The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 600 Solution (two in one)

Chapter 089 Solution

"You run really fast." Keilal threw the golden magic stone in his hand far away. Like catching a football, Lily took off the backpack on her back, then jumped up and caught the magic stone she was about to The magic stone he hugged fell to the ground, he opened his backpack, put it in his backpack, and synthesized it in one breath.

"Retreat, everyone. Seeing that you are in need of repair now, retreat to the 18th floor." Looking at the wounded soldiers of Hermes' family members on the ground, Kelar said.

"Okay." Yasifei nodded and said softly.

She was only level 2 in her name, but in fact because of Hermes' scheming problem, she was actually a level 4 adventurer. Kelar could tell her level at a glance from her skills.

However, even level 4 adventurers cannot defeat Olivas. In addition to the magic flower, Olivas's personal combat power is also around level 5. Otherwise, it would be impossible to see Kelal versus the magic flower. What he did was to fight Keilal in close combat with a confident look on his face.

Then the short-haired woman's combat power firmly suppressed the level 5 adventurer, and she was able to compete with the level 6 adventurer.

Before Keilal and the others arrived, the most advanced person here was Ais. After the level 5 Ais was dragged down by the opponent, the level 4 Yasi Fei was completely unable to withstand the opponent's attack.

Seeing the injuries on Yasifi's body, Keilal could deduce that Yasifi thought the opponent was a mage-type enemy, so she rushed up to kill the leader. Unexpectedly, the opponent not only had the ability to summon magic flowers, but also had level 5 Left and right hand-to-hand combat abilities.

As a result, he was directly injured in one encounter and became a drag on the team.

Now everyone in their team is injured and even dead. This situation is obviously caused by her mistake.

They were all in a very low mood, especially Yasifi.

Because after seeing Kailar's command, she compared it with her own command. The gap between the two sides was like the distance between the earth and the stars, which was really disappointing.

Her agreement with Keilal caused the entire team to slowly start walking towards the upper level.

The average level of the Hermes family is around level 3. They are all elites who have experienced the baptism of blood and fire. Their combat effectiveness is just below level 30, which is why someone entrusted them with this task.

The person who posted this task definitely had bad intentions.

They announced this mission to the Adventurer's Guild, and the Hermes family members chose to accept the mission after considering it and hearing that Ais would join.

Then the identity of the person who issued the mission to Aisi was unknown. He was a ghost-like guy wrapped in black mist.

In other words, the clues are completely cut off here and it is difficult to continue tracing.

They chatted and moved forward along the way, but what was surprising was Bell who kept moving forward, came back to report the movements of the monsters ahead, and then continued moving forward.

He was like a tireless perpetual motion machine that would never stop. After coming back to report, he continued to rush out without stopping at all.

Everyone was surprised by his performance, and Keilal looked at Ais and smiled secretly.

This is probably the age when young people are first in love. They don’t know how to express their feelings to the people they admire, so they either make the people they admire angry or try their best to express themselves and let their advantages shine in the people they like. Perform in front of others.

However, Aisi didn't understand why he was running around like this at all. Instead, she was a little amazed because he tried his best to fulfill his duties.

Especially when they heard that Bell was only level 1 and Lily was only level 2, the group's admiration became even louder.

Obviously, if you reach the twenty-seventh level, you are either stupid or have outstanding talents. The two people who can be selected by Kailar are obviously capable of transcending others.

Although there are level 2 magicians in the Hermes Familia, please, those are magicians. Level 2 magicians can already cast very good magic, and other Familias can't even accept magicians if they want them.

As they walked up, it became easier and easier. The monsters became lower and lower in level as they went, so naturally it was very easy to clean them up.

But in fact this is just a trap.

These people have not studied psychology, but Keilar knows that once people relax, and when they are tired and scarred, they feel that the higher they go, the easier they feel, and it is very likely that they will be carelessly The little monsters surrounded and destroyed them all.

Not everyone can be rescued by passing adventurers, and not everyone can be rescued safely. If the exhausted adventurers were piled to death by groups of mobs, they would probably still be above those class leaders if counted.

But dead people don't speak. Many people have provoked too many monsters and have caused trouble. Whether the victim can survive depends entirely on strength and luck.

Anyway, a lot of people died in the underground city, including them.

Kelar knew that every move in the entire dungeon was a trap, so if the rumor that [the dungeon is a paradise created by the gods] was true, then the gods would undoubtedly be Kelar's complete enemies.

Under the protection of Kelar, Bert, and Ace, the injured members of the Hermes family finally reached the eighteenth floor.

As soon as they reached the eighteenth floor, several people couldn't hold on any longer and lay down on the grass.

Keilar ignored them and looked carefully at the dungeon on the eighteenth floor.

This place also has a common feature with the safe house on the 50th floor.

That is a towering tree rising from the ground, standing tall on the sky. The roots extend downward and even cover the entire stratum, while the crown stretches upward. The canopy-like crown seems to block out the sky and the sun, and the top covered by the crown I couldn't see clearly what was shining brightly, like the sun, making this place look like daylight twenty-four hours a day.

Kailar's heart moved slightly, but he didn't say anything. Relying on the light above, the place became full of vitality, with piles of weeds extending out of the land. The soil here looked quite fertile. As for the star The roots of huge trees are not a problem.

The tree roots floating on the ground have naturally divided the entire stratum like a grid. Although the tree roots buried under the ground are huge, they no longer compete with these weeds for nutrients.

In other words, the land on the surface of the earth is probably very fertile...

As for water, there is water here. The mountain spring comes from nowhere, flowing down from the top of the tree, and then forming a huge waterfall. The huge waterfall is divided by the tree roots, and several lakes flow in all directions.

For example, the city founded by Borth is right next to a river, and it is very convenient to get water.

This place, maybe...

While Kelal was meditating, the family members of Hermes over there had already begun to treat themselves.

Those with small wounds on their bodies began to clean the wounds with clean water - in other classes, they could only be roughly bandaged. As for cleaning the wounds with clean water, it was simply impossible, because clean water is an important strategic resource. Once it is buried by a landslide, If you live, water may become a life-saving thing.

This kind of strategic material cannot be used before the danger is resolved - yes, as long as they do not enter the safe house for a day, their safety cannot be guaranteed.

This is what truly experienced adventurers do.

After arriving at the safe house on the 18th floor, they can use water as they please.

Clean the wound, bandage it, and the seriously injured person can also ask the magician to perform healing magic or use magic potion.

This is not the time to worry about money. Recovering as quickly as possible will help them return to the ground alive.

They began to treat their injuries, and Keilal, Ais, and the others were waiting for them.

From this we can see the difference between the combat effectiveness of the two sides.

Esbert's clothes were not even dirty, and he looked elegant, as if he had gone on a spring outing.

Even the third-level magician Lefiya, who followed Keilal and the others to the twenty-seventh floor, was like this.

There’s no need to mention Fairfax.

The two sides are not on the same level in terms of strength or team.

"Hey, how are things on the twenty-seventh floor?" Borsi walked out of the town after hearing the news and asked them.

His tone was not very good, and his attitude was uncomfortable, but everyone knew that this was Borth, and that was what Borth was like.

"Well, it has been solved. The trouble on the twenty-seventh floor will no longer trouble you." Keilar said to him with a smile.

Borth's scalp went numb when he looked at Keilal, and he swallowed what he originally wanted to ask.

"By the way, Borth, I have a plan." Keilal stepped forward, held his neck and walked to the other side.

The two of them were far from familiar enough to be able to put their arms around each other like this, but Borth was only a little over 1.6 meters tall, and it was as if he was being intimidated by the 1.88-meter Keilar driving around his neck.

Borth couldn't help but follow Keilal to a secluded place. He didn't know what Keilal wanted to talk to him about, but he was a little afraid that there might be a lot of connections in Orario, and with the Loki Familia. Keilal with great connections.

Keilal had already walked away, and no one could follow him.

"Bors, do you know how to farm?" Keral's question made Bors stunned for a long time.

What a problem.

"Do you know what the land beneath your feet represents?" Keilar asked.

"The sunshine here is abundant, the land is fertile, and the fresh water is abundant. Just by farming here, you can harvest enough to feed the entire Orario population in a year."

Keilal's words made the hair on his back stand up, and he felt an electric current running through his spine. He was stunned by this bold and creative plan.

He took a few steps forward, not realizing that Keilal had let go of him.

He had already begun to ponder the feasibility of this plan.

"Adventurers will not come here to dig holes for planting, but only level 2 adventurers can pass through the seventeenth floor and come here." He walked out for ten steps, suddenly turned back to look at Kelal, and said in a deep voice .

If it were Loki and the others, they would definitely be surprised to see Borth now. He is completely different from the fussy and philistine Borth of the past.

It was as if he had changed into a different person and become a true leader.

He is able to gain a firm foothold on the 18th floor and be able to convince countless level 2 adventurers to trust him to open a store here. He is an extremely qualified leader in his own right. It is only because of his philistineness that people subconsciously ignore him. That's all.

What he said just proves that he has strong logic and mind. These things are the flaws in Kelal's plan.

But of course, since Kelal has thought of this plan, it means that he has already passed the exam on these things.

These things represent the limitations of people in this era.

He smiled slightly at Borth: "The Loki Familia wouldn't mind the availability of more affordable food, water, and logistical supplies here."

"They will help us, and we can issue a large number of tasks for adventurers above level 3 to bring civilians to pioneer the wilderness."

"Commoners can get land as long as they come here. They only need to pay a small tax to open up wasteland here. There are no nobles, and there is no more than half of the tax. It is also very safe."

Keilal spread his hands and said with a smile.

Borsi instantly understood Keilal's thoughts.

"This requires a lot of money." He said solemnly.

"It's just that you don't have much money to get to the seventeenth floor, and more people will be escorted. The increase in escorts will make the route cheaper and safer. The previous seventeenth floor will become a paradise for mankind."

"The core of people will be transferred here from Orario, and this place will become a huge and prosperous city, and you will become the master of this city." Keilar looked at him with a smile.

He was actually observing the other person's expression carefully. If the other person showed ambition or a beating heart, Keilar would have to kill him.

This place is not prepared for careerists.

The other party showed a hesitant and worried expression.

"This requires a lot of money, very big, and only the Loki Familia is not enough." He faced the reality and spoke to Kelal.

This was a good sign. At least he began to seriously consider what Keilal said and there were practical difficulties.

He was seriously considering what Keilal said.

This is a big policy that can affect the entire dungeon and Orario, and another exciting thing is that once this thing is successful, mankind will take a big step forward.

"I can also ask Freya to recruit some other dependents to do these things. For money, the adventurers here can raise funds to set up a bank. We can decide the number of shares based on the amount of funds. We can also Recruit from the rich at Orario.”

Keilar thought about these things thoroughly, and confidently put the solutions to the problems in front of Borsi one by one.

He didn't want to solve the problem, he just wanted to solve Borth.

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