The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 579 Finn and the others

Chapter 068 Finn and the others

have they gone?

Kelal took two steps back and sat on the raised stone.

The whole person let out a long breath.

It was really ten days of hard work, and we returned to before liberation overnight.

All the magic power he had worked so hard to accumulate was released almost instantly, filling the magic shield. The light shield counteracted the powerful power coming from the other side, causing the magic power to be severely depleted and unable to be recycled. use.

It's really powerful.

The so-called ultimate weapon of Orario, the most powerful adventurer, is he?

He is like a ruler, the pinnacle for measuring adventurers.

With his power, even the humblest person can do whatever they want throughout Orario.

To be honest, Kelar has never seen an adventurer who can resist him.

Not Finn, not Riveria, not Gareth.

As for the younger generation Bert, Tione, Tiona, and Ais, they were even more unable to touch him.

This is a monster in human form.

Obviously the pigs are so lazy and do not want to make progress, but there are still such outstanding and extraordinary aliens appearing.

Kelal smiled bitterly, but the war in his heart became more intense.

Such a warrior is really rare to see in a thousand years, and people can't help but be eager to try it and go there happily.

However, he is not in his prime now, so the battle with him will be put aside for the time being.

He stood up and dusted himself off. Now was not the time to rest. Lily was in a dangerous environment all the time in this space of more than 20 floors.

If he didn't find her as soon as possible, Lily might be in danger.

He propped up his body and walked forward in the direction where Lily disappeared.

So scary, so scary, so scary...

Lily was running wildly in the dungeon. For her, any monster that was a miscellaneous soldier to Kelal was a fatal BOSS to her.

Now she could only rely on her small body to move flexibly among the monsters, and quickly ran to the upper level.

This is a generally recognized thing. In the dungeon, the entrance to the next level and the exit to the previous level are the safest places, and they are also the places where monsters have the least chance of spawning.

Monsters that were randomly spawned in the dungeon filled the tunnel maze again after Kelal came all the way.

Lily tried her best, but was still blocked by the monsters in a narrow groove.

What blocked Lily was a monster named Rabbi.

These monsters look like rabbits, but they are taller than ordinary human women, about 1.7 meters tall. The scary thing is that they stand on two feet, but because of the speed of rabbits, they can walk like flying, and their hands are free. They often pick up adventurers' weapons, rocks, and sticks as weapons, and then their attack power becomes terrifying.

Because they often gather in groups of more than twenty, the challenge level must be above level 18, wandering around the twenty-fifth to fifteenth floors. Lily met more than 30 rabbis this time, and she couldn't escape them at all. They could only find a narrow hiding place in a nearby cave, but these rabbits had tools in their hands. They were hacking at the rocks fiercely, trying to dig Lily out of the rock cave.

Lily didn't dare to move at all now, but the rocks outside were being dug up layer by layer, and the monsters had even reached out to catch her.

With tears in her eyes, she didn't dare to say a word and shivered in the cave.

However, the sound of fierce fighting outside gave her hope.

Lord Kelal?

No, she immediately denied the matter. With Kelar's fighting power, these monsters would not make such a loud noise. He always liked to kill people in silence, and these monsters were all focused on her. On their bodies, if it was Keilal who did it, they must have died quietly. Does such a loud noise mean other adventurers?

Lily couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but soon she thought, should she trick these people into saving Keilal?

But then she felt that the adventurers who appeared on this floor were all level 2 to 3 adventurers, so how could they be Ota's opponents?

From the beginning, she never thought about telling the truth to the other party who the enemy was. If she could deceive them, stopping Otta would be the best result.

Otta is a legend in the story to Lily, so why not to other adventurers?

However, after these adventurers cleared away the monsters, Lily stretched her head slightly and saw a very familiar person.

Sword Princess Ais.

I only saw Sword Lady Ace standing majestically among the monsters, killing these monsters like a massacre, but these monsters had no ability to resist.

Of course, a swordswoman with a level of 5 or above can only use one sword against a rabbi with a challenge level of only 18.

"Lord Sword Princess! Lord Sword Princess! Please save Lord Kelal!" She staggered out of her hiding place. Sword Princess didn't expect that there was another person here, and was startled.

Also shocked were the group of people behind Jian Ji.

Think about it, who among a group of level 5 ability users would rush up to a group of level 18 rabbis?

Sword Princess alone killed the opponent and made him flee in panic. The others were holding their chests and watching the excitement from behind.

This group of people is none other than the top adventurers of the entire Loki Familia. They are the top adventurers in the dungeon. There are even three level 6 adventurers. They are Kailar’s ​​old acquaintances, Finn. Well they.

Her words surprised everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this little adventurer was making a fuss.

"If Kelar is the one I know, I'm afraid he's still strong enough to face level 6 adventurers. Who among the twenty-fourth floor can pose a threat to him." Finn Asked from the side.

Lily looked at this little human compatriot who accurately stated Kelal's combat level as soon as he opened his mouth. She knew that she could no longer hide him. The only little human with such a mind in the dungeon was the one in front of her.

"It's the fierce one, the fierce Ota!" she shouted.

"Hiss..." Everyone took a breath of air.

They looked at each other. If the fierce Ota really takes action against Keilal because of the goddess Freya, I'm afraid Keilal...

"He's a fierce one, but don't be too surprised." Kailar slowly walked out from the other end of the tunnel, his expression calm. Although his body was in tatters, his energy was not reduced. Increased, reached a new state.

"Didn't I come back alive?"

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