The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 505 Ten Years Later (3)

Chapter 208 Ten Years Later (3)

The ORT of the twenty-seventh ancestor of the Dead Apostles has been eliminated!

This news only took half a day... no, half an hour to spread throughout the entire circle of magicians and even Death Apostles.

Architects have their own circle of architects, nobles have their own circle of nobles, magicians of course have their own circle of magicians, and even the Dead Apostles hiding underground have their own circle of Death Apostles.

There was no way this news could not spread so quickly, so fiercely, so quickly.

This is the fifth seat among the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

The only person in front of him was the Demonic Marshal Zelrich in the fourth seat.

Zhu Yue in the third seat.

The second seat of the Dark Six Kings.

The first primate killer.

In other words, in the world and ranking of vampires, it is already the top existence.

Vampires are stronger than humans, Dead Apostles are of course stronger than magicians, and the Twenty-seventh Dead Apostle Ancestors are of course stronger than color and crown magicians.

This is a truth that has existed since ancient times, an established existence, and an unquestionable truth.

The Dead Apostles have always been proud of the fact that even if they have nothing to do with them, they can still do whatever they want in the human world by virtue of their status as Dead Apostles.

Because they are stronger than humans, human laws cannot restrict them, so they can do whatever they want.

But when ORT, one of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, was killed, this pride seemed to be broken in an instant.

The immortality of the Dead Apostles seems to be just a joke; the immortality of the Dead Apostles seems to be a joke.

Myth busted!

In fact, the rotation of the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead apostles does happen from time to time. However, the life span of the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead apostles is too long and they are too lonely, unless they are like Elterluchi. People who have a clear goal of power, otherwise many of the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostles, such as ORT, would live in seclusion. Unless they are Dead Apostles and long-lived magicians, who would know it is the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostles? Zu, who knew he had not moved in South Africa for thousands of years?

For example, when ORT was killed this time, it spread so quickly. There must be someone behind the scenes who is driving it and spreading it around the world intentionally.

That's right, of course Keilar wanted to spread the news. Not only did he want to spread it widely, he even put the video of the conquest of ORT on the computers of the major leaders and showed it to them openly.

This is a world of magic, and real physics makes no sense at all.

The existence of the inherent barrier makes nuclear bombs a joke. As for whether the immortal body can die from nuclear bombs, this is a topic that everyone wants to try.

The Dead Apostles, the Twenty-Seven Ancestors of the Dead Apostles, and even the True Ancestors are very confident that their immortal bodies will never be defeated by human weapons.

All the presidents and prime ministers frowned, and their think tanks and staff looked at this outrageous scene. Are there still such monsters in the human world?

If it weren't for the Punisher team's crusade, ordinary humans wouldn't even be able to enter the forests of South America, let alone see this monster with their own eyes.

Send troops?

Or use Tomahawk cruise missiles?

Or just use the A10 Warthog ground attack aircraft?

Or just use nuclear bombs to clean the ground?

Presidents have absolutely no way of defeating these monsters.

Lobbyists from Japan took the opportunity to loudly lobby the leaders of various countries: "We in Japan had such a huge crisis ten years ago, and our Japan has not been able to grow a single tree within ten years, and it was all because of these monsters. Caused by fighting! Mr. President, please wake up. This is no longer a war between a country and a monster, but a war between humans and a group of non-human beings. Here, I would like to ask you to think about what would happen if these monsters controlled Taking control of you and your family is so dangerous to humanity and the entire world!"

The lobbyists showed off their talents to the fullest, making the presidents frown deeper and deeper.

That's right, both the Punisher troops and these lobbyists were sent by Kelal.

This in itself is part of Kelal's layout.

Kelar's plan started right after the Holy Grail War ended.

The first is to control the secular world through the power of magic. For example, the Japanese secular world has long been infiltrated by exorcists. The next thing is basically a matter of course.

Japan is about to be destroyed. All Japanese high-level officials have already known the news that Japan is being destroyed.

What came next was the upsurge of Japanese high-level officials fleeing Japan, and then Keilal took control of Japan more simply and directly, and then this concept penetrated downwards...

More and more Japanese are starting to leave Japan. This is of course an agreement that the Japanese government and other governments have reached.

They will have neither the full strength of the Japanese nor the full strength of local voters.

Of course, governments of all countries welcome immigrants who have no faith, are knowledgeable, hard-working, working, and productive to go to their countries. If it is not a last resort, who will cite those who have faith, worship from 9 to 5, do not work, are lazy, and rely on women to support themselves? , what about immigrants who also like to dictate other people’s lives?

The following series of PY transactions turned the entire Japan into a country where only exorcists, magicians, and even Death Apostles existed.

Keilar easily took control of this country, which had tens of millions of people left, and after reaching deals with various countries, all countries would gather promising, capable, and savvy boys and girls to Japan. Training, they naturally began to form a national organization and began to interfere in the world of magicians.

But the magicians have not heard anything about all the things that happened in the past ten years. First, they don't care, second, they don't care, and third, they look down on it.

A "Magic Agency" formed by a group of ordinary people? Stop telling jokes to make people laugh.

First, ordinary people don't have magic, second, they don't have circuits, and third, they don't have engravings. How can they be qualified to become magicians?

Even if you become a magician, if you don't have the above three things, how can you be considered a real magician?

With the inherent pride of magicians, even those who have discovered this matter are indifferent and even mention it as a joke to their companions. As for no one who is wary of this matter!

When Keilal's subordinates reached a certain point, Keilal directly launched a very cruel selection system.

People with no potential, weak people, and people whose personalities are not suitable for fighting are selected, their magic circuits are solidified, and magic engravings are made, and finally passed on to people with the same attributes as them.

The five major attributes of magicians are earth, fire, wind, water, and space. In front of thousands of magicians, they can always meet those whose attributes match theirs!

Those who have lost their magic seals and magic circuits have just become ordinary people, working as logistics workers among the Punishers.

And those who inherited their magic seals and magic circuits have become comparable to the Holy Church in a short period of time.

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