The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 520 Aisi’s request

Chapter 009 Aisi’s request

"Your living environment is really good. It's obviously on the 50th floor underground." Keilar looked at this nice tent in surprise, with a five-square-meter small tent, a one-meter single bed, and A small shelf can store weapons, armor, shields and other things. It can be said that the sparrow has all the internal organs even though it is small.

This kind of configuration is certainly not luxurious, but if you add [the fiftieth underground floor] to the prerequisites, this kind of configuration can even be described as luxurious.

Of course he knew that such a single room could never be occupied by anyone. Only those in the Pioneer Group had this kind of treatment. The others were probably two or three people sharing a tent.

But even so, it's already very good.

"Finn often said that if you want to be able to fight for a long time in the dungeon, logistics is indispensable." Riveria stood at the door of the tent and watched Kelar take off his cloak on the stand and said.

"Indeed, Finn is a very smart leader, very powerful, and perfect." Keilar nodded, not stingy with his appreciation for Finn, but if Finn came to see this appreciation, it would be Something is strange.

Because he completely admired Finn from top to bottom, he was born to put himself in a higher position than Finn. He is just a level 1 adventurer. Even if he can block Burt's blow, he can still How is he higher than level 6 adventurer Finn?

Finn could immediately identify Kelar's identity, but Riveria did not hear the hidden meaning of Kelar's compliment.

She glanced at Keilal unexpectedly. She thought there would be mutual disdain between the two wise men, but now it seems that it has turned into some kind of sympathy?

Regardless of whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, Riveria nodded to Kelar, turned around and walked out of his tent without even saying a word of warning.

Now that Finn has asked him to join the Vanguard, it means that he temporarily believes in him. As the deputy leader, all she has to do is trust Finn's judgment, nothing more.

Kelar was a little surprised by Riveria's decisiveness, then smiled slightly, lay on the bed, and relaxed his body.

After thousands of years of sleeping, how could it be so easy? His whole body was sore now, and he felt tired after sleeping for a long time.

"Hello, can I come in?" A cold female voice sounded outside the door.

The voice was familiar, and Kelal recognized it immediately as its owner.

"Ais? Right." Keilal said loudly: "Please come in."

The girl walked in with smooth blond hair like his wife.

What's surprising is that her eyes are golden, as crystal clear as amber, and she looks extremely beautiful.

"Hello." She looked a little cold, but in fact she was a little reserved, and Keilal could tell at a glance.

He sat on the bed, looked at the girl who was about 1.6 meters tall in a relatively equal posture, and asked in gentle and gentle words: "Miss Ais, if I remember correctly, you were the one who liberated me from the tree. Right? Thank you very much."

"No, where..." Ais was thanked by Keilal, as if she had figured out what to say next. She pursed her lips and looked at Keilal: "Well, I have something to ask you."

Her voice was very calm, as if she was speaking without emotion, but from her face and body language, Kelar could still see her embarrassment.

"You're welcome, please speak, if I can." Keilal raised his hand and asked her to continue.

This gesture seemed to give her courage.

"Please train me."

"Huh?" Keilal raised his eyebrows.

"As far as I know, you are a level 4 adventurer, right? Why are you asking me, a level 1 adventurer..."

"You defeated Bert." She looked at Keilal. Now that she had said it, she was no longer afraid to look at Keilal. She looked at Keilal's face like this: "Burt is because of his relationship with Keilar." Your battle has advanced."

"That's just a small probability event. It's ridiculous for you to ask a level 1 adventurer to give guidance to you, a level 4 adventurer." Keilar was noncommittal. There was no benefit in training Ais, and there were even some disadvantages. ——With a beauty like Ais, those who admire her will definitely regard Keilal as a thorn in their side, and then there will be no end to them.

Keilal is not the kind of person who can't move when he sees a beautiful woman. It is normal to refuse after weighing the pros and cons.

Seeing Keilal rejecting her so openly, Ais became a little anxious. She came to Keilal in one stride and grabbed Keilal's wrist: "Please help me."

"What good can I do by helping you? Miss Ais." Keilar used the honorific, which was not inappropriate given the relationship between the two of them. However, using the honorific at such a close distance made Keilar feel alienated. The meaning is very obvious.

But Aisi can't care about so much now.

She held Keilal's hand, looked at Keilal and said seriously: "Please help me."

"I'd give everything I have in exchange."

"Everything? This is such a simple word." Keilar did not believe that she had anything worth exchanging. She seemed to have nothing, and was not someone who could save money. As for experience and strength, maybe Not as tall as Kelal, if we talk about body...

If Keilal wants to fall out with the Loki family, she can just bring it up. Even if she is willing to sacrifice Keilal, she is not willing to take such risks and consequences.


Kelal had just woken up, and making meaningless enemies was not what he wanted.

He was not willing to get involved with a hot potato like Aisi.

"Go back, it's meaningless." Kelar shook his head and rejected Ais coldly and ruthlessly.

In his opinion, the two sides were on two parallel lines. Apart from the brave dungeon adventure, Keilar had nothing to do with them after returning to the surface.

Now that there is an extra disciple who is concerned about him, it is unwise, so it would be better to refuse him directly.

Keilal had said so, and Ais was a bit shameless when she was pestering him.

She could only stand up and walk out the door.

When she was at the door, she paused for a moment, turned her head slightly, and whispered: "I will not give up."

After saying that, he strode out quickly.

She will never give up on becoming stronger, she will never give up on letting Keilal guide her, and she will never give up on finding those two people...

She walked very firmly, but Keilal knew that the more determined she walked, the higher the chance that she would pester him in the future, and the more trouble she would have.

"I just woke up and I'm already in trouble." Keilar was lying on the bed, looking at the roof of the tent, shaking his head.

If it were normal times and she was not from the Loki family, he would naturally not be stingy with his advice. However, when the future enemies of both sides are unknown, if Kelar gives her some advice, it will only cause more trouble for him in the future.

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