The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 455 Before Thunder

Chapter 158 Before Thunder

If Kelar could do it, he would of course be more willing to face the combination of Takamachi Nanoha and Kayama together with Artoria.

But now there is no choice.

King Arthur of the Gun was fighting fiercely against Scathach, while on the other side Nero was pestering King Arthur of White in a hearty battle.

As for the Blue King Arthur, he has disappeared into the inherent barrier.

Under such circumstances, the only one who can really cooperate with him is Rider Attila who is on standby!

After all, Attila is a warrior with B strength. He will be at a disadvantage when facing a mountain warrior above level A. More importantly, Attila has never made a move. The moment he made a move just now reminded him of Here comes Attila's Noble Phantasm.

With her Noble Phantasm and Asakami Fujino's magic power, as long as she continues to fight at this level, there will be no problem against Takamachi Nanoha, who has been exhausted by him to the limit.

And he just needs to hold back the mountain man.

What's more, who said he couldn't beat the mountain man?

With the blessing of dragon blood, Keilal's muscle strength is fully B, which is on the same level as Attila, but his sword is longer and larger than Attila's sword. Because of this, he and Attila The mountain man's battle should be more advantageous.

It is natural that every inch is longer and stronger. People with big swords such as the Mountain Old Man and Dinisha have stronger and farther attack ranges, and these attack ranges will turn into a dead body under their strength. circle.

Everyone in this circle will be subjected to their violent attacks.

Even though Keilal's strength is not as strong as the Mountain Old Man, his sword is longer, and the pressure on the Mountain Old Man every step forward is unprecedented, so Keilal can handle it easily.

What's more, Kelal has wings behind him, so he can fly, and he can also use magic to attack the Mountain Man to restrain his movements.

Therefore, the situation between Kelal and the Mountain Lord was relatively relaxed.

Keilal flew back in mid-air, looking sideways at the battlefield between Attila and Takamachi Nanoha, and then turned his head to block the attack of the Yamanobi.

He looked at the mountain man's eyes flashing with blue flames, as if he had remembered something or guessed something.

"Well... there is no other Assassin besides that organization who can possess this kind of combat power, right? The oldest and most primitive Assassin, the original assassin of the Assassin organization, Hassan Sabah."

"Hmph, we should really feel honored that the sage can remember my name."

Although the two of them were talking, greeting, and chatting, in fact, their swords never stopped.

Like two whirlwinds, endless winds swirled around the two of them. Even if they were one level different in strength, the battle between the two was still beyond the scope of ordinary people, exorcists, or even ordinary heroic spirits.

In the timeline of another world, Mordred defeated the heroes with B+ level muscle strength and was helpless. It can be said that muscle strength is king.

It is precisely because of this that the collision between a Class B muscle and a Class A muscle is enough to turn steel into powder.

"Haha, you assassins think you are righteous. You kill a few rich people and think you are doing justice for heaven and can provide justice to the poor people. Then, who will judge your justice and who will supervise it?! Keilal asked with a sneer.

"I haven't killed anyone for a long time." The mountain man said coldly.

He looked cold, not just to Keilal, but to everyone.

He no longer has many emotions, but his persistence in justice is the meaning and glory of his existence as the original Hassan and the original assassin.

But even this was taken away from Kelal.

It was wiped out by the United Council of Five Kings chaired by Kelal.

As a member of the Assassin sect, we were wiped out, wiped out, and surrounded.

Directly disappeared from the long river of history.

The history, past, future, and glory of his existence were all erased.

So what is the meaning of his existence?

Is it because of sect or because of justice? Or both?

Still nothing?

He came to Keilal and decided to kill Keilal. This was not revenge, but to find the meaning of his existence from killing Keilal.

He is Hassan, Hassan Sabah, the original assassin, the heroic spirit who came to decide the fate of Kelal.

He is an elf, and like Gilgamesh, he is the topmost existence among heroic spirits.

After fighting with him for a few times, Kelal found out how difficult he was to deal with.

His difficulty and Gilgamesh's difficulty are two meanings and types.

Gilgamesh has many Noble Phantasms and a strong saturation attack. In theory, it is actually a similar attack method to Kelal.

But compared with Gilgamesh's saturation bombing, the attack of the old man of the mountain completely demonstrated what the ultimate in martial arts is.

Because he has lived for too long, he has been studying and polishing martial arts. More importantly, he taught most of Assassin, so through teaching and polishing over and over again, his martial arts became as proficient as a ghost. generally.

Martial arts is something that ordinary people think of as a way to strengthen their bodies.

But for heroic spirits, martial arts represent one of their achievements.

Showing off martial arts is what heroes should do.

There are definitely far fewer wise men who have left their names in history than those heroes who are famous for their martial arts.

Whether these heroes are powerful or not has always been the subject of intense discussion in history, and which hero is more powerful is also a historical regret.

But even among so many heroes, Wang Hassan's martial arts can be ranked in the top ten.

When he wielded the sword with both hands, he didn't feel as fast as Dinisha that he couldn't even see.

But compared with Dinisha's erratic female swordsmanship, his wide-opening and closing, full of oppression, forcing you to a dead end, and then killing you in despair with the last sword is just too much. Too depressing.

However, Keilal stuck to his heart, he was just trying to get no results, so when faced with the attack of the Mountain Lord, he actually blocked it with his giant sword.

The old man of the mountain became more and more frightened as he fought. The longer Kelal remained in a stalemate, the faster and faster his magic power recovered. When he gained a certain amount of magic power, it was time for him to launch a thunderous strike.

Even he would never want to bear Keilal's thunderous blow.

So what is Takamachi Nanoha, who is also a Caster, doing?

The old man of the mountain turned his head and looked at the two people who were entangled...


The new mechanical keyboard has arrived, and it is very comfortable to write on, but the old chair makes my back hurt from sitting on it. I have to lie down for half an hour after writing, and I feel sleepy... Sorry

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