The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 592 News Explosion (1/2)

Chapter 592 News Explosion (12)

Chapter 081 Big News Explosion

Everything was as Kelal expected.

Although Hestia was naive, she was not stupid. She did not bring the matter to the Council of Gods as she thought.

Keilal was right. Regardless of whether Somo was such a person or not, the first thing to do was to make sure everything was safe and move Lily out first.

If Somo is really such a person, after he is taken to the Council of Gods, he doesn't know how he will retaliate against Lily. Lily is his dependent, so it is normal for him to be punished no matter what.

And if Lily is replaced now, Sumo will have no reason to be angry with Lily if he ever gets angry in the future.

"This matter..." The Somo opposite was a young god in simple clothes. His hair was very long, covering his eyes. His skin was very fair, and could even be said to be a little strangely pale. , he was sitting across from Hestia. It was the first time for the two of them to meet. To be honest, it was very rude to beg one's own family like this.


"Loki has already told me about this matter, and I have already agreed. Since both parties agree, there is no need to bring it to the Council of Gods." He said this with a bit of sadness. It's a bit embarrassing. To be honest, as a god, if his family members want to change jobs, is it a subtext that he is not good enough?

"Okay." After both parties reached a consensus on this matter, they handed over the ownership of Lily.

This is probably one of the reasons why Kelal is unwilling to become a Familia.

"But then again." Now that Lily has become Hestia's, Hestia glanced at him and pretended to be casual and said: "Somo, are you short of money recently? Data. Everyone must be troubled by the fact that there are still charges for updates.”

"Eh?" Soma raised his head and looked at Hestia with a blank expression on his face and asked, "The goddess Hestia said..."

"Don't you know?" Even Hestia would use official rhetoric. She looked at Somo who looked confused: "But everyone has said that because you even need to charge for data updates, Somo Familia Everyone here is miserable, which is why the Somo family members are so greedy for money."

"Greedy? Do you charge for data updates? What on earth are you talking about?" Somo looked confused and had no idea what Hestia was talking about.

But Hestia carefully observed Soma's expression and found that he really knew nothing about these things, so she boldly said what she said: "Because Lily even charges for data updates, And she couldn't afford the upgrade fee at all, so she switched to my name. And you don't know anything about these things. Could it be that the leader of your family..." Before Hestia could finish her words, Somo He turned pale and stood up in shock.

"How could such a thing happen! I don't know anything about these things!" He was shocked, angry, confused, and ashamed. It took other gods to remind him of these things before he knew about them. This was simply a shameful thing for him. .

He couldn't believe that the leader of his family would do such a thing, but as a god, Hestia would not lie.

There is actually no benefit to lying gods, and they may be despised by other gods.

Because of this, the credibility of the whole thing has been greatly improved, especially with Lily's transfer as an assistant. He immediately understood why fewer and fewer family members came to update the data recently.

According to what the group leader said, no one could bear to disturb Somo Brewing, so it was changed to once a month or every two months. But now it seems that the members may not be able to earn money to update the data every month. There is no way to appear in front of him!

Soma's character is that of a solitary person. He is only interested in making wine, which is completely inconsistent with his image of being greedy for money.

If there were just rumors that he was greedy for money, or that he was withdrawn, Kelal would not believe it.

But when two facts conflict - Soma is greedy for money, but also withdrawn from other gods, then the problem arises.

If a greedy person wants to make money, shouldn’t he have to have good relationships with other gods? Somo is so withdrawn and does not look like a money-grubbing person at all.

Then one of the two things in conflict must be false.

Based on Keilal's IQ, he noticed almost instantly that there was a wall between Soma and the dependents.

Then ask Lily whether they can see Sumo at any time, and whether they can chat with Sumo when updating data. Based on what kind of person she has come into contact with, Sumo can easily come to a conclusion.

Somo, who was waking up from a dream like this now, indeed confirmed Kailar's guess.

It's really amazing, that silver-haired guy... Hestia exclaimed in her heart, but she suddenly thought that her Bell was also a silver-haired brat. She suddenly laughed, and her Bell would also become Kelar. Such a powerful guy?

she does not know.

"I'm going to investigate this matter in detail." Sumo stood up and said in a cold tone.

"Thank you for informing me about this." He bowed to Hestia.

"No, no, no, I also feel that you have been deceived, so that's why..."

"So." Sumo stood up and immediately went to investigate the matter. As a technical geek, it was obvious that his emotional intelligence was not high. As a god, no one cared about him. -In fact, there are too many conspiratorial and calculating gods among the gods, so gods like him who don’t care about worldly affairs are very popular among the gods. As technical nerds, there is always no threat.

It is precisely because there is no threat that Somo can safely develop into a second-level dependent clan.

There are the most Level 2 adventurers in the Sumo Familia, and there is only one Level 3 adventurer. It is precisely because of this that Sumo's position in Orario is as stable as Mount Tai even though he is not enough to compare with those above, but more than enough to compare with those below. Morgan himself has never had any "problematic" thoughts.

Until Hestia revealed all this.

Sure enough, after Lily's first data update, an explosive news swept the entire dungeon.

The leader of the second-level adventurer clan, the Soma clan, "Wine Keeper" Sanis Lustra deceived the gods and exploited the members of the clan. He was discovered by the god Soma and was arrested in the Council of Gods. The gods united and were banished into the dungeon.

If there was no eighteenth floor in the dungeon, this person would not even survive three days in the dungeon!


The situation is improving.

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