speed of one letter a day.

The Quidditch Cup was followed by a modest holiday, which gave Kelar and Hermione some time.

The two of them got ready, changed into more modern clothes, and came to Gringotts via Floo.

Not everyone has access to Gringotts, and only big bosses like Kelal are eligible to have direct access to Gringotts.

Hermione also wanted to enjoy a direct connection to Gringotts.

"Are you ready for what I want?" Kelar asked the goblins unceremoniously.

"They're all here." The goblins smiled humbly, and two goblins struggled to carry two large boxes and handed them over.

"This is already six million pounds." The manager lowered his head and said with a smile.

"Good job." Keilar ordered lightly. He didn't like these goblins and could even say he hated them. It was precisely because of this that he, who was polite to everyone, showed no signs of indifference to these goblins. polite.

The goblins are used to Keilal talking to them in such a tone, just smiling humbly, not arguing or speaking. If they were ordinary people, they would have thought that they were very submissive and submissive.

But Kelal knew their greed and desire hidden under their humility.

This is an ugly creature, and their souls are even uglier than humans.

Kelar understood this deeply, and so did Hermione. She had seen the arrogance and cruelty of these creatures when she came here with her parents.

The goblins, who were indifferent to the Muggles, had a very arrogant attitude towards Hermione's parents who wanted to exchange pounds for gold galleons.

From then on, Hermione no longer felt that these goblins deserved sympathy.

Keilal was not polite and walked out of Gringotts directly carrying two boxes of pounds and taking Hermione with him.

The first place they went to was the city hall, where Keilal cast a little magic on the staff and easily became a British native.

After possessing the identity cards of modern society, the two walked non-stop to the London Stock Exchange.

Here Keilal is going to show Hermione how to turn the whole world upside down with six million pounds.

First of all, let’s clarify some concepts here. The purchasing power of six million pounds in 1992 was definitely not a trivial matter. Now when a Rolls-Royce or Aston Martin only costs one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand pounds, six million pounds is already a big deal. Enough to buy the entire Rolls-Royce company.

So when Keilal came to the British Stock Exchange with six million pounds, he received the warmest welcome. This was the first time Hermione saw that someone could worship a person as a god. This group of suits The leather-clad securities traders had to kneel down and use their ties to shine Kelal's shoes.

This lesson was very successful, Hermione has successfully understood the most fundamental core of capital.

As long as you have money, even licking your shoes is not that hard to accept.

First of all, Keilar asked to establish an offshore company in the Virgin Islands. All traders thought he wanted to avoid taxes, but only he knew that once he stabbed the building, the British government would never sit idly by and ignore it. At that point how to get the money out of the UK became the key.

There are things Keilal doesn't know, but coincidentally he gathers information and sets his sights on Britain at the same time as someone.

This happened to be Wednesday, September 16, 1992, also known as Black Wednesday. Both Kerlar and Soros set their sights on the British pound. The British government was forced to announce its withdrawal from the Euro exchange rate system. At that time, Keilar did not hesitate to borrow 120 million pounds with 20 times leverage, and then shorted 120 million pounds of [pound].

In just one day, the pound avalanche became a feeding ground for international financial giants. In just one night, his assets changed from 6 million pounds to 600 million pounds.

Hermione was dumbfounded.

PS: There will be a second update soon.

PS1: Let’s vote for recommendations

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