Chapter 178 Scathach

Kailar looked at the gem man who was forced to retreat and Bai Ji who appeared, with a smile on his face.

The relaxation and calmness he had before really meant he was ready to die.

Because there is absolutely no evidence to prove that he has other people who can hold him back or stop the gem man.

So death is indeed very close at hand.

But the appearance of Arquitect was indeed an unexpected surprise. Keilar discovered Arquitect locked up in an old castle in the Irish forest. From then on, the two became good friends.

Although Erquette could not leave the castle for a long time, Kelar could visit her frequently.

He did not expect that Arquitet would become the master of this Holy Grail War, but he felt that Arquitet's appearance was probably the only trace of goodwill left in the world.

I hope Arquette can hold him back.

Kelal sighed inwardly.

Another person appeared on the rooftop again.

Come again? Keilal turned his head and looked at the woman with long hair like flames in front of him. Her waterfall-like long hair was as red as flames. Although it was slightly different from Aozaki Orange's long orange hair, Keilal Still, he recognized her at first sight as Aozaki Aoko's sister, Aozaki Aoko.

"Today's distinguished guests are really coming one after another." Keilar shook his head gently, looked at Aozaki Aoko and asked: "Miss Aoko is here to kill me today too?"

Aozaki Aoko tilted her head and looked at Keilal curiously: "Why do you say that?"

"Well, we are in a hostile state after all."

"The Holy Grail War is the Holy Grail War, and as for the battle of heroic spirits, let it be left to the heroic spirits." Aozaki Aoko said with a cheerful smile: "I have interfered in the battles between heroic spirits several times, I hope you don't mind."

As a fifth-level magician, Aozaki Aoko was so easy to talk to, which greatly exceeded Keilal's expectations.

"Then why did Miss Aoko enter the Tohsaka Residence at this time?" You must know that magicians attach great importance to their territory and territory. Any magician who dares to enter the other party's territory and territory without visiting will be killed. Falling is allowed, this is the default unspoken rule of magicians.

A magician like Qingzi who showed up uninvited, if she hadn't been so powerful that no one could do anything to her, she would have been picked up and made into a butt.

"I just wanted to apologize."

"My sister came here uninvited. I'm really sorry." She bowed slightly, as if she really came here for this matter.

"This matter has been left to Rin and Sakura to deal with. As long as nothing happens to them, let's treat it as a test for them."

The truth is not that simple. Aozaki Orange is a well-known color magician, while Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura are just magicians from a small place. The two of them went to fight against a color magician. Just think about it, you know what will happen. They will definitely suffer a lot, and they may even lose their lives.

Keilar was able to be so calm and determined entirely because of two rituals.

But in Aozaki Aoko's ears, it became the subtext that as long as no one is killed, it doesn't matter what you do.

She looked at Keilal with a sweet smile: "Then thank you very much. After all, having an awkward sister is really troublesome."

She has absolutely no interest in this Holy Grail War. She only joined because she was chosen for some reason and could not refuse Takamachi Nanoha's child and her sister's life.

For her, she has even reached the root, and the Holy Grail has no attraction for her.

However, the heroic spirits participating in the Holy Grail War this time made her find it more interesting.

She just stood on the rooftop, admiring the battlefields in the front, left and right with Keilal, and couldn't help but make a tut-tsk sound.

This is a frank and straightforward girl. Keilar does not have any prejudice against this kind of girl. On the contrary, she admires their character very much.

Although this kind of personality is not suitable for being a girlfriend, it is really pleasant and relaxing to get along with them as friends.

The things that made Kelal weird before have also been corrected.

Aozaki Aoko didn't join the war because of Alaya and Gaia. She only joined the war because she didn't want to see Takamachi Nanoha die in front of her.

She also did not join forces with Gemstone Weng.

Everyone even started working on their own.

It was only because of the intervention of some great will that it turned into a siege on Kelal.

For example, the Jewel Man does not obey the orders of Alaya and Gaia. As mentioned before, the magicians who have laws are completely independent individuals. There is no need to obey the instructions of Alaya and Gaia. action.

Gemstone Weng's murderous intention towards Kelal was entirely based on his own judgment.

It's as if Alaya and Gaia judged that Keilal will have great power and power after this Holy Grail War and become unstoppable, so they must kill Keilal in this Holy Grail War, or even Eradicate the Kelal side and leave no trace in this world.

The gem man’s judgment is that Keilal will bring huge interference to all living things in the real world. The core, focus, and key of Keilal’s side are in Keilal’s body, so he only needs to kill Keilal. Lal, all these problems can be solved easily.

What's more, Kelal happened to have lost all his power, allowing the Gem Man to obtain it without any effort.

This kind of thing is even more tempting.

Kelal raised his head and looked at the sky, unable to help but sigh at the impermanence of fate.

Aozaki Aoko, who was thought to be an enemy, actually showed no hostility, while Gemstone Man, who was not involved in the plot, inexplicably wanted to kill her.

This fate is really a twist of fate.


Just a little while longer and it'll be fine.

Kelal raised his head and looked at the stars. He could tell the time based on the shift of the stars, so he never meant it.

After a while, Artoria and the others will be back.

That means that this time the Holy Grail War has come to a complete end.

The Holy Grail War is coming to an end.

Keilal closed his eyes gently, feeling very relaxed.

Then comes a new life...

Just as Keilal relaxed, a spear penetrated from Keilal's chest.

And at the end of the spear, there is a strong and powerful heart, which is beating continuously.

Keilal's blood rushed to his throat. He turned his head hard, looked at the woman who appeared behind her, and murmured



caught up

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