The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 496 The end of everything

Chapter 199 The End of Everything

"If one shot of the magic cannon cannot solve the problem, then the second shot will be fine."

"If the second shot doesn't solve the problem, then how many Takamachi Nanoha are needed?!"

The sage in world line B laughed happily. He opened his arms, as if embracing the entire sky, making the black sage feel uneasy and frightened for a moment.

In the sky, red light began to bloom, and countless red lights began to bloom densely.

Takamachi Nanoha - or in other words, Takamachi Nanoha of different age groups and different costumes, densely filled the entire sky.

They held magic wands of different shapes in their hands, and the front part of the magic wand began to condense with pink magic power.

"When did it come!" The Black Sage's eyes were wide open, and his whole person exuded an aura of despair.

"Of course when you were setting up the Tower of Evil, the Gem Man had already started bringing them here from various worlds."

"They have been prepared for a long time. Now, they are just waiting for the victory to come."

Archer's Takamachi Nanoha is just a bait!

Even his own people lied to him. Even Takamachi Nanoha thought she was Keilal's last trump card so she tried her best. Even the Black Sage felt that this should be the White Sage's last struggle.

But I don’t know when.

Countless Takamachi Nanoha appeared in the sky.

They were stowaways brought directly from other worlds by the Jewel Man using the second method. Takamachi Nanoha herself is an enthusiastic person, not to mention that she is the one in trouble?

In addition, the adult Nanoha is even very curious about the world in Kelal. The adult Nanoye who works as a member of the [Space-Time Management Bureau] is also very interested in this unknown world, so they are facing After Gemstone Weng's invitation, he came immediately.

If anyone felt doubtful, Gemstone Man also brought those Takamachi Nanoha who were willing to come directly to the confused Takamachi Nanoha.

Use yourself to convince yourself that only Keilal can use this kind of plan.

When more than fifty Takamachi Nanoha appeared in the sky, many of them were even adults. Takamachi Nanoha with a big sideways ponytail, Takamachi Nanoha in casual clothes, and Takamachi Nanoha in uniform and stockings went to work. Nanoha, young Nanoha, young Nanoha, mature Nanoha...

When there are so many Takamachi Nanoha, and the wands in their hands light up at the same time, the scene is really spectacular, like the densely packed stars approaching the earth's starry sky.

"This time, I lost." The Black Sage laughed sadly.

He looked at the countless Takamachi Nanoha in the sky and opened his arms as if to embrace them.

"Come on, let this end!"

"What are you waiting for?"

These Takamachi Nanoha actually don't understand what is going on here, but the deep, dark, and obscure chaotic magic of the Black Sage still allows them to understand who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

After he made his final declaration, Takamachi Nanoha, who had long been accustomed to fighting, would never be merciful. They all increased their magic output to the maximum.

Then there were only countless huge pink light pillars left in the sky, rushing towards Kelar's Tower of Evil and Kelar and Arturia on the top of the tower.

Takamachi Nanoha could see the last movement of the Black Sage, which was to hug the petite woman into his arms.

Then they were instantly engulfed in a pink beam of light.

Takamachi Nanoha didn't stop.

They knew that this Tower of Evil went deep underground. After destroying the Tower of Evil on the surface, they pointed the light beam at the ground without hesitation.

It's like a real floor washing.

Whether it is buildings, the ground, trees, concrete, or vehicles, everything is directly vaporized by the huge magic power, and it is clean.

The magic power penetrated directly into the earth and began to spread in all directions along the roots of the Tower of Evil.

It can be said that how huge and powerful the Tower of Evil was before, then the magic power poured into it by Takamachi Nanoha is now huge and powerful. Their magic power spreads in all directions along the roots of the Tower of Evil, striving to directly purify the entire Tower of Evil.

If it were Takamachi Nanoha, she would definitely not be able to do this.

But Takamachi Nanoha here is full of people, beautiful, and has huge magic power, and the rare thing is that it is the same kind of magic power.

With this kind of magic power, as long as the magic power is enough, it is like high-density magic power expels low-density magic power. This high-density magic power is also extremely aggressive and larger than low-density magic power.

Looking from the International Space Station, the whole of Japan is shining brightly. The pink light shines faintly under the mantle of the earth's surface, and you can take a clear photo.

And the kind place in that photo is exactly where the [Leyline] is.

"It's over." The sage holding Takamachi Nanoha's world line B looked at the black sage with complicated eyes. The Tower of Evil was gradually destroyed by the pink light beam and was devoured. The whole thing represented it's over.

The combined power of more than thirty Takamachi Nanoha is enough to destroy a planet. Now they are just purifying the evil in this world. Is it harder to kill eight billion people with evil thoughts than eight billion people? ?

However, as a sage in the main world line, he unexpectedly fell into such a situation. As Kelal himself, his own emotions are beyond description.

However, after all Nanoha put away their shelling, two naked figures in the concave pit on the ground that looked like they had been bombarded by nuclear bombs made his eyes freeze.

Without him having to go, Kelal from other world lines flew over.

The two sages carefully turned the two of them over, only to see the silver-haired Keilal and the blond-haired Arturia lying on the ground. The two sages took off their cloaks or robes and wrapped them up. , and then flew up holding it.

The other sages saw this and flew over here.

They smiled and greeted Takamachi Nanoha in the sky, and then gathered around the sage in world line B and looked at him.

"You are still alive." The sage from world line B took a deep breath.

"Of course, our bombardment is divided into two modes: physical and magic. Of course, there are also stun and killing modes to choose from. How could we kill him?" A man wearing a blue uniform, about 20 years old, The tall and plump Takamachi Nanoha in uniform floated next to her, looking at the Sage of Light with a smile and said.

"Thank you, please excuse me." The Sage of Light handed over the heroic spirit Naye in his arms.

"Next, it's our job."

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