The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 532 The Mistress of Darkness and Fertility

Chapter 021 The Mistress of Darkness and Fertility

Three minutes later, blood flowed all over the alley, rushing toward the drainage channel next to it like a stream.

Five or six rats blocking the alley were already lying in a pool of blood.

On average, these mice are level 1 to 2 adventurers, and their profession is of course thieves. However, they have long lost the confidence to defeat monsters, so they can only hunt weak humans as their source of income.

It's just that things always go wrong. Adventurers are not weak. What they want to hunt is not a tiger, but a dragon. Facing the ultimate sword skills of Kelal, this group of thieves who can only use short swords and daggers have no chance. Just not an opponent.

They were easily killed by Kelal, and only one person remained.

Well, this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes is the one that Keilar likes more. Anyway, a group of people are all scum. In this case, just pick the most pleasing one to stay.

This man was already crying like a ravaged little girl.

"Okay, okay." Keilal said impatiently. He sat on the abandoned wooden box and looked at this person impatiently: "Don't start your performance. Who are you? You have no idea in your own hearts." Do you count? How many crimes have you committed? How much have you stolen, robbed, and kidnapped? No matter how many times you are killed, it is not enough to truly judge you according to morality. I will only ask you one thing now. If you can answer Come up here, how about I spare your life?"

The gangster who blocked the road held back his tears for just a moment, rubbed his hands in front of Kelal with a flattering smile on his face and said, "Sir, please tell me, I will definitely know everything and tell you everything."

Keilal opened his eyes slightly and stared at him with his dragon-like blue eyes with vertical pupils: "Who is the Familia that controls Orario's underground?"

He directly pointed out the core key points of the problem, just as the strongest family on Orario was the Loki family.

A city as big as Orario must have a city manager.

Although Kelar has already learned that the [Guild] that controls the operation of the dungeon is Uranus, the main god of the "Adventurers Guild", it is obvious that this is just an organization that maintains the operation of the adventurer mechanism. This organization is actually only superficial. To control Orario, this organization is still somewhat powerless.

For example, Keilal quickly met this group of people, which means that Oralidi is indeed controlled by a deeper organization.

No, it's not an organization, but like the Adventurer's Guild. These underground black forces, including even the strongest Loki Familia, these several huge forces merge into one, and this constitutes the entire politics of Orario. pattern and environment.

Keilal has already learned that the so-called "gods" have something called the "god council", where the gods meet and chat every month.

But unfortunately, only gods with powerful families have the right to speak - in other words, 90% of the so-called "gods" in the Council of Gods are guys who have no voice or decision-making power. The remaining ten percent of gods control the entire Orario and the Labyrinth, and are the makers of the rules of this world.

Indeed, this is the political landscape after feudalism reached its extreme. Keilar can completely understand why politics has evolved this way - when people cannot break the monopoly of power by the gods, they can only submit to the rule of the gods, and the rule of the gods brings about To achieve long-term peace and stability, what is more important is the absolute right to speak - just like a dictator.

But thanks to the fact that the gods are not one body, even though the gods have the same status, they actually compete with each other. In this competition, the older generation of gods and the Odin family have withdrawn from the stage of history. The new generation of Loki Familia and Freya Familia are the great Familia known as Orario's Twin Walls, the first-class Familia. Of course, they are followed by the Elephant God Ganison Familia and a group of other powerful Familia. Later, but at the same time, there were also "gods" who were too poor to survive.

To be honest, these gods are all Kelar's targets, but first, Kelar must find out who is in charge of the entire Orario.

There must be some clues about these people in power.

For example, the Loki Familia, Freya Familia, and the Ouranos Familia of the Adventurer's Guild are all very clear on the surface, but what about these Familia who control the darkness...

"Sir, I don't know." He said with a sad face and gave an answer that Kelal could never have thought of.

"You should all be adventurers of Level 2 or above, right? How could there be no Familia!" Keilar frowned slightly. Such obvious deception really underestimated his IQ.

"We are defectors, sir. After we joined a family, we were expelled from the family by Lord God because of various small actions. The entire Orario family knows what kind of people we are. We have no way to update our status, and we have no way to [upgrade], this is how we will be for the rest of our lives, sir."

So that's it. Looking at the guy kneeling at his feet as humble as a maggot, Keilar understood.

This force is so deep-rooted that even these abandoned adventurers are just pawns of this force that are thrown into the light. The real darkness is hidden so deeply that it makes people confused at a glance.

"In this case, you will be useless." Kelar shook his head gently and inserted the long sword back into the scabbard.

Eh? When did he draw his sword? Looking at the long sword that was slowly inserted back, the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was stunned for a moment, and then his head slowly fell to the ground. His vision rotated 360 degrees, and he saw that he had lost his neck and was spraying blood. .

Is that my body... Wait, why is my head falling off...

Kelal ignored the dregs whose heads had been cut off and began to slowly bleed. Instead, he began to bend down and copy their money from each corpse.

Even Keilal doesn't have enough money to take care of himself.

He woke up from the tree naked, without anything from before. If he didn't replace this armor in the future, he would have to pay the same price to the Loki family.

As for selling it, as a sage, he had never even thought about it. As a sage, he couldn't do such a low-ambition thing.

These little gangsters are quite good. They have a few gold coins and a dozen silver coins, and their purchasing power is extremely good at any time.

Although Kelal doesn't know the names of these coins, as long as they are on the gold standard... it will be fine.

A smile appeared on his face.

The next step is to find a place to live.

He looked up at the sky. Judging from the sky at this season, it was already six or seven o'clock. Huo Shaoyun, it was time to have dinner.

It's funny to say that although he declined the invitation from the Loki Familia, he only discovered the importance of the Loki Familia after leaving the Loki Familia.

Not to mention anything else, for food, clothing, housing and transportation, he has always relied on the Loki Familia. It is precisely because of this that he has forgotten that this is no longer Camelot, the capital of Europe, and this is no longer his empire, Britain. This is no longer his imperial capital.

He is no longer the prince of Bunitalia and the husband of Arturia.

He is a duckweed here and has nothing.

It's really frustrating.

After only being depressed for a second, he stood up and walked out of the box with a smile. Keilal looked like a silver-haired devil. He looked very scary. Behind him were six dead people bleeding in a stream. It was really very scary. Terrible...

Find a hotel where you can eat and sleep. I wonder if there are any discounts for dinner and overnight stays? Keilar was walking on the road. People were coming and going in a hurry. The atmosphere of closing stalls after get off work was spreading. Even the number of adventurers coming out of the maze increased in large numbers. Keilar looked at this place full of life. City, but I have a good impression of the people who control the city.

Regardless of whether they are good guys or bad guys, it is indeed the credit of the city controllers that a city can be built like this.

The bustling hotel in front seemed nice, and it looked like a popular dinner spot.

There are also differences between hotels and hotels. Some hotels only provide accommodation, some only provide food and drink, and some hotels only provide alcohol. It is a bit difficult for Kelar to find a hotel that provides both food, drink and accommodation. .

But filling your stomach first comes first, right?

The entrance of the store is large, wide enough for two dwarves like Gareth to stand side by side, and as tall as a half-bert. It looks very majestic. The font is unknown to Keilal. It seems to be something special that has evolved here over the years. Text.

Even though it was already busy inside, the clerk still noticed Keilal standing at the door very well and greeted him warmly.

"Welcome to the hostess of Harvest! This is Hill, do you want something to eat?" The girl with short silver hair, slightly curly hair, looked at Keilal with bright and passionate eyes, and her bright smile was like the sun. , asked Kelal.

"Yes, I want to eat something, but I don't know your consumption level. Is it possible to pay on credit?" Keilar looked at her with a smile and asked with a smile.

There seemed to be a loud roar coming from inside: "Hill, anyone who wants credit, don't bring him in!"

Kelal and Hill looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Ignore her, please come in. If you don't have enough money, this meal will be treated by me." Hill, the girl, smiled and pulled Kelal's sleeve and walked inside.

This girl is really powerful, and her affinity is so strong. Keilal sighed and followed her strength and walked inside. After only a few seconds of meeting, the two of them successfully established a good relationship. Of course, Keilal's affinity was among them. , but Hill's own affinity is by no means worse than Keilar.

This is an affinity that endears her to everyone.

If this kind of affinity can only be welcomed by women in Kelal, then in the girl Hill, she will be welcomed and loved by everyone.

When Kelal walked into the hotel, he realized that the hotel was really big.

Inside the bar is the kitchen for cooking. The entire kitchen is spread out like a road, with a bar at the front.

There are single chairs near the bar, which seem to be used by adventurers who come alone. There is a certain gap between each chair to allow guests to have enough space.

Then there are four-seater tables on the outside. There are sixteen tables spread out, which can seat sixty-four people.

However, the largest area has been reserved by a group of people. Seven or eight tables have been pushed together, and a group of people are sitting around, drinking and talking, and it is very lively.

As an adventurer, it is the most basic operation to listen to all directions and see all directions. When Kelar walked into this hotel, someone had already discovered him.

But what was surprising was that the group of adventurers sitting together stood up.

As first-class adventurers, four or five people in this group of adventurers stood up and greeted Keilar with a bit of restraint and enthusiasm.

"Mr. Kellard."

Aisi's voice was unexpectedly loud, attracting everyone's attention to her.

"Hey, isn't that Sword Princess?"

"Loki Familia, the most powerful Familia, how could they show such respect to a person? Could it be that he is Ota?"

Keilar had heard of Ota's name, the only adventurer who had reached level 7, Pigman.

"It's you." Keilar walked over in surprise and looked at the group of people.

Almost everyone from the Vanguard Group is here, including Finn, Riveria, Gareth, Bert, Ace, Tione, Tiona, and a girl with burgundy hair whom Kelar doesn’t recognize. .

"We're here for the celebration party!" Tiona happily waved to Kelar. If she had a tail behind her butt, she would definitely be able to see her tail wagging happily.

"I really didn't expect to meet again so soon." Finn smiled and turned around. He stood on the stool and could barely reach Keilal's chest, but he still had to raise his head to look at Keilal: "Why? So, Keilal, do you want to come with me?"

As a sixth-level adventurer, Finn's friendly attitude surprised the other adventurers, but what was even more surprising was the attitude of the entire Loki Familia towards this man.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Kelar, let's have some food together." Tiona greeted cheerfully.

"Yeah." Ais nodded cutely.

"Tch." Burt turned his head away unhappily and moved his butt a little to make some room.

"No, no," Keilar stretched out a hand to press it, and said with a smile: "I have to go shopping after eating, but I can't make it too late with you, so I'll go there Let’s have something to eat.”

He very stubbornly refused the invitation from the Loki Familia, then walked up to the store manager of the rich hostess, smiled and waved: "Please give me a dinner, thank you."

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