The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 493 Tower of Evil

Chapter 196 Tower of Evil

The two black and white sages looked at each other in mid-air, and sparks that ordinary people could not detect bloomed between them.

Both of them had made preparations and had backup plans. Apart from their different stances, they were actually Keilal himself.

But it’s because of me that it’s even more difficult.

Killing the other party is definitely not your intention, not to mention it will be difficult to gain trust in front of the sages from other planes after you start this. Although the sages from other planes don't know, they just do it. There will always be a day when it is exposed.

With the wisdom of Keilar and the others, concealing such a big matter is really not worth the gain.

And the black sage had no intention of killing so many white sages.

Of course, there was the concern of the White Sage before, but more importantly, he was afraid that after killing the White Sage, the second method would not fall into his hands, so he spent a lot of time looking for the second method and seizing the second method. Two methods.

This "large amount of time" is undoubtedly calculated in terms of ten years, or even hundreds of years.

This measurement unit of time is very long and precious even in terms of Kelal's lifespan.

It is precisely because of this that both sides are a little wary of the current situation, but they are each hiding and preparing their own back-ups, preparing to abolish and capture the other party.

These are two shrewd and cunning hunters. While chasing their prey, they also set traps behind themselves, trying to make other prey, or the prey that drives them away, walk into their traps.

Ordinary people would definitely not be able to keep up with their speed and rhythm.

But they are all Kelar!

Of course, this book would be boring if they were in such a stalemate, so soon, both of them found a way to break the situation.

I only saw the huge flow of magic power condensed on the Black Sage's side, and darkness began to spread in all directions of the black Kelal. This darkness was so fast that people had no time to react before they were swallowed up by him.

Everyone seems to be in a black cage, unable to see anything, without any light. People with weaker hearts will cry out of fear if they stay here for ten seconds.

But who were the Knights of the Round Table and their enemies?

The silence only lasted for a few seconds before it started again. The Knights of the Round Table and their enemies closed their eyes and began to fight in the darkness.

The way they fight is to recall where the enemy was before the darkness came, and then start waving their weapons to attack the previous location.

The enemy is also listening to the voice and identifying their position. In the darkness, the sound of weapons breaking through the air is even more obvious. As long as you close your eyes, listen carefully, and taste the sound of the wind being split, you can accurately capture the enemy's position in an instant. Position, and even where the enemy's weapons are, he can accurately catch them and then counterattack.

But if it's just a one-on-one fight between two people, any martial artist with a name can do it.

But if the battle expands to twelve people, twenty-four people, or even more than thirty people.

The sounds of these weapons hitting each other, the sound of breaking through the air, and the sound of footsteps will be covered up in a messy, tinny, or even inaudible manner.

But even so, the scene of sparks flying still took place in the darkness, and there were more than one place. In the darkness, there were sparks everywhere!

Obviously, the twenty-four people in this battle did not hesitate at all. After two or three seconds of adaptation, they immediately started fighting again.

If one of the two parties in this kind of battle is slightly weaker, or reacts a moment too late, he may be cut in half by the other party.

But precisely because all the warrior heroes' opponents and enemies were equally matched, their fighting spirit burst out in an instant even hotter than before.

What a beautiful view.

Standing high in the sky, showing the most dazzling wings, Keilal stood next to Takamachi Nanoha. The magic power condensed on Takamachi Nanoha's staff became more and more powerful, making people more and more frightened. It is precisely because of this that the first target of the Black King Arthur and the Black Sage hiding in the dark is actually not anyone else, but him and Takamachi Nanoha.

The others are not important at all. Even if they lose, it will only increase the combat power of White Sage by +1.

But if he is hit by Takamachi Nanoha, it will be -10,000 combat power loss. As a black sage, how he will calculate is of course very rational.

His, or rather the two of them's attack was very close. Even though he couldn't see the two of them, the White Sage could still smell the dangerous aura close at hand from the air.

He never left Takamachi Nanoha, just waiting for the thunderous strike from the two of them.

Whether Takamachi Nanoha can attack depends on whether his defense is in place.

But facing the simultaneous attacks from King Arthur and himself, even the White Sage would never dare to say that he could succeed 100%.

But sometimes fighting is like this. Even if there is only 30% or 10% hope, as long as there is still a chance of victory, it is enough to use 100% of the effort to fight for this opportunity.

The White Sage spread his wings widely, and the two magic balls in his hands slowly closed together, and then he held the magic in his hands, which was very intimidating.

Coupled with the pink magic condensation in front of Takamachi Nanoha's staff, even Keilal himself cannot guarantee that he will be intact after withstanding these two blows.

But even after Nanoha completed the powerful magic in her hand, the Black Sage's attack still didn't come.

Even the darkness is slowly fading away.

It was as if the Black Sage had completely given up.

The White Sage was a little dazed. Did he run away?

But if the Black Sage escapes, it is actually something unexpected and imaginary. He disappears from this world with Artoria, and then captures it when all the Sages return to their own worlds. This world is actually an approach that is more in line with Keilar's rationality and character.

But that would be tricky.

The White Sage frowned and looked towards the end of the black screen.

But the scene at the end of the black screen made him stunned for a rare three seconds, and he took a breath of air.

A black substance like oil spreads along the earth, and even spreads into the sea water. As for the mountains, below the mountains, and the outlet of Fuyuki City, they are like the roots of old trees, completely covered with black substances. .

The entire streets of Fuyuki City were filled with this black substance - except for the area near the Tohsaka mansion where they fought before.

The center of this black material is a huge spiral circular tower that twists and extends toward the sky, just like the ancient Tower of Babylon.

This is the source of the power of the Black Sage that has directly occupied the entire Japanese spiritual vein and is even spreading along the Japanese spiritual vein to all of Japan.

The evil in this world! !


The second update, the computer will be fully assembled in no time, and you can live stream chicken eating and code at the same time~~

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