The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 48 Luna’s Spying (16,000 recommended plus more updates)

Chapter 048 Luna’s Spying

Luna keenly sensed something was wrong with Ginny.

At first she thought it was because Ginny had never gotten over the shadow of that incident, but she soon realized something was wrong.

Ginny didn't look like she was sad. Instead, she looked blushing and thoughtful. Instead, she looked...a little in love?

Luna and Ginny were students in the first batch, and are now both first-year students at Hogwarts. Ginny's introversion and Luna's outgoing nature made the two of them natural friends, and Ginny seemed to have many older brothers. She is in Gryffindor, but actually her brothers don't like to play with her.

There was a huge age difference, and even Ron, the only one close to her age, often hung out with Hermione and Harry Potter.

She was very lonely, and so was Luna.

Luna's personality is too open, and she also has a smart brain and keen insight. She can tell at a glance whether anyone likes or dislikes her. This sensitive sense makes it difficult for her to make friends.

Ginny's introversion also means that she is very sensitive inside.

When these two met, they basically hit it off.

Even if she is Ravenclaw, even if she is Gryffindor, the two of them have become good friends.

Faced with Ginny's situation, she couldn't help but ask.

Facing her friend's inquiry, Ginny couldn't help but express her feelings.

"Actually, I don't like it too much..." She hesitated and said directly: "But when Professor McGonagall was teaching me that day, Professor Kelal stood up and spoke to me. He was very gentle... "

Is this it... Luna couldn't help but mutter in her heart.

"And even though I didn't go that day, my brother told me..." Luna's ears perked up. Even she was curious about what happened that day.

After that day, the teachers remained silent, and the three Harry Potters received a serious warning. Once this matter spread, it would have an immeasurable impact on Hogwarts. Look at how impatient Lucius Malfoy was. Come over and force Dumbledore to find out.

So no one in the trio said anything, not even Ron and his brothers.

The exception for Ginny is that this incident started with her.

So she was warned as an exception, and Ron also briefly mentioned to her what happened in the secret room.

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she was still impressed by the man's power.

In the flames, the white-robed and silver-haired sage transformed into a red dragon. Breathing out flames, he directly burned the basilisk that Voldemort had protected for decades into charcoal.

I wonder if Principal Dumbledore has such power and power?

Besides, even if Principal Dumbledore can do it, he is still over one hundred and ten years old. Even if he is still so strong, how long can he maintain it?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the future belongs to Kellard and Snape.

But compared with Snape, who was cold and unpretentious to others, Keilal, who was gentle and gentle, was obviously more popular.

Luna knew this from the other girls' mouths from the very beginning.

But what I didn't expect was that in such a short period of time, Ginny had already fallen.

All she saw was Ginny sighing sadly: "It would be great if I were Hermione. I get along with him day and night..."

This plaintive cry caused goosebumps all over Luna's body.

Unable to bear that her best friend had become like this, Luna turned and walked away, leaving Ginny where she was.

It's just that Luna walked on the road, but for some reason, she subconsciously walked to the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom. Although she had no feelings for Keilal, she became very curious about him.

She admitted that Keilal was very humorous and easy to listen to during class, and it was difficult to forget him once he listened.

But that's not the reason why she likes someone.

Neither is being powerful.

Luna was very curious about what charm he had that could make people fascinated. Not to mention Ginny, Hermione was also one. Most of the other female students were extremely obsessed with Professor Kelal, especially because of this. That's why Hermione, who was able to become Professor Kelar's disciple on her own, was privately called a bitch.

What is his charm?

She couldn't help but want to take a peek...

She knocked lightly and found that no one was there. She frowned. It was really rude to walk directly into a professor's room. Once caught, Ravenclaw would lose points, and it was still... Deduct points severely, the risk is too great.

But if they weren't here, where would they be?

Luna knew that Professor Kelar and Hermione would have separate teachings after every dinner. The whole school knew about this, so where are they now?

After thinking for a moment, Luna's eyes lit up and she walked towards the duel room.

Ever since Kelar became the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the dueling room has been frequently requested by him. Now, everyone has agreed that the dueling room is for him to use. Most of the students do not require dueling, even if the teachers do. When it comes to teaching, most of them just say hello. More often, Keilal teaches the students various practical skills in the duel room, and everyone acquiesces in his use.

The duel room should be empty now.

But when Luna stepped lightly to the duel room, she found that the noise inside was not quiet.

At this time, no one else will be here except Professor Kelar and Hermione, right?

Luna knew in her heart that she had guessed it right. She gently pushed the door open. Apparently it was not locked because there was someone inside.

She relaxed her breath and walked in slowly.

The sound inside became more and more violent. Luna passed through the entrance hall, walked around the stone pillar, and then gently poked her head out, and saw a scene that surprised her.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide, her mouth turned into an O shape, and she looked at the scene inside in surprise.

Those two people were actually...

In the duel room, Hermione was dripping with sweat and was wearing only a single piece of clothing. Due to the strenuous exercise, her beautiful figure was exposed. Although she was still immature, she was young and beautiful, but neither of them had time at this time. Enjoy this scene.

Not only were Hermione's clothes soaked with sweat, but even her hair was stuck together with sweat, but she was too tired now to take care of those things.

Keilal demands intense concentration from her all the time, and she has no time for anything else!

A dozen orbs of light floated about seven to eight meters around her. In two to three seconds, one of the light orbs would light up and then fire out a laser. She had to dodge the lasers continuously, and then pull out the wand from her waist. Counterattack with a deflection spell.

The two of them have been training like this for an hour and a half.

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