The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 546 New Journey

Chapter 035

One hundred thousand Wallis was casually thrown into the storage compartment under the bed and into the wardrobe by Kelar. Although it was not safe or safe, it could at least be covered up.

Just one hundred thousand wallis sounds like a lot, enough for civilians to eat and drink for decades.

But for advanced adventurers like Kelal and others, this money is not enough for a better armor.

The armors of level 4 and level 5 adventurers like Ais and others are all specially customized, costing more than one million watts, which is not something that Kelal can covet with his current money.

Keilal's current amount of money happens to be in a very awkward position. Keilal is neither excited about the money nor sad because it is too little.

For him, whether it's clothes, money, weapons, equipment, or even Lily, it's just a prop to achieve his goals.

Lily has not completely passed Keilal's test, and she is far from being Keilal's companion.

In other words, she can't even compare to Kelar's "attendant" Mikasa, or "attendants" like Dinisha and Galadia.

At most, she is nothing more than a useful tool in Kelar's mind.

He might polish this tool sharper so that it can be used more smoothly, but if he wants Keilal to treat her the same way he treats Dinisha and the others, I'm afraid Lily has to be more calm and selfless.

They will always lack that condition.

The sun shone in from outside the window. Lilluka opened her eyes in the sunshine, and then jumped up instinctively. She slept too deeply last night. If she slept like that, everything around her would have been stolen, right?

But looking at the wooden ceiling and the big package next to the table, she suddenly relaxed.

She lay on the bed with the quilt between her legs, and the sunlight lazily hit her face, which made her feel better.

She buried her face on the pillow, took a deep breath of the smell of the frequently changed pillow, and rolled around happily with the quilt between her arms.

This single bed, which is about one meter wide, makes it difficult for Keilar to stretch her legs, but for the little human Lily, this is already a big bed that can allow her to roll over.

She took a deep breath and couldn't help but giggle.


Her voice echoed in the space.

New owner, new companions, new room, new life.

After Kailar gave her the task yesterday, she only hesitated for less than a second before making an immediate decision.

Completely bid farewell to her past. With the protection of a strong man like Keilal, why should she think about who she was in the past?

Lily, who has long been accustomed to surrendering to the strong, does not have a high vision. If it were a level 4 adventurer like Lyu or Chloe, she would surrender immediately and choose them.

And now that Keilal has shown herself to be a strong person, she no longer hesitates. She chooses Keilal without hesitation, and does her best to complete the tasks Keilal gives her, even to ensure that the task can be completed. Completed 100%, she even took a long detour and found a safer way back.

It can be said that although Lily is naughty and cunning and has been hanging out in the dungeon for a long time, once she really starts to do things, she is still very efficient and trustworthy.

"Bang bang bang." There was a trick sound outside the door, which startled Lily. Lily suddenly remembered that she was no longer in a dark street, and the person knocking on the door at this time would not be someone looking for trouble.

"Please come in." She cleared her voice and said in a pretentious manner.

"Miss Lily, right?" A sunny girl walked in outside the door. For some reason, Lily's mood improved when she saw this girl, and she couldn't help but smile.

"I am the maid of this hotel. You can just call me Hill. This is your breakfast. Mr. Kelar asked you to come over after you finish your breakfast." Hill put down the plate in her hand, and her Keilal was in a good mood. After that, Keilal naturally paid for the room for two people, plus the cost of breakfast and dinner, as well as tips. It was obvious that Hill liked Keilal very much. How could a generous guest be a waiter? There is no way to refuse.

"Okay." Lily, who was enjoying room service for the first time, had a happy smile on her face and nodded.

After Hill walked out, she came to the dining table and looked at the sumptuous breakfast.

For most adventurers, breakfast is a necessity, but Lily is just a supporter and does not need to take in a lot of calories in the morning, and as a slum dweller, she has long been accustomed to skipping breakfast. Something only [nobles] eat.

But when a piece of buttered toast exuded an alluring aroma and was covered with a thick layer of cheese, and three pieces of such bread were placed in front of Lily, Lily's stomach suddenly growled. Voice.

What, is breakfast such a great thing?

She wiped the saliva from her mouth, took a sip of the soup, and the thick soup with cream and grains immediately warmed her stomach, making her let out a sigh of satisfaction, and then She picked up the bread, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then took a bite. The crispy aroma in her mouth made her squint her eyes.

It's delicious... She looked at the thick bread in her hand in surprise, extremely surprised.

She had never eaten anything so delicious.

It was as if it was a gift given to her by God, so delicious...

When Lily came to Keilal's room, Keilal was a little surprised that Lily's belly was round, like a pregnant woman who was pregnant with Liujia.

"What are you...?" Keilal looked at her in surprise. Did you show your pregnancy in just one night?

"Breakfast is so delicious..." Lily's face turned slightly red. She didn't want Keilal to regard her as a glutton, but breakfast was indeed the best thing she had ever eaten. It was precisely because of this that she was unusual. Uncharacteristically, the little human changed his petite appetite and ate a lot.

"Indeed, the food in this hotel is very delicious and suits my taste." Keilal was not surprised and just nodded to Lily: "Let's get some exercise and we're ready to go."

"Eh?" Lily raised her head and looked at Keilal.

"Today's target is the twenty-fifth floor." Keilar slowly put on the armor on his body, then hung up the sword and turned to look at Lily.

"Master Kelar obviously just reached the twelfth floor yesterday, has it doubled today?!" Lily has never seen such a person who doesn't know how to write the word "death", or maybe it's just a more naive artist who is bold. ? !

"It doesn't matter. After all, I'm the [newcomer] on the second day after entering the dungeon." Kailar said nonchalantly with a smile on his face.

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