The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 446 Occasional gains

Chapter 149 Occasional gains

"Is that so?" Illya was stunned.

The extremes she had been falling into seemed like a joke, and she had never considered it.

Although she had been abandoned by the Einzbern family, she was still a small man-made Holy Grail and the property of the Einzbern family. How could Emiya Kiritsugu be qualified to bargain with the Einzbern family.

"Of course, think about it, is it because Einzbern doesn't let you go out even half a step, so you can only stay in the castle all the time?" Keilal is good at tempting. Kratos is such a useful heroic spirit, and he can make money if he persuades you to come here. Big hair.

What's more, he doesn't need to persuade Kratos at all, he only needs to persuade the innocent Illya to come over.

Illya looks cold and ruthless, but in fact she does not have a correct three views. There is no one to help her establish these things. What's more, even if someone helps her to establish three views, many magicians have their own three views. The outlook has been severely distorted, and no matter how much you teach, you will only be able to teach a person with incorrect outlook.

Keilal can totally relate to the situation.

Not only that, he can even fulfill Emiya Kiritsugu's request and turn Illya into a normal person.

This was a hugely profitable deal, and of course Keilar had to do it.

"Liar! You liar!" Ilia suddenly shouted, and she covered her ears: "You are lying to me, I won't listen! I won't listen! I won't listen!"

Sure enough...

Children who grow up in single-parent families are stubborn and paranoid, and children whose parents have died are even more so...

Keilal shrugged: "I respect your choice. Emiya Kiritsugu is not a very close person to me. It's none of my business to restore your relationship with him. If you don't want to listen, , let’s just stop.”

Illya was stunned by Keilal's words.

This was the first time in her life that she had seen this kind of adult communication.

It’s not so much a teenager’s [it’s for your own good, but it’s actually none of my business, standing up and talking to avoid pain in the back] adult kind of advice to you, since you don’t listen, then I won’t continue talking, so as not to bore you. Ilia was very surprised and strange.

In all her life, she has never seen anyone treat her like this.

Keilal treated her as an equal, which was treatment she had never encountered before.

The Einzbern family sees her as a prop, the servants see her as a child, and even Kratos doesn't really think of her as an adult.

No matter how old she is physically, she is eight or nine years old, but her mental age is that of a girl who has spent more than ten years. No matter how uneducated she is, time will still allow her to learn something.

It is precisely because of this that Keilal's attitude towards Illya makes her particularly comfortable.

Whether it was the indifference of adults or the respect of adults, the feeling of being a mature person was really good to her, which made Illya's previous paranoid mood slowly and unconsciously relax. .

The roaring in the ears continued, and the conversation between Keilar and Illya turned into Keilar chatting with her about various stories from ancient times.

Illya was fascinated by the adventures Keilal heard about back then, and she was immediately lost in the story.

She had never heard of such wonderful real-life adaptations of stories. Growing up in the Einzbern Castle, she only listened to storybooks bought for her by the android maids.

It may even be a scripted story that has been tampered with, and it is definitely two different things from a heroic adventure like Kelal's.

The two of them just followed Keilal's story, slowly ignoring time and place.

But soon, Lily was like a cannonball, smashing into the building in an instant, which happened to be this room.

If an ordinary person were here, they would probably be smashed into a puddle of flesh by the aftermath, even Illya would be no exception.

But since Keilal was there, there was no way Ilia could be harmed. He waved his hand, and a light curtain appeared around the two of them, keeping the tea party intact.

Arturia sat up from the ruins and yelled at Kelal.

But since the light curtain was a defense, of course it cut off even the air. Keilal shrugged at her and showed an innocent smile.

Arturia breathed out, glared at him viciously, and then rushed out again.

Then Saber and Berserker seemed to have made an appointment to demolish the mansion. They were knocked in in turns. Even Kratos could not completely suppress Artoria at her peak.

Kellard was even better than Illya in terms of magic power delivery. When Illya was already obsessed with the story and relaxed her magic power supply, Kelar did not relax, but continued to provide Artori with more magic power. Ya worships the devil.

This is exactly the difference between a mature and experienced magician and a young and immature magician.

Therefore, the two of them almost met their opponents in chess, and they met a good talent, and they fought until the sky was dark, and they fought for two full hours.

These two monsters, both of which have durability above A level, are truly the top servants in this war.

Keilar now understands in his heart that there are no weaklings in this Holy Grail War, and all the signs indicate so.

He looked at the dusk moment, shook his head, and stood up from the chair. In fact, except for their area, the entire castle was almost riddled with holes, and there was no intact place.

"That's it for today. I will come to visit again in the future." He took out an address from his pocket, and it was the address of the Tohsaka family.

Although he did not directly persuade Illya to surrender, he still gave Illya room to think.

If Illya is really a person with normal IQ, she should put aside her hatred and come to look for herself.

In the world of adults, only interests are divided, not right or wrong.

What's more, Keilal neither sides with Emiya Kiritsugu nor Illya.

Both actually want Keilal to be their strength, and Keilal will not be anyone's strength.

They are Kelal's strength.

Kelal put his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly.

The bright and sharp whistle resounded throughout the forest in an instant.

Arturia broke away from the battle and returned to Kelar. She was also in a very embarrassed state. If it weren't for the support of the Wind King's Barrier and Kelar's magic power, her armor would have been in tatters. .

"Let's go, I don't know what's going on over there in Galadia." Keilal smiled at Artoria and stretched out her hand.

Arturia nodded, grabbed his hand, and then was carried by the silver spirit that appeared under Kelar's crotch and flew up, landing in his arms.

"How was the fight today?"

"It's so satisfying."

I could only vaguely hear the conversation between the two in the wind, and Illya watched with envy as the two of them walked further and further away.

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