The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 555 Handling the Trophies

Chapter 044 Handling the Trophies

She took a breath of air-conditioning. To be honest, Kelal has far exceeded her expectations. Each of these piles of magic stones is worth more than tens of thousands of Wallis. After careful calculation, Crores of Wallis are possible.

This is a magic stone on the 15th floor. As Kelar said before, adventurers become active below the 30th floor. The 15th floor happens to be in a backbone position. The applicability of adventurers on the 15th floor is the widest. The above can be directly derived to adventurers on the 20th floor, and the following is also applicable to adventurers on the 10th floor.

It is precisely because of this that 15-layer magic stones have wide applicability, so they can be sold at a higher price than ordinary magic stones.

As a member of the Adventurer's Guild, she already had a rough estimate of the magic stones. The tens of millions of magic stones here were indeed the largest batch of transactions the Adventurer's Guild had seen in recent years.

But what really made her lose her temper was not so many magic stones, but Kelar's ability to overpower the class leaders.

Lily's inadvertent revelation didn't seem like a lie. She turned her attention to Bell. Bell had known her much longer than Keilal, and Bell would never lie.

Seeing Bell nodding, she really took in the cool breath.

"Mr. Kelar, how did you do it... No, or rather, Mr. Kelar, who are you!"

Lily is a supporter and Bell is a rookie. She knows both, which means that the person who pushes the class leader is the 1.88 meter tall, burly and handsome silver-haired man in front of her.

Even when she faced this man, she couldn't help but use honorifics and respect.

Although Bell is cute, it is always the strong who are respected in the dungeon.

And Keilal is such a strong person.

He smiled and waved his hand to Aina: "You don't have to be so polite, Miss Aina, can you eat this batch of ours?"

According to the current trend of selling a legendary weapon in the dungeon for hundreds of millions, these tens of millions of funds are not a problem at all. The main thing is that if you sell all the magic stones here, you will save a lot of money. effort.

Neither Lily nor Belle understood what tens of millions of Wallis meant.

But if we really want to calculate the volume, 100,000 Wallis is 2 tons, then 10 million Wallis is 200 tons.

If these two hundred tons were to be pulled by current four-wheeled carriages, it would probably take ten vehicles to pull them.

But after these ten cars are pulled over, Kelar will not have any extra space to place them, and he must always be careful about the risk of being stolen.

So now is the time to take a look at the strength of the Adventurer's Guild.

How will they acquire Kelal's magic stone? How will he pay Keilal?

Keilal was really curious.

After Aina and Keilal confirmed, they hurried inside.

Not long after, she came over with seven or eight people, all of whom were wearing short suits, the standard style of the Adventurer's Guild. Their footsteps were very hurried and messy, which proved that Aina was not wrong before.

Although the Adventurer's Guild receives a large amount of magic stones and materials from the dungeon every day, this batch of tens of millions of magic stones is indeed a rare large-scale transaction for the Adventurer's Guild.

This large-scale transaction is second only to the large amount of magic stones brought back by the Loki Familia some time ago.

But the Loki Familia won't sell it directly to them.

The Loki Familia has its own complete logistics system. Whether it is a magician who can temper magic stones, a craftsman who can enchant, or a blacksmith who can forge materials, the Loki Familia has it all.

Moreover, Finn has a very high vision. He is a far-sighted person who is willing to waste materials to people within the Familia to improve his skill level, and will not sell them, so the Adventurer Guild wants to make money from the Loki Familia. It's not that difficult to find it cheaply.

Kailar is a retail investor here and can also provide a large amount of magic stones. Although Kailar already knew that the other party would lower the price in large quantities, the other party lowered the price from the expected 20 to 30 million to 1,300 in one breath. After ten thousand years, his face still looked a little unsightly.

Aina smiled bitterly beside her, she was completely unable to intervene now.

It was not her turn as a novice receptionist to act as host in acquiring and recycling such a lucrative position. It was precisely because of this that they had no sympathy with Keilal, and the price reduction was even more horrifying.

Lily's little face turned red with anger. She was the one who knew the price of magic stones. It was precisely because of this that she knew even more how far they had bargained. This was simply treating them like fat pigs.

Deep down in her heart, Aina would rather make good friends with a promising adventurer like Kailar even if she had to give up the price. However, the person who acquired the deal was not from her department, so she couldn't get in the middle of the conversation. Instead, she felt a little embarrassed for Kailar. Lal worries.

How could Keilal let them bargain unscrupulously?

There was a sneer on his lips: "We brought these magic stones back from the underground city with great pains. Not to mention the hard work and blood, do you think we have to sell them to you just for convenience?"

"These stones are not heavy. We can definitely find a merchant to sell the magic stones for the two of us, and then take the remaining magic stones back home and sell them slowly. We can rest for a month and sell all the magic stones before entering. Dungeon.”

Of course Kelal couldn't do that.

But according to most of the adventurers hosted by the Adventurer's Guild, once they have a large amount of income, it is normal for them to rest for ten days and a half before entering the dungeon.

There is Aina here who understands that Keilal is different, but since she has no say, Keilal is scaring them without any worries at all.

At this time, it depends on whether Aina values ​​the union more or whether she values ​​Keilal, the rising star.

Kelar glanced at Aina. She stepped aside and remained silent. As expected, she did not speak.

The faces of the other acquirers are not very good. They can indeed get a lot of kickbacks for such a big business, but as Kelal said, if he really doesn't sell it, then they will suffer a lot. Fallen.

Obviously this market is not a definite buyer's market, and all their previous wishful thinking was wrong.

"Twenty-two million Wallis, if I can't do it, I will sell it slowly." Keilal offered a very fair price. He watched them being aggressive. This was another person that Bell and Lily didn't know. A kelal.

"Deal." The other party agreed with an ugly expression.


Sure enough, I still can't write the third update. I seem to have a cold today and am very sleepy. I'll go to bed early today and get up tomorrow and continue coding for everyone. How about it? Because I have to compete for the half-year award, I will update at least 8,000 words every day in the next few days for everyone to enjoy. I will not go to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

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