The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 522 How to add points to the mage?

Chapter 011 How to add points to the mage?

"Mr. Keilar, do you need any armor or weapons?" Finn came to Keilar, raised his head and looked at Keilar and asked.

"Well, if it's a dungeon, you do need some things." Kailar thought for a while: "Shoes with defensive power that can prevent punctures, light armor that can protect the knees, and light armor that can defend the chest. Armor, and gauntlets.”

Finn was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Keilal looked so noble and aloof, but he was also so proficient in taking risks.

In the entire adventure group, except for necessary human shields, such as the dwarf Jergareth, others would only wear as little armor as possible.

This is not because they cannot afford armor, but because there are not only ferocious monsters in the dungeon, but also vicious traps.

No one knows who set these traps. Is it the predecessors? Or a god? Or the demons under the abyss of the dungeon?

No one can say for sure - but these traps are more deadly than those vicious and ugly monsters.

It can be said that more than 60% of adventurers who venture into dungeons die from these traps.

No one can ignore these things. There is no doubt that the lightweight equipment Kailar chose was to increase his mobility, dodge, and prepare things that would not get in the way when avoiding traps.

Combined with Kelal’s previous combat experience...

Finn, who was previously certain of Keilal's identity, was a little confused again.

Which one is the real him?

Or is it all his disguise?

"Also." Keilar thought for a while: "I need a sword, a long sword, either a one-handed sword or a two-handed sword. I don't choose."

Finn's head was tied in two knots before he realized that what Kelal wanted was actually a melee weapon.

"Aren't you a mage?" Finn looked at Keilal blankly, tongue-tied.

"Huh? How do you know I'm a mage?" Kelar looked at Finn strangely. He never expressed his profession or identity. Even if he used magic before, maybe someone should know how to use it - magic is very common here. , such as Bert and Ace, who are close combatants, they all know magic, although only one or two, but people in this place know magic, and using magic has become instinctive, and Keilal's defensive magic is not too abrupt. .

Keilar wanted to take advantage of his condition to pretend to be a group of warriors before his situation improved, but the other party defeated him in one fell swoop. Keilar asked himself that he had not revealed any flaws, so he was naturally curious about how Finn knew.

He still doesn't know the unique system of the dungeon, so his own data can be seen clearly and clearly.

"This." Finn hesitated twice: "Your temperament is very similar to that of mages, so everyone thinks so."

Keilar knew there was a hidden secret, but it was unreasonable to ask Finn now, so he did not pursue it further, but remembered the matter.

"It doesn't matter if not." Keilar looked at Finn gently: "I can do this."

"Haha, you underestimate us Loki Familia." Finn laughed loudly and said loudly to Gareth: "Gareth, help me find a set of light armor and a long sword."

Although Finn is the leader, he is not in charge of everything. For example, the personnel work is discussed by the three level 6 adventurers and their Familia Lord Loki.

The psychological counselor is Riveria, the close sister.

Gareth, Head of Logistics.

If you think that the dwarf Chongji Gareth is just a reckless person who charges with his head down, you will suffer a big loss.

As a dwarf, Gareth is also a logistics manager and an excellent blacksmith - although many weapons are entrusted to specialized blacksmith families to make, he himself will never admit defeat.

For example, he is in charge of the logistics department. How many swords, spears, and knives are there in the entire clan? How many armors, heavy armors, light armors, how many centimeters are the long swords long, how thick are the spears, and what is the handle of the long sword? How thick the armor is.

He knows it all.

He is the one who knows the most about materials in this camp.

Even with his sharp eyes, he could already tell what size of armor Kelal should wear just by looking at her figure.

Not long after, I saw him walking over holding a pile of armor and a long sword.

Keilal didn't need anyone's help at all. After saying thank you to Gareth, he took off his outer coat, leaving only his underwear and began to put it on.

He seemed to be a very powerful veteran. Riveria squinted her eyes and judged that if the metal was directly attached to the skin, elemental attacks such as fire magic would most likely cause the metal to be directly attached to the skin and unable to be pulled off. , even the wound after being chopped by a sword will cause metal to embed into the wound, making subsequent wound treatment extremely troublesome.

But if you wear it too thickly, it will affect your defense and mobility.

Only a layer of close-fitting clothing is left. When the time comes to treat the wound, you only need to tear off the clothes, and the wound will be clear, and the subsequent cleaning will be easy.

Kelal's behavior was undoubtedly that of a seasoned adventurer, and was very inconsistent with his previous temperament.

Soon, Keilal armed himself with hand armor and leg armor.

The opponent did not directly give Keilar thick boots and knee pads, but directly used a boot that reached the knee as Keilar's leg armor.

The bottom of this shoe is made of thick cowhide and other materials stitched together. From the instep to the knee, it has a bright silver metallic luster, which looks extremely handsome.

When Keilal put on the breastplate and put on the coat that he had taken off before as a cloak, he naturally felt a warrior aura.

He held a two-handed sword in one hand, with a sword flower on his arm. It looked similar. Compared with the light armor, the two-handed sword was quite heavy. Kelal even felt it was a bit heavy. Naturally, others did not have to. Said, but everyone has heard Riveria say that he is a mage, and now seeing him playing a two-handed sword very well, everyone was stunned, and Aisi's eyes were shining.

"Then captain, let's go." Keilar put his two-handed sword back into the scabbard with a swipe. He straightened his body and looked at Finn heroically. His whole body was full of energy. He looked at Finn as if he were an unsheathed sword, full of excitement that he was about to draw the sword.


Finn's eyes lit up. Could it be that this man also had good sword skills?

"Very good, everyone." Finn's face straightened, he turned his head and looked at the Loki Familia who were waiting in full formation.

"Vanguard group! Let's go!"

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