The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 480 The Prison of the Sage

Chapter 183 The Prison of the Sage

Arturia's whole body was covered with golden light, and the scabbard instantly enveloped her whole body, blocking all attacks.

Others are not as lucky as her.

In addition to King Arthur with the sword in his scabbard, there are also Red R and Dante who suddenly opened their shields.

The others only had time to raise their heads, and were instantly showered from the head by the black beam of light that shot down from the sky.

This was not a simple light, but a magical attack full of offensive power from Keilal. Takamachi Nanoha directly unfolded the shield in front of her, and those black beams of light instantly hit her like water. On the pink light shield, the pink light shield trembled, and the black beam of light split in two directions.

This was just Takamachi Nanoha. The others had no means of defense at all and were hit by the black beam of light falling from the sky in an instant.

This is not a simple attack, but a powerful attack that contains curses, weakness, and even death.

This kind of negative magic flow, coupled with Kelal's extremely fast attack speed, has almost no dead ends or flaws.

What's more, Kelal has been hiding for so long, waiting for the magic to be completed, so it is impossible for them to follow it so easily.

Almost all of the three Arthurs with extremely high magic power have their own defense capabilities. Even the Gun Arthur, her spear that flashes in the end, also has the ability to destroy evil.

Leaving aside the three Artoria who were extremely sensitive to magic, Erza instantly changed into [Fairy Armor] and blocked the attack in an instant.

Dinisha and Galadia burst out with vigorous magic power in an instant, raising their own magic power to a terrifying level in an instant, and withstood the blow.

And a Japanese sword with a white handle and a blue scabbard appeared on Dante's body in an instant. He could only see him taking out the sword very quickly, and he slashed several times on the top of his head in an instant.

He saw that the space above his head was split open in an instant. Keral's black light hit the split space like rain, and separated like raindrops, unable to attack Dante at all.

As for others, they were not so lucky. Nero and Attila were both attacked by Kelal.

There was no way to dodge this attack, and they could only rely on Noble Phantasms or their bodies to resist it, but neither of them had it. After taking the blow, they were seriously injured.

Kelal didn't want to kill everyone here, so he didn't use the sage's law. Otherwise, it's hard to say how many people would still be standing here.

All he saw was the black wings on his back spread out instantly, and then the whole person was like a black lightning, coming and going without a trace in the dark night.

Galadia and Dinisha, who reacted the fastest, wanted to stop Keilal, but were blocked by the black light in the sky.

The black light descended by Kelal was like a divine punishment, containing both magical attacks and physical impacts. It was not easy to move freely in the face of such a huge attack.

And every feather of Keilal's wings was spraying black magic power, like a jet fighter, making Keilal's speed exceed the speed of sound in an instant and came to Attila.

Attila was holding his sword to resist the black beam of light in the sky, but he did not expect that Keilal suddenly made a sudden attack, took her in his arms, and then lowered his head and kissed her.

"Well..." Attila was very slow in this regard, but he was still a normal person. His face immediately turned red after being kissed by Kelar.

But what came from Keilal's mouth made her frown.

Keilal would not let go of her and give her a chance. The evil of this world continued to pour into her body, transforming her body, so that no one could see what methods Keilal used to transform her body. They transformed it.

To put it simply, even if Keilar's stance has changed and his character has become evil, his wisdom is still there. Precisely because of this, this is the most difficult part. He is so witty and cunning but has no bottom line. You You can't guess where he will be next, or who his next target will be!

"That's it!" A huge shout appeared in the sky, and a woman rushed down from the sky with a shout, a long sword, and a flag gun, as if charging, heading straight for Kelal.

"Are you here?! Ruler!!" Keilal let go of Attila and shouted.

Ruler's intervention in the Holy Grail War has already happened once in the Third Holy Grail War. Keilar had seen it in the Tohsaka family's classics and was prepared.

It's just that I didn't expect that Alaya and Gaia could endure it until the end, and they just dispatched Ruler when it was almost over.

In fact, Kelal knew what they were thinking.

Ruler has the power to command two command spells over all heroic spirits, and as long as Kelal does not give Artoria and the others a physical form, Ruler has control over all the heroic spirits under Kelal.

In the last few games, Kelar spent an average of one or two Command Seals on his side. The two were offset by two, and then Ruler was allowed to perform a good show in which all the heroes turned against each other. In addition to Kelar's original four heroic spirits, , without any helpers at all, unable to resist the heroic spirits of Kelal's original faction, including Ruler.

But now Advent no longer has that meaning.

She is just using Ruler as an ordinary heroic spirit. If she dares to order a curse on the heroic spirit of Kelal, the evil in this world will immediately be fed back to her through the magical connection of the command curse, directly. Contaminate her.

An ordinary heroic spirit means nothing to Kelal.

No, what if the Ruler who descends is an S-class heroic spirit?

Enhanced by the black mud, almost all of the heroic spirits on Kelal's side are S-class, and their combat effectiveness will only become out of reach as Kelal contaminates them one by one.

But they had no way to fight back.

Could there be another Kelal who could open a fairy ball and spend twenty years to purify him?

"Lord! Give me this responsibility!" The Ruler raised his flag gun and shouted loudly.

She praised the true name of the Lord and shouted the name of God loudly. The red lotus bloomed on her body. She stepped on the red lotus and rushed towards Kelal like an indomitable knight.

"How awesome!" Keilal shouted, clasping his hands together, he shouted: "Sage's Ball!"

It's just that this black sage's ball is not used to resist fatal attacks, but a cage used to imprison the opponent!


Maybe there will be a second update.

Regarding the resetting of the otoliths, an instrument is used in a dark room to see the situation in your ears through the vitreous body of your eyes, and then the doctor twists your head to reset the otoliths. In addition to registration and medical consultation, the entire The process takes less than 10 minutes, and it is indeed as the doctor said: Among the patients here, your disease is the best to treat.

However, although I committed the crime once in junior high school, people did not understand the disease of otolith loss at that time, so it was misdiagnosed as otitis media.

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