The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 544 Answer Sheet of Destiny

Chapter 033 Answer Sheet of Destiny

The dinner was very rich, with fried eggs, fried pork chops with herbs, three pieces of bread, a bowl of thick soup, and a glass of bad wine.

Keilar did not touch bad wine. Things like mead were expensive and luxurious. Although they tasted good, they were not something Keilar could afford to drink.

As for spirits, there is no such thing. In Orario, where there is almost no word for "steaming", no one would think of steaming spirits through distillation. However, through fermentation, I am afraid that only gods with long lives can have it. Lots of good bars.

Keilal shook his head and looked up at the moonlight outside.

The magic power of the moon has always been surging and gentle, which is why there are so many moon worshipers. There are also an unusual number of monsters that absorb magic power from the moon, such as werewolves, vampires, and most magicians, all rely on the moon. It absorbs magic power.

The full moon will bring a huge tide of magic power, causing the magic power to surge instantly. Werewolves and vampires are unable to control themselves and go on a rampage to hunt. Human magicians know the horror of uncontrollable magic power and avoid it one after another. When the moon is full - that's how it should be.

Judging from thousands of years of experience, this should have been the case, but now it seems that the magic power has been completely exhausted - at least the magic power above the ground can hardly be sensed.

The location of Keilal's room is excellent. When you open the window, you can see the street, and when you look up, you can see the moonlight and the sky. When you close the window, you can hardly hear anything. It is a very good location, but Keilal, who was eating dinner under the moonlight, was... His expression was a little sad.

Sure enough, this world has changed greatly. It is no longer the world before him. His friends, relatives, lovers, and wives have all disappeared.

He was alone again.

Even a person as strong as him will have times like this when he is alone.

But he soon picked up his mood and looked at the moonlight outside, with a sudden smile on his face.

"Will you come? Supporter, Lilyluka Erd."

"This is probably your only chance to change your destiny."

"Don't let me down."

Today's income is indeed a lot of money, enough for Keilar to stay in this hotel for a year.

The armors and weapons of the three robbers alone can be sold for tens of thousands of Wallis, plus the sale of the magic stones of the monsters defeated today, there is a hundred thousand Wallis.

This amount of money is enough for a person in the underworld to escape from the misery and become a master among Orario.

Especially people like Lily, who was born in Orario, know better how to become a master.

Yes, this is the gold-absorbing ability of high-level adventurers. You can make a lot of money just by relying on magic stones, not to mention there are more rare materials. Sometimes monsters can even explode rare equipment. Because of this, For example, the working capital of the Loki Familia should be calculated in hundreds of millions.

The funds Keilal gave Lily were enough to get her out of her original life.

But at the same time, she also betrayed Keilal, and thus lost the opportunity to stay with Keilal and the chance to change her own destiny.

Of course, Keilal would not go looking for her, a rat in the underworld, just for this little money, but if she appeared in front of him next time, he would not hesitate to cut off her head as a token of appreciation. punish.

This was the turning point of Lilyluka Erd's fate. She didn't know how powerful and great Kelal was, but with her intelligence, she probably understood the purpose of Kelal's test.

So whether she can suppress her greed and choose a better destiny, or whether she can completely release her greed and become a person with no bottom line, Keilar is really curious about her choice.

The selected answer sheet will be closed before twelve o'clock tonight. After the sun wakes up tomorrow morning, if she doesn't come, I'm afraid she will be an enemy next time we meet.

He ate patiently. He wanted to take a bath today, but this hotel did not provide hot water at all. This city has such a thing as a large bathhouse, which is similar to the baths in Rome and inherits the luxury of Roman baths. , many people’s homes are not equipped with a bathing space, so they can only go to the bathhouse to wash up.

In fact, for people in the feudal period, bathing was a troublesome thing. Centralized supply of hot water was a good thing to solve the problem of bathing hygiene. However, several large baths in Orario were only open to residents in specific areas. Say - Neighborhood Committee.

This is indeed a very good method.

The first thing the Romans did when they built the city was to build sewers and bathrooms. Precisely because they maintained extremely good hygiene habits, the Romans lived longer than the barbarians. Since they lived longer, they had a larger population and were able to deal with The population advantage of barbarians with inferior combat effectiveness.

The bathhouses in Orario are more able to form a population division area for the densely populated Orario, and this area... is probably the household registration management system.

It's really good. It's obviously a feudal society, but even the household registration management system has been established.

Even though the household registration system he established in Camelot is so perfect, he still praises other people's household registration system. Sometimes he really doesn't understand the brain circuits of these wise men - just like the relationship between him and Aristotle Compliment each other.

But today is a test for Lilyluka, and Keilal can't go directly to the bathing place.

But will she come?

During this period, Hill came up and took away the plate, then smiled at Keilal and gave Keilal a sign. With this sign, Keilal can be regarded as the [Mistress of Plenty]. , you can use the nearby bathhouse.

However, this strict household registration management system also has disadvantages. I wonder whether people in places like slums can also enjoy this kind of infrastructure.

In the eyes of modern people, [infrastructure] is a gift from God to people in the feudal era, right?

It seems like time is almost up? Looking at the moon that had slowly crossed half of the sky, Keilar sighed softly.

I thought I would have a good subordinate and helper, but now it seems that the other party has completely failed his test.

Greed is indeed one of the seven original sins, and not everyone can overcome it.

Dong dong dong...

There was a tap outside the door.

"Mr. Kelar, are you asleep?"

"No, please come in." Kailar turned around and said loudly.

"Although it's a little late, this lady insists on seeing you. Because you told me before, I brought her here."

Hill moved away, and Lilluka's petite body appeared in front of Keilal without any surprise.

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