The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 458 Desperate Situation

Chapter 161 Desperate Situation

The combination of Kelal and Attila happens to be a tank and a damage-dealing combination.

On the contrary, Gao Tingnaye and Shan Zhiwen formed an awkward combination.

Of these two people, Yamanoyo has no magic resistance, while Takamachi Nanoha needs to be responsible for both offense and defense.

Even though they were trying their best to resist Attila alone's Noble Phantasm, there was also Keilal who was watching eagerly from the side.

It can be said that all the pressure fell on Takamachi Nanoha. On the contrary, the Yamanoyo seemed very powerful, but became useless.

This in itself was what Keilal expected.

Even if the Lord of the Mountain does not appear, once he is defeated, he will call the heroic spirits around him and come up to consume Takamachi Nanoha's command spell.

He probably guessed that the legendary bonus of the Mountain Old Man, even if there is a Noble Phantasm, it is only a single anti-personnel Noble Phantasm, or even a close combat Noble Phantasm.

In this case, he has nothing to worry about.

How could Kelal's IQ allow people like Galadia and Dinisha to confront him head-on?

Facing this kind of enemy, you should use firepower until you die!

"Continue." Keilal said calmly next to her.

The Sword of the Star Tears Army God.

Sword of the God of War.

It doesn't matter which one.

As long as Takamachi Nanoha can be forced to continuously consume her magic power, then Attila's consumption is meaningful.

Keilal regained his energy on the side, but his whole body was watching six directions and listening to all directions.

Of course, these two people are not the only enemies.

In fact, Nero's appearance really surprised him.

What surprised him even more was that Nero actually became his enemy willfully and caught Lily fighting.

And Alcatel also became a heroic spirit.

It has to be said that these two people held back the four heroic spirits of Kailar, which greatly dispersed the strength and combat effectiveness of Kailar's side.

Otherwise, the Lord of the Mountain can be handed over to Dinisa, and Takamachi Nanoha, whether it is Red R or Erza, can have an advantage, especially the Saber class, which has very high magic power, even if As long as her bombardment is not an A+++ level magic, it won't cause much damage to them.

Now that a dilemma has been formed, it can only be broken by someone.

And who else could this person be except Keilal? !

Kelal's wings continued to absorb the light, and his eyes were cast in all directions. He nodded understandingly with Galadia, and then looked elsewhere.

King Arthur of Guns and Scathana are really like a general meeting a good talent, and a chess match meeting an opponent.

Although King Arthur of the Spear is proficient in the spear of battle, and Scathach is proficient in the spear of battle, their martial arts skills are unprecedented. The two spears flew up and down, forward and backward, and sparks splashed from time to time. , just like the two masses of steel colliding fiercely at high speed.

The reality is more intense than the collision of steel.

As heroic spirits made of ether, their weapons are many times stronger than steel. The hardness of their Noble Phantasms means that their Noble Phantasms cannot be damaged no matter how they collide. Once this terrible weapon falls on them, they will be destroyed. Huge damage.

So the battle between the two is the battle between the knight and the spearman.

There is a reason why the Lancer class is called a Lancer.

For example, King Arthur's love horse Don Stallion is now walking around the battlefield at high speed with King Arthur of Guns. A Wind King barrier is naturally formed in front of one person and one horse, and the Wind King barrier cooperates with her treasure. The indestructible spear can reach speeds exceeding 200km per hour. In an urban area like this, it can be said to come and go like the wind.

And even though Scathach's agility is A, his speed is not comparable to that of King Arthur of the Gun, so he seems to be at a disadvantage now, being restrained by his elbow and unable to turn over.

But Kelar knows that Scathach is the queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, and she definitely possesses amazing treasures thanks to the legendary bonus. Even if he faces her, he must be careful. Now she seems to be blocking the way. Being at a disadvantage may just be her tactics and strategy.

But this is enough, just drag it on like this.

"Artoria!!" Kelar shouted.

He was calling the blue Artoria who was waiting.

In this case, Galadia was the only one left in his home base, Tohsaka Residence, to guard against Kotomine Kirei's Servant, the white-haired Archer.

Now, Keilal decided to let Blue Saber break the deadlock, which was really a good choice.

Artoria was stunned for a moment when she heard Kelar's words, and then she shouted loudly. She was instantly covered by armor, and huge magic power burst out around her, and she rushed into the sky in an instant.

"Use the Noble Phantasm directly, Artoria!" Kelar shouted.

Without thinking, Arturia released the Wind King's barrier in her hand, and the golden sword rose into the sky. Its huge power made everyone look at it.

Even if her breast size is not the largest among all the Arthurs.

Even if she is King Arthur from another world.

Even if she even has a little bit of a hopeless desire to go back in time and save Camelot.

Even if she has so many problems...

She is still the majestic King Arthur!

The beam of light shot up into the sky and instantly hit Takamachi Nanoha's defensive shield.

Attila looked on coldly at Artoria's Holy Sword, which was a completely different type of Noble Phantasm from her Sword of the God of War.

Although they are both beams of light, and although their power is unparalleled, the opponent's power directly reaches the A++ level, comparable to her Star Tears Sword of the God of War. This terrifying power is indeed eye-catching.

"Is this her royal way?" Attila asked gently.

"That's right, it's her royal way, upright and righteous." Kailar sighed softly.

This is why Keilal gave her a physical body.

Her wish is destined to be impossible to achieve. Her wish makes people love and pity her, but Keilal cannot show much love and compassion to her. He can only help her obtain a body and let her live in this world again. .

This was the greatest kindness he could show her.

What exactly was she thinking about joining forces this time? Keilal was guessing that it was immoral, but she was definitely not from the same group as Emiya Kiritsugu.

What is the purpose of helping him?

Kelal planned to ask for clarification after the war. There was no point in clarifying the matter now.

A huge beam of light hit Takamachi Nanoha's protective shield in an instant.

Even after her magic power is fully filled with the Command Seal, her EX level magic power should not be able to block two shots of an A++ level Noble Phantasm.

What's more, the magic power of both Artoria and Attila is definitely more than that!

So what will you do next? Keilal thought to himself as he watched Takamachi Nanoha holding on to the pink shield, looking around the entire battlefield.


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