The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 472 Erza’s Glory

Chapter 175 Erza’s Glory

Kelal did expect Takamachi Nanoha to join the battle, but what he didn't expect was that Takamachi Nanoha would come so quickly and in such a hurry.

There was just a flash of pink light in the sky, and everyone just raised their heads when a thick beam of light fell from the sky.

If Kelal was at his peak, an attack of this magnitude could be blocked by just raising his hand.

But now Keilal is already very fragile.

But his previous actions saved his life.

That is to call Erza and Nagato Yuki to his side.

Erza and Nagato Yuki looked at the beam of light falling from the sky, their expressions changed, and their reaction speed was extremely fast. In just an instant, Nagato Yuki had already opened his hand.

A thin light curtain blocked the three people, but Erza never believed that Nagato Yuki could withstand Archer's bombardment, so the light on her body flashed, and she saw that she was wearing a suit like Yue Ordinary heavy armor.

This heavy armor is layered on top of each other, consisting of dark and light colors. The metallic light is reflected under the moonlight. The armor on her body looks extremely thick. Of course, it also looks extremely bulky to other heroic spirits.

But it is so bulky, and she also carries two long semicircular shields with water chestnuts on her arms.

She yelled at the long shield, closed her hands, and suddenly merged together through the mechanism. A large shield like a door panel appeared in Erza's hand in an instant, and then inserted deeply into it. On the rooftop of Tohsaka House.

The bombardment is coming.

It came very quickly, like thunder, like strong wind, like a nuclear bomb, like the end of the world that destroyed everything.

The Tohsaka family's first layer of defensive barrier was broken before it could even stop her for a second.

Then there is Nagato Yuki’s defense.

The two sides were in a stalemate for three seconds, and then Nagato Yuki was declared defeated.

Nagato Yuki pursed her lips, took half a step back, and in just a moment, the pink magic bombardment landed on Erza's shield.

Erza gritted her teeth and felt a huge force instantly coming from her hands, and quickly spread throughout her body.

Has Kelal been fighting this monster all along? !

Erza's feet sank into the floor of the rooftop of the Tohsaka House in an instant. The marble-paved floor shattered in an instant. Her feet sunk deep into the floor of the rooftop. Fortunately, the Tosaka House was built before it was built. The Holy Grail War has been taken into consideration, and unlike ordinary Japanese wooden mansions, it was built according to the specifications of a bomb shelter.

It is precisely because of this that in the face of this A-level bombardment, it did not collapse or collapse. Instead, it relied on the advantages of reinforced concrete to support Erza.

Erza also blocked the attack and saved Keilal.

Although I wrote so many chapters, it was just a matter of time and wasted no time. Takamachi Nanoha's cannon attack came faster than lightning. She was able to react thanks to her heroic spirit-level reflexes. Waiting After more than ten seconds of bombardment, the entire rooftop was completely destroyed by the turbulence of the bombardment blocked by Erza.

Fortunately, only the outer surface of the decoration was damaged, but the steel frame inside was not shaken at all.

"Erza, what are you waiting for?" Kelar said before Erza moved.

His fighting consciousness is two or three seconds faster than Erza. If he can fight, Takamachi Nanoha, who is recovering now, will definitely not feel uncomfortable, but by the time he speaks, Takamachi Nanoha will have already recovered. .

Erza was still too stuck on the warrior's fighting style and forgot about the battle between heroic spirits and magicians.

Her previous battles were indeed of a very high level, but the magicians in the Dragon Continent didn't seem to be very good at using traditional magician fighting methods.

As for the new-school mages, fast-paced battles like Takamachi Nanoha are even better.

Erza and the others are not so much magicians as they are magic warriors with magical power.

For example, ordinary magicians will not hesitate whether to attack or defend now, because they know how shocking this large-scale consumption of magic power is, but if Erza doesn't move forward, I'm afraid she won't think of it. Go and force the other person.

This is determined by the distance of the battle.

Erza is suitable for fighting within fifty meters. As long as she sees the enemy's expression, the enemy's breathing, and the enemy's ups and downs, she can instantly judge the enemy's situation, tired or perfect, strong or weak, this is As a warrior, she is born with intuition. This powerful intuition like Dinisa and others can only be obtained through transformation, but Erza has this powerful intuition since she was born, the intuition of a warrior.

That's right, as a Saber, Erza's intuition even directly reached A++, even two levels higher than Artoria.

But Takamachi Nanoha is a magician and a magic cannon user. Her attack range is from one meter to three kilometers away, which is possible.

When she can't see the enemy, her own rhythm is perfect. Attacking, recovering, attacking again, and even dodging are all within her own rhythm.

Those who have never fought Takamachi Nanoha cannot understand the rhythm of Takamachi Nanoha's attacks.

However, unable to see Takamachi Nanoha herself, Erza's intuition was only a little slower than Keilal's reminder as she was struck by the beyond-visual range.

In just an instant, her body was covered in animal skin armor.

It is worth mentioning that she actually has an animal ear headband on her long burgundy hair.

The most eye-catching thing about her animal skin armor was her pair of huge gauntlets.

The gauntlet was raised high, and then she held a red spear that appeared out of thin air, and she took a step forward.

She created spiderweb-like cracks in the already fragmented rooftop. Those cracks spread in all directions, even causing Keilar to take a step back to avoid these cracks.

He saw her take a deep breath and throw the spear out in an instant.

Not magic, not magic, not any kind of Noble Phantasm.

It's just a matter of simply strengthening one's own muscle strength through the Noble Phantasm, and then physically projecting another Noble Phantasm through the power of the muscles.

But even so, the spear had already exceeded the speed of sound the moment it left Erza's hand, and then rushed towards Takamachi Nanoha at a speed faster than sound.

Takamachi Nanoha never thought that someone would attack her with such an attack method. When she saw the spear, it was already too late to dodge!


Now go write chapter two

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