The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 587 Return (two in one)

Chapter 076 Return

"Finn, are you there?"

At night, Keilal knocked on Finn's door, and Finn opened the door unexpectedly and watched Keilal walk away from the airport.

"What's wrong?" He was a little surprised when he saw Keilar coming to his room late at night, but if there was something urgent, he wouldn't mind having a long chat with Keilar.

"Yes, I want to talk to you, about Bors." Keilar walked into the room, and the dim oil lamp illuminated the room. This room was the same as other people's rooms, with a room of about eight A ten-centimeter single bed, plus a simple table, two stools, and an oil lamp on the table, this is a room worth hundreds of thousands of wallis a night.

But if you take the geographical location into consideration, this room on the 18th floor of the dungeon is really not too expensive.

It can only be regarded as a monopoly operation without competitors.

And what monopoly produces is absolute huge profits...

"What, are you interested in Borth?" Finn sat on the chair, raised his hand and motioned Keilar to sit on the chair on the other side, and asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm very interested in Borth." Kailar smiled and nodded, not hiding his thoughts.

The most brilliant lie is to tell 9 percent truth mixed with 1 percent lie. Facing a smart man like Finn, Keilal's approach is to use one purpose to cover up his other purpose - even though he gains a lot of confidence in the process. The result is the same, but Kelal's purpose is different.

"Indeed, this guy Borth is very extraordinary." Finn sighed with emotion. It would be better if he had some wine at this time. Night conversations with candles and wine can make people more relaxed and happy.

"That's right, if he can establish such a legacy in the underground city, he can even go down in history."

If this world has a country, if this world has a biography, then the name of this man Borth must be [Pioneer of the Human Counterattack on the Underground City]. He made huge sacrifices for the human counterattack on the underground city and established a human bridgehead in the underground city. man.

But it is a pity that there is no country on the surface of Orario, and humans attack the dungeon just for the "fun" of the gods.

Such a great achievement becomes so insignificant here, and Borth's sacrifice also becomes insignificant. The so-called bridgehead is the same with or without him, because the eighteenth floor is a safe zone.

It doesn't matter if he is in the safe zone or not.

Without him, other adventurers would just set up tents here, without much difference.

In fact, many adventurers are now setting up tents outside.

The main manifestation is that you can buy a lot of supplies here, such as food, potions, weapons, and equipment, and even repairs can be done by someone.

The price of repairing weapons for adventurers here will be several times higher.

Blacksmiths who are capable and qualified will naturally come here to work.

Borth's original intention of establishing the hotel is no longer known, but after he established the hotel, people naturally came up and started to gather together.

With the hotel as the center, we began to expand.

Blacksmith shop, shop, medicine shop, material recycling, magic crystal recycling.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and then there was what Keilar and the others saw now.

A town appeared on the eighteenth floor.

"Does Borth have any ambitions?" Keilar asked strangely.

It was a bit awkward for the two of them to talk like this, but they were both smart people and would resolve the awkwardness. Keilal's question made Finn think for a moment.

He finally shook his head.

"No, Borth doesn't have any ambitions. His purpose here seems to be to make money."

"But..." He seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Borth was very dissatisfied with the gods. He seemed to have had some conflict with his previous gods, and then ran to this place to create a town. He seemed to have never returned to the surface of Orario since then. "

Finn's words made Kelar's eyes light up. Did he quarrel with his god?

This is actually quite good.

Borsi is already at level 5. After his quarrel with the God, they are actually on an equal footing. There are not too many level 5 adventurers, no matter which family they belong to.

Borsi did not choose other members of the family to join, but came to the eighteenth floor, a place where birds do not shit, to start over. Isn't this choice a kind of declaration?

Borth was dissatisfied with his godly possession, but when he did not join other members of the family, but instead came to the underground city, a place where no one shits, to build a hotel by himself with stones and cement, didn't this mean that he not only Not only dissatisfied with his own god, but also dissatisfied with all the gods in Orario!

This will be easier to handle!

Brother, I am also very dissatisfied with them!

You also joined a clan of gods! Look at me! I haven’t even joined a single family member!

Keilar was already sixty percent sure about persuading Borth and would not disturb Finn's rest here. After chatting with Finn for a while, he stood up and left.

After sending Keilal away, Finn stared at the oil lamp in a daze.

"Are you dissatisfied with the gods...?"

His faint voice sounded in the room. He didn't know if he saw something or sensed something, but it was obviously very abnormal for a smart person like Keilar to not choose the Familia until now.

If Kelar's not choosing the Loki Familia before could be seen as a smart man's caution, then he came to Orario. After half a month of thinking, whether he chose the Loki Familia or the Loki Familia, It is a normal thing to join another weak family and just let God upgrade you.

Even if he joins the Freya Familia, Finn wouldn't be surprised.

But the fact that Keilal did not join any Familia gave Fenn a hint of something unusual. This time Keilal was almost unabashedly talking to Finn about this matter. So what happened to Finn? You won't be able to notice it.

But after noticing it, Finn didn't know what to do.

Keilar was obviously alert and wary of the [gods]. Logically speaking, Finn should report it directly to Loki, but for some reason his instinct made him choose to shut his mouth and look at Keilal silently. You do these things.

Finn is not Otta, he is a [brave] with independent self-thinking.

As the leader of a clan, he has even more things to think about than other gods.

Although the times have limited his vision, they have not limited his wisdom!

But it's really hard for him to talk about this kind of thing. His position is wrong, so he can only remain silent.

Kelal didn't know Finn's journey, but even if he knew, he would probably just laugh it off.

Top adventurers like Finn were not originally the target of Kelal. To put it bluntly, they are the beneficiaries of the current system. They have no reason to oppose this system - even if this system is bad. , is incorrect, as well.

It was almost inevitable that Kelar would come to find Finn's support at the right time, but not now.

early morning.

Everyone stood neatly at the door.

After sleeping in the absolutely safe safe house, everyone felt refreshed and energetic, and yesterday's hard work disappeared without a trace.

You must know that even if you are camping outside, you still need to worry about other people's vendettas, but in a stone house, this sense of security is greatly enhanced, so that you can sleep more deeply.

Deep sleep, even for a short period of time, can help relax the body's muscles. After waking up from a long period of deep sleep, you will feel very comfortable and refreshed.

Looking at Keilal walking out, Finn was a little surprised: "Aren't you going to stay here?"

Everyone else was wondering why Finn said that, but Kelal knew that Finn had already thought of Kelal's thoughts from the conversation last night.

There is not only one way to become stronger.

Bert became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye during the battle with Kelal. Strong people will never be obsessed with God's [Update]. They will naturally become stronger by tempering themselves. This is true for the younger generation. The adventurers of the current generation still don’t understand, but the adventurers of the older generation are by no means superstitious.

Keilal is by no means such a superstitious person. This can be seen from the fact that he has not joined any family members yet, so Finn thought that Keilal was going to stay here or seize the foundation of Borth. Or impress Borth.

A strong person can easily gain followers no matter where he is. Keilar is so strong that there is only one Lily. That Bell is barely considered a follower of Keilar. If Keilar wants to be convinced again, it is really difficult to conquer a follower. It's so normal.

"No, the time has not come yet." Keilar smiled at Finn and didn't explain much. Finn nodded and didn't ask any questions. The two maintained a tacit understanding and started to lead their respective troops. Go back.

The return trip was really smooth. After all, the monsters on the 18th floor are not strong, and they become even weaker as you go up. The people who took action along the way were all Aisi, and even Lily had been trained, and no one else was too lazy to take action. , it seems that yesterday’s training has made their enthusiasm disappear.

"Our family is about to embark on the next expedition." Finn and Keilal were chatting at the back of the team. Unsurprisingly, they revealed the most confidential things about their entire team to Keilal. Riveri Both Ya and Gareth felt that he was planning to train Kelal as the next successor.

Finn is the leader because he is smart, strong, responsible, capable of leadership, capable of action, and most importantly, he has this charisma.

Keilal has it too.

In other words, Keilal is Riveria, and Gareth is the most charismatic man they have ever seen. I am afraid that Finn has already considered this matter at the first sight of him.

Gareth and Riveria were thinking about some ideas of their own, and Keilal nodded: "Are we going to go on another expedition?"

"Yes, the road from the 50th floor to the 51st floor has been opened. I think it's time to go deeper."

Finn said with a nod.

"What do you need me to do?" Kelal asked.

There is no benefit to getting up early, especially for wise men. Finn said this, obviously looking for help.

"If possible, I hope you build a safe house on the fiftieth floor." Finn's words made Gareth and Riveria turn their heads to look at him in shock.

"Hey, Fen, do you know what you're going to say again?" Riveria asked loudly.

"No matter how you say it, Kai is only a level 1 adventurer. Maybe he is very strong, but building a safe house on the fiftieth floor or something..."

Even Borth can't do it!

Borth is a level 5 adventurer, but it is almost impossible for him to break into the 50th floor alone.

And even the Loki Familia had to go through a lot of hard work to reach the 50th floor. If they wanted to complete such a supply line from the 18th to the 50th floor, it would not be as simple as the first to the 18th floor. .

The hard work here is a thousand times greater.

"I will take care of it." Kailar nodded and gave a promise that was not a promise.

Finn smiled, nodded, shook his head at Riveria, and the group continued to walk forward.

"Hey, what happened?" The energetic Tiona broke away from the group in front and joined the chat in the group behind.

"It's about Kai's plan to form his own team," Finn naturally changed the topic. Tiona and the others have not yet dealt with these matters. They will wait until their strength reaches the ceiling before learning these worldly things. Bar.

"Hey, Kai, are you going to organize your own team?" Organizing a team is the second step for adventurers in dungeons.

If the first step for adventurers is to become a level 2 adventurer, the second step must be to find like-minded companions, or companions who can make up for each other's shortcomings. Of course, if Kelal is as strong as this They can only accept followers.

People like Lilibel have already been regarded by them as Keilal's followers.

But this is not enough. Kelly's fixed team is actually only Lily.

There is only one melee output and one logistics support in Kelal's team, not even one long-range attack, one defensive warrior, one magician, or one sensitive scout.

If you go into more detail, you can form an adventure team of five to ten people. If you extend it further, an adventure group of ten to fifty people is also normal.

There is no mandatory rule in Orario that she must take risks with members of her own family. In other words, except for the Loki family, which has a strong ability to unite, most of the other family members are in a scattered herding mode. Of course, , there are also many family members with a good atmosphere who will form adventure teams internally, and bring in new people along the way.

It was actually not surprising to them that someone like Keilal started to form an adventure team.

"Yes, we are in great need of manpower now." Kailar responded with a smile.

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