The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 560: Capture (2/4)

Chapter 560 Capture (24)

Chapter 049 Take it

"Miss Aina, shall I take you home?" Keilar asked politely.

"Huh? Hehe, hehe..." Ayina looked completely drunk, holding her red cheek with her left hand, her face was intoxicated, her face was hazy, her big eyes were not wearing glasses, and she looked at Keira watery Er, I neither agree nor disagree.

Lily instinctively felt threatened and inappropriate, raised her hands and said: "Mr. Kelar, please let me go, please let me send her back."

"Your fighting ability is not as good as Bell's." Kelar shook his head and refused: "Not to mention that you have to look at our things." He glanced at Chloe meaningfully, making Chloe's eyes dodge. : "To prevent some thieves from stealing our treasures."

"Yes!" Lily gave a military salute, as if she had received a military order.

"Then let's go." He gently helped Aina up and said to Bell and Hestia.

"Okay, okay." Bell himself was swaying, and he looked like he would fall down in the next second.

"Mr. Keilar, do you want to open a room for them? You know it's hard for them to go back now." Hill came up to meet Keilar and asked, looking at Keilar with a hopeful look in his big eyes. For a moment, they looked at Keilal, expecting Keilal to keep them.

"What do you think?" Kailar turned his head and looked at Bell and asked.

Before Bell could speak, Hestia yelled, "No, not here, it's so expensive here, so expensive. Let's go back, Bell, let's go."

"Okay, Lord Kami." Bell himself was also dizzy, and he and Hestia wandered out of [Mistress of Plenty].

Keilal smiled bitterly and shrugged at Hill: "As for Miss Aina, I will send her back. Don't worry about my safety."

He walked out of the door with the staggering Aina, and Hill sulked behind him: "Who is worried about you anymore? I am worried about Miss Aina's safety!"

But thinking about how much of a gentleman Keilal had been before, she felt a little relieved.

But she doesn't know that in this world, there are many people who are pronounced as gentlemen and written as hentai...

Aina came here in a carriage, and no one disturbed her along the way, but when Kelar took her through the alley, the mice in the darkness of Orario couldn't help but stir up a commotion.

It's just that the armor and weapons on Kelal's body are very good at deterring the rats. Combat-capable adventurers and ordinary [general citizens] are not the same species, and the deserters in the dungeon know this best.

Along the way, she followed Aina's vague directions and found Aina's home without any danger. Keilal opened her door, helped her all the way to the bedroom, stretched, turned around and was about to leave. But the corner of her clothes was pulled by Aina.

Keilal turned his head and looked at Aina, who was charming and hazy.

"Would you please stay with me for a while tonight?" Aina said the secret code, as if a switch had been turned on.

early morning.

Bell sat up from the bed, holding his head.

He had a splitting headache, as if a horse had kicked him in the head.

It was also difficult for him to sit up. When he took a closer look, he saw Hestia lying on top of him, sleeping like a dead pig.

what happened?

He stared at the ceiling in confusion for a while before he remembered what happened last night.

Did he drink so much at the celebration party last night?

I can't drink alcohol anymore.

"Uhhhhh..." Hestia in his arms cried out uncomfortably.

"Lord Kami." He looked at Hestia with some concern. He stood up from the bed and let Hestia sleep on the bed. He looked at Hestia from the side: "Lord Kami, yes Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Ah ah ah... my head hurts so much." Hestia cried out dancing on the bed.

"So it's a hangover?" Bell breathed a sigh of relief. He turned and walked to the other side to get some water.

"In that case, let's take care of Lord God today." He fetched a basin of water from the well, as if he had thought of something: "Wouldn't it be bad not to tell Mr. Kelar?"

Keilal has no time to take care of him now.

She opened her eyes wide and woke up from her dream.

She didn't cry out. Her long-term professional habits made her calm down instantly, and then she began to analyze the situation last night.

The more she analyzed, the redder her face became, and finally it began to steam like a boiling kettle.

She actually took the initiative to invite Keilal to stay last night!

Oralie's culture tends to be more open, much more open than Europe and the United States in the 21st century, but she is a good girl who keeps herself to herself. At almost twenty years old, she has never even had a boyfriend.

As a result, facing this man whom she had only known for a few days, she quickly lost control and confessed herself.

This is a huge blow to her who prides herself on being self-possessed and calm. More importantly, if she explains herself so simply, will Keilal mistakenly think that she is a casual woman?

A big hand was placed on her head, causing her to subconsciously raise her head and look at Keilal.

"If you want to blame, blame yourself." Keilal's words were a bit cold and ruthless, making her look pale for a moment.

"Who told you to be so charming last night?" He smiled and said, "I can't resist you at all."

Originally, tears were welling up in Aina's eyes, but after hearing Keilal's words, Aina still burst out laughing, and her tears fell directly on Keilal's chest. superior.

"You're such a nuisance," she said coquettishly, lying on Keilal's chest.

She seemed to be living in a dream. She never imagined that she would fall so quickly.

"What kind of magic power do you have? Did you cast some magic on me?"

Aina, who was lying on Keilal's chest, raised her face, looked at Keilal and asked. Even without her glasses, she could still see Keilal's handsome profile.

"Probably, it's because I'm stronger." Kailar said the truth inadvertently with a smile.


The second update has arrived, and there is a third update.

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