The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 487 Alaya and Gaia’s desperate situation

Chapter 190 Alaya and Gaia’s desperate situation

Mordred, Scathach, and Attila are not all the same as King Arthur of the Gun.

King Arthur of the Gun is just exhausted. As long as Kelar uses recovery, tranquility, purification and other magics, she will be fine naturally. Even because of the dragon's blood, her recovery speed is getting better at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mordred, Scathach, and Attila have swallowed black mud, and they are no longer heroic spirits.

Once they are given bodies by the black mud, they are really injured. Once something goes wrong, there is a real problem.

The black mud in their bodies has been expelled by the sages, which means that all the magic power in their bodies has been dissipated. Now they are extremely weak. Except for Mordred, who can barely walk, Scathach and Atti The two of them were completely unable to move, so they had to be taken away directly by Galadia and Dinisha.

In the eyes of the Black Sage, Joan of Arc is just an ordinary heroic spirit.

But for other sages, she is a very crucial key.

She can serve as a bridge to communicate directly with Alaya and Gaia, and is also a part of Kelar's plan.

When the ice melted and the snow melted, the red lotuses dispersed in all directions in an instant. Of course, the most terrifying thing was that the target of these red lotuses was Kailar.

There is no doubt that Jeanne d'Arc's red lotus was heading towards "Kelar" from the beginning. When the Sage's Ball dispersed, these red lotuses naturally headed towards "Kelar".

This castration is uncontrollable and irreversible after Joan of Arc uses the Noble Phantasm.

This red lotus is extremely terrifying. Although it only focuses on one target and burns it, in fact it will not stop until death. It is like the poison of the tarsal bone. It is absolutely unavoidable unless death occurs.

But it does not harm anyone other than the target, and even the building will not be burned at all.

This is the Holy Flame of Red Lotus Saint Joan of Arc!

But who is Kelal? Already anticipating this situation, four of the six sages took action together and used fairy balls to shut down the life spilling out from all directions in an instant, while the remaining two used [Su of the Dead] on Joan of Arc. Born.

I only saw endless light blooming from Jeanne's body. Jeanne opened her mouth, and her whole face was groaning in pain, but not a single sound came out.

The flames on her body slowly faded away, and the holy fire enveloped by the four spheres of sages also slowly dissipated, revealing her delicate face.

Suddenly, Joan of Arc opened her eyes, and her face changed from the uncomfortable one to one of neither sadness nor joy. She turned her head, looked at Keilal with a pair of eyes that were not like human beings and had no emotion, and asked: " What do you want to do?"

"Sure enough, it's here." The sages chuckled, released the sage's ball and magic, and let Jeanne fall lightly to the ground.

"Hello, this is the first time we meet. I wonder who came to reality?"

The six sages all bent down to greet him. After raising their heads and straightening their bodies, one of the six smiling sages, Keilal, asked.

"I am Alaya." She described a "fact" in such a calm, or rather emotionless voice.

"What do you want to do?" She continued to reiterate the question.

Actually this question is very important.

They had already gone to great lengths to deal with a sage, but before they could deal with it, they had even turned him into the terrifying appearance he is now.

Thirty wise men...

It is estimated that the Hall of Valor can be demolished.

When the sages began to take action against Jeanne d'Arc, Jeanne d'Arc had a physical body, which meant that Alaya and Gaia's last chess piece in the human world had been cut off.

Now they have to take advantage of the fact that Joan of Arc has not yet escaped his control, come down to earth, and ask Kelal with their own eyes and mouth what exactly he wants to do.

"I want to take away all the heroic spirits on my side."

"I need a third method."

"After completing the above two points, we can live in peace."

"This is impossible, mortal, you will have a huge impact on the real world, you will affect the course of history."

"That doesn't make sense to me, and you should know that."

"I have the second method, and I will soon have the fifth method. History is just our painting. What kind of oil painting I draw depends on my mood. For you in this world, maybe history is... It’s walking on a certain trajectory.”

"But for me, who owns countless worlds, this kind of history and this kind of world is just a playground."

"This is my condition, and it is also the promise I make to you in this world. If you don't listen, we will use the second method to interfere in this world."

"Although you are a collection of human consciousness, unfortunately I have seen countless human consciousnesses and collections of world consciousness in countless worlds."

"Unless you can connect the dots, you mean nothing to me."

Keilard's words caused Jeanne d'Arc and Bu Alaya to fall into a long silence. Keilal was right. It seems that the one time in history that power reached a critical point and coveted the earth was Zhu Yuena. once.

The lunar consciousness represented by Zhu Yue wants to directly engulf the collection of earth consciousness and human consciousness. It is precisely because of this that in order to protect themselves and the earth, Alaya and Gaia summoned a large number of living forces on the earth to stop Zhu Yue.

It was also that battle that allowed Zhu Yue to successfully fall into a deep sleep and no longer pose a threat to Alaya and Gaia. It was also because of that battle that Gemstone Weng became the second Death Apostle after being embraced by Zhu Yue. One of the seventeen ancestors.

Now Keilal's meaning is very clear. He has no interest in becoming a combination of consciousness, but he is very dissatisfied with Alaya and Gaia coming to stop him one after another.

If Alaya and Gaia do not stop this behavior, he will represent the countless Kelars in countless worlds and launch a crusade against Alaya and Gaia in this world.

By then it was not as simple as one Kelar, but two Kelars.

When countless Kelars possessing the second, third, and fifth laws descend here, Alaya and Gaia will have no power to resist at all. By then, they will be ravaged by others. Like a little girl.

Because of this, Alaya fell into deep silence.

It didn't know how to respond to Kelal's words.

But Keilal had something to remind him.

"It's just a few heroic spirits anyway."

"What's more, if we don't take action, you won't be able to do anything about the black sage who possesses the evil of this world, right?"

His words finally made Alaya make up his mind.

"I see……"

Joan of Arc took a deep look at Keilal who spoke.

"What an amazing human being, who can bring us to this point..."


Second update.

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