The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 510 Ten Years Later (8)

Chapter 213 Ten Years Later (8)

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a gentle knock on the door outside Kelal's door.

"Come in," Kelal turned to face the door.

"Teacher." Tohsaka Rin has already transformed from a slim girl into a tall and outstanding woman. She is wearing a very common suit for working women in Japan, a white shirt, a gray skirt, and a matte black The high-heeled shoes made her look smart and capable, and she looked like a shrewd lady in the business world.

But who would have thought that she, who looks to be in her early twenties, is already close to thirty this year. What’s even more frightening is that she is also a magician of the sex class?

She looked at Keilal and a smile appeared on her face involuntarily. This man was wearing a casual robe and looked like a man walking in a fashion show. Under the floor-length robe was a casual shirt and loose trousers. It didn't look like he was in an office, but like he was at home.

In fact, he has been living here for the past ten years, and this is his home.

This is the tallest tower in Tokyo. He has always lived here, overlooking the entire Tokyo.

Now Tokyo is almost the same as his own home, and a large part of the people there exist to serve magicians.

The magicians and their families form a scene in New Tokyo.

Although this place seems to be a magician's wasteland, Keilar still used great power to condense the last bit of spiritual energy magic to Tokyo, making the capital of the country where the entire spiritual vein was cut off become vibrant.

All supplies here need to be imported from the outside world, because Japan has been unable to produce any food or fruits and vegetables since three years ago.

It is precisely because of this phenomenon that it completely proves Japan's strategy of "Japan is dead" declared by the outside world. Its reliance on foreign imports and almost complete exemption of tariffs also make it easy to be manipulated by major countries.

It seems that Japan has completely given up resistance, which is reassuring.

But in fact, only this Tokyo area is different from other places.

Japan has changed from a country of 377,000 square kilometers to a Tokyo circle country consisting of 13,400 square kilometers.

This country is already very different.

This is not so much a city as it is a country.

An [Academy City] composed of magicians.

The core area here is almost full of schools, schools for various magicians.

If those magicians who have not set foot in this place for ten years, with broken spiritual veins and exhausted spiritual power, will definitely be surprised by the changes in this country, this city, and this region after they come here.

This change is not just about talking about the army, the people and the like.

But education.

Various magic schools just hang on their signboards in a grand manner, which is more about their path to advancement.

Of course they will all work for Kelal in the end, but the more important point is which department they should go to.

Just like the Magician Association has the "Fake Sea", "Clock Tower" and "Atlas Court", although the power of the magicians in Kelar may only be equal to that of the Clock Tower, the Clock Tower is also divided into Ore Department, Curse Department and other subjects.

Kelal's side needs to be more systematic. Although the classification system of the clock tower is used throughout the process, it needs to be more systematic and hard-core in terms of the five elemental magic.

Kelar's foundation is too good and there are too many people, so there is no need for him to carefully select and slowly teach the elites like the elite education in Clock Tower.

He believes in an audition-style cramming education. Although this kind of education will wipe out some people, it can quickly select those more elite students.

For example, the previous batch of exorcists have already become the leading magicians, elite magicians. Now among the "seedlings" sent by major countries, the elites will emerge faster than before. .

In terms of the spread of "whose family is a genius" in the past, now as long as you can easily complete the teacher's questions in class, the selection is almost clear at a glance.

These selected elites are qualified to receive better teachers, better resources, and a better learning environment.

This is a truth that has remained unchanged since ancient times.

After this group of people grows up without dying, they can become the most backbone force.

Coupled with the fact that Keilal can transplant magic circuits from the same type of magic into their bodies, the growth rate of this group of geniuses is extremely astonishing.

Tohsaka Rin's report this time is for them.

Her position in the entire city is also very important, and she can even be regarded as one of the two women who can control the entire city.

But after that, no one knew that the person in charge of the city was Keilal, and one of the two women who controlled the city had to report to Keilal's bedroom every night!

"What's the matter?" Keilal greeted this beautiful woman with a smile.

"Yes, about that group of geniuses." Tohsaka Rin walked to Keilar naturally and handed the thing in his hand to Keilar.

Since he is a genius, he naturally has personality. There are definitely many people who are proud of their talents, and there are countless people like Thorns.

However, the resource for their advancement - the magic circuit - was held in Kelal's hands, and they had no ability to resist until it was passed on to the next generation honestly.

Kelal doesn't need this kind of thorn with the ability to resist.

"There are as many geniuses as you want. Anyone who dares to resist or disobey orders will have their magic circuits stripped away and sent back to other countries." Keilar just picked up the tablet, but did not look at it. He gave simple and direct instructions.

As mentioned before, what he needs are magician soldiers, not magicians who can attack the color position and the crown.

Of course, there are magicians who obey orders and can attack color positions, but if they are disobedient...

Why would Kelal expend a lot of magic circuits to create such a person to cause trouble for himself?

He has long passed the age of winning people's hearts, and unlike the feudal period, he can communicate with the Knights of the Round Table one-on-one, face-to-face. There are even more things between him and these geniuses, Rin Tosaka. .

A group of geniuses who have never met before, let alone not yet grown up, even if they grow up, what kind of threat can they pose to him, who is a heroic spirit?

In the final analysis, Kelal, who does not lack high-end combat power, is just playing his own "Civilization 6"

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