The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 581 Murder on the 18th Floor (2/2)

Chapter 581 The 18th Floor Murder Incident (22)

Chapter 070 Murder on the 18th Floor

When Kelar and Finn arrived on the eighteenth floor, it turned out that the place had a unique charm.

This is already a gathering place for level 2 to level 3 adventurers. When Finn and his friends are constantly attacking the fiftieth floor and above, they will retreat here as a matter of course. Of course, now the fiftieth level has already It has become a new safe house and will surely become a new paradise for level 3 to level 5 adventurers in the future.

The point of a safe house is not really to be a refuge.

Instead, he told the group of adventurers that they only need to rush a little more, just work harder, and struggle a little more, and they will be safe.

And when they arrive at the safe house, they will find that they have unknowingly exceeded their limits.

This in itself is the charm of human beings.

Level 4 adventurers are not uncommon. Lyu, Chloe, and Ais all belonged to this group before.

This batch is considered mid-to-high-end combat effectiveness.

But the really high-end ones are adventurers above level 5.

So Keilar feels very good about Loki Familia.

As powerful as the Loki Familia are, they are determined to open up the lower levels and open up the entire dungeon. Not everyone has this kind of strength and commitment.

However, after entering this small eighteen-story town, Keilar felt that it was not worthy of its name.

Although there are many shops, the people are scattered here and there.

The important thing is that although there are a lot of people, there is worry on people's faces.

As a safe house, it is definitely not up to standard to make people so worried and frightened.

People must feel safe here. This is called a safe house. Otherwise, this safe house will not be worthy of its name.

When Kelar and the others walked into this small town, many people turned their attention.

Kelar was led forward by Finn, but Riveria stopped and said: "The atmosphere in the town is not quite right, Finn, be careful."

"Yeah, I know." Finn nodded, indicating that he had noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere.

It was Kelar's first time to come to such a town, and so was Lily. He didn't find that the town was any different from before.

"What happened?" Keilal looked at Finn with questioning eyes.

Finn shook his head and continued walking forward.

A stout man was walking out of a shop in front of him, and Finn's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Borth," he called.

Apparently, he met someone he knew.

"This is Borth, a level 4 adventurer and the host of this town." Finn whispered to Kelal as he walked over.

Keilar nodded to express his understanding. Obviously, Borth is the key to maintaining this town.

"Loki Familia." He looked at Finn and the others in shock for a moment, and then his face became a little ugly: "You guys didn't come earlier and you didn't come late, why are you here at this time?"

He was complaining loudly, and it was obviously aimed specifically at Finn.

"What, is there any trouble?"

Finn walked over in a relaxed manner. Seeing Finn's relaxed look, his face became more and more ugly. He turned his head and looked at the cold street, and finally told Finn the answer.

"A murder occurred here. A level 5 adventurer was killed," he said.

"Hiss..." Everyone took a breath of air.

This is not some level 1, 2, or 3 rookie adventurer, but a being who can be called the backbone of a family.

It can even be said that a Familia with level 5 adventurers can be considered a powerful Familia in Orario. Such a Familia guarantees that no one will dare to bully them in Orario.

But such a strong man, the pillar Zhenhaishi, actually died on the 18th floor.

The eighteenth floor is also a safe house.

In other words, the other party was killed by other adventurers.

And those who can kill level 5 adventurers can only kill level 5 adventurers if they are also level 5 or above.

Putting it this way, the Loki Familia who happened to appear here is really too suspicious.

The people of the Loki Familia were not stupid. They looked at each other and saw uneasiness in each other's eyes.

If the opponent can easily kill a level 5 adventurer, then this means that most people here are not safe.

Whether it is Lefia or Ais, they are not adventurers known for their strength. In close combat, if they are not careful, they may be attacked and killed by the opponent.

Under such circumstances, whether Finn should intervene or not may have some considerations for these children.

Finn took one look at Kelal and decided whether or not to intervene.

"Can we take a look at the body?" Finn asked, looking at Borth, the person in charge here.

"Tsk, just make some troublesome invitations." Borth looked at Finn, thought for a moment, thought of Finn's mind, and finally nodded.

"Come on, but be careful, you are in a very bad situation now."

Indeed, only level 5 adventurers can kill level 5 adventurers, and Finn and the others are level 5 and level 6 adventurers who have huge suspicions.

There are no coincidences, but people in the underground city don't believe in coincidences.


"The one who killed him was a woman, a big-breasted woman." He led the way and introduced the situation to Finn and the others while glancing at the two women next to Finn.

Ace and Tiona, forget it.

But Tione is truly majestic. I don’t know why sisters born from the same mother are so different. But obviously, she fits the category of a woman with big breasts. If coupled with her true level of a level 5 adventurer, If so, I'm afraid she is the biggest suspect.

"What are you looking at? I've just arrived here!" The fierce female Amazon glared back.

Borth is a short, stocky, middle-aged man. His left eye was injured at some point and has been covered with an eyepatch for many years.

However, this middle-aged man was naturally capable of gaining a foothold on the eighteenth floor. He shook his head with disdain and took Kelar and the others to the safest place in the town - the hotel.

The door here has already been crowded with people, making it very noisy.

But no matter how noisy they were, when the voice of "Loki Familia is coming" was shouted, all the people immediately calmed down and moved out of the way, allowing the Loki Familia to walk in.

The taken-for-granted look of the Loki Familia made Kelar smile slightly. It seems that they haven't realized that they are completely out of touch with ordinary adventurers.

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