The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 515 Don’t you dare?

Chapter 004 Don’t you dare?

Everyone else was sitting quietly, watching the confrontation between the two.

Even a fool knows that the relationship between the two is not as relaxed as they appear.

But where exactly is the confrontation between the two of them?

They were not wise men and could not even negotiate. They could only sit obediently and listen.

Only Riveria, an elf royal who has lived for a long time, can slightly hear the exchange between the two.

It's very profound, so it's really tiring to be a human being. It would be nice to just let the group leader do this kind of thing.

Riveria sighed. It was because she hated this troublesome way of communication that she gave up the position of leader to Finn. As a result, another person who could match Finn in this aspect appeared. ?

Ordinary people generally refer to such a roundabout way of speaking as politics.

Kelal and Finn are certainly not political right now.

But the way they do things and the way they talk is exactly the same as politicians.

This is an essential ability for a team leader.

More importantly - why does Keilal have this kind of political negotiation ability.

This is by no means a simple ability. Like Finn, he relied entirely on negotiations and wars with several other large family members, and then after the negotiations and the two sides reached an acceptable predetermined period limit, this ability was achieved. Finn now.

But the other party... is it difficult for the other party to be a member of the royal family or a noble person? Riveria thought of this at the same time as did Finn.

"I want to ask, how do you want to arrange for me?" Keilar asked a more important question lightly, which was also a question that gave Finn a headache and hesitation.

"Well, our expedition is not over yet. I would like to ask you to wait in this area for our return. What do you think?" Finn asked.

Kelal smiled.

This is indeed a dilemma.

Take him on the road? As a level 1 adventurer, he is likely to die immediately. Those who can participate in the expedition are at least level 3 adventurers. Even in this expedition, the level 3 adventurers are just basic logistics soldiers. Except for Lefia, who has a particularly strong attack power, all the vanguard are adventurers of level 4 or above, and the three elite ones are level 6 adventurers, the top group in the dungeon.

For a first-level adventurer like Keilal, it’s enough to go on the first five floors. Come to the fiftieth floor...

It's simply asking for death.

What's more, if he is a "disguised human" evolved from a certain monster, he may lead the expeditionary army into a trap at any time and have them completely annihilated.

——Of course, this is just Keilar’s ​​conjecture.

But there is a problem without him. If the fiftieth floor is "his" lair, once they leave, Kelal can make unscrupulous arrangements on the fiftieth floor. When they return, they will face a very dangerous situation. The route of retreat was cut off—if some of the logistics were left here, this expedition should have reached the seventieth floor, but would have stopped on the sixtieth floor.

Keilar thought through all these things in an instant. Maybe Finn didn't think about it that much, but there was still hesitation and hesitation.

"I want to go see it with you." He suddenly raised a hand and spoke like a primary school student.

"Please be sure to take me to the upper level to see." He clasped his hands and asked.

"Although I am only a first-level adventurer, I can still protect myself. I have never been to the upper levels of this dungeon. Please let me go and have a look." Kailar asked.

"No, this kind of thing..." Finn subconsciously wanted to reject him. This is not a matter of whether to go or not. He is a level 1 adventurer. No matter what trap he steps on in the fiftieth level, he will die. , not to mention that there are so many monsters above the fiftieth level, and the monsters are so strong that even if he is a sixth-level adventurer, it will be difficult for him to maintain Kailar's integrity.

But Kailar smiled slightly: "I know what you are worried about. You are worried that I will die at a higher level and hold you back, right?"

"But, I only need to prove that I have the ability to protect myself, right? With my IQ, it will never affect your battle."

Keilal's point was very convincing. Finn had to admit that a person with Keilal's IQ, even if he knew nothing about fighting, could quickly grasp the tricks and rhythm of fighting and quickly absorb experience. , and then find your position quickly - never lagging behind.

And Kelal doesn't look like a rookie... But even so, is it really good to put him in the vanguard team?

Finn immediately ruled out the idea of ​​putting Keilal in the back-office team because the risk was too great.

"Everyone here should be the elite of this team." Keilar stood up and looked around.

"Everyone here should be very powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to sit here and participate in the command class." Kailar's logic is relatively strong and direct. The people who can enter the captain's tent are at least from the command class. People, and as an adventurer, if you want to enter the command class, you must be able to fight.

This is a dungeon, and everything is based on combat effectiveness. Kailar’s ​​judgment is very effective. When Kailar said this, they both puffed up their chests, as if this could prove Kailar’s "Praise" is the same thing.

Finn sighed. These young people are good at everything, but they are a little too naive. What Keilal said and what they did completely proved that Keilal's judgment was not wrong at all.

The people here are indeed all the elites of the Loki Familia.

"Just come and compete with me." Keilar said with a relaxed smile: "You are all the elites of the Loki family. As long as I defeat any one of you, it means that I can join the First Vanguard Army. Right?"

The logic was sound, but everyone laughed.

Tione was still kind. She smiled and asked: "This gentleman who came down from the tree, do you know how big the gap is between Level 1 adventurers and Level 3 adventurers?"

"And now, we are Level 4, and you are Level 1."

What she said is absolutely correct, and can even be said to be the truth. When Lv1 adventurers face Lv2 adventurers, the gap is already very obvious. Maybe some skills can make up for it, but when they become Lv3 adventurers, both sides The gap is completely irreparable.

Now, one side is composed of all Level 4 adventurers, while the other side is composed of Level 1 adventurers with excellent attributes. Who wins and who loses? Needless to say?

Everyone's smiles did not arouse Keilal's anger. Keilal looked at them with a smile and asked.

"Don't you dare?"


The second update will be late, you can watch it tomorrow.

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