The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 603 Final Payment (1/2)

Chapter 603 Final Payment (12)

Chapter 092 Final Payment

After Aina's evaluation, the harvest this time was more than six million, because some precious materials were found, but it was not revealed by the class master. Keilar thought it was not too big. It was valuable, but he made a common mistake for newbies - in fact, 99% of most of the materials in the dungeon were exploded from these little monsters.

And these materials are much more precious than magic stones.

Bell himself seems to have a lucky bonus. Even ordinary little monsters can occasionally reveal materials. These materials add up to a small amount. After being brought back by Lily, they can be sold at a good price.

It's just that Varys doesn't care much about the five or six million now, because the funds he will operate next are calculated in tens or hundreds of millions.

But before that, he needs to go to Hephaestus with Bell to retrieve his "artifact".

Kelal didn't really need the artifact, but he wanted to see what the so-called divine craftsman's true level was. This was his real purpose.

As for weapons, as a mage, he really doesn't need powerful weapons.

The most important thing is magic.

Kelal has no way to draw magic power from the air now, but the small amount of magic power in the sunlight can help him recover a little.

But this is really the only one thing. After releasing a light bead, he still has to recover the magic power, and he does it carefully, which is pitiful for Bala.

Kelal is not sure yet whether this magic is a problem caused by the gods.

But it is true that his magic power is slowly recovering, so he has always been active as a warrior.

His disguise was very effective. Even everyone in the Loki Familia who had seen Keilal's attributes and profession had almost forgotten Keilal's true profession. It can be seen that Keilal's performance was so good and the disguise was so deep that he was indeed like Enough to be a warrior.

The artifact on Bell's side is different. This is something that can indeed greatly improve Bell's combat effectiveness.

And after returning to her den last night, Hestia immediately updated Bell's data. The data showed that Bell was already a level 2 adventurer.

This meant a lot of things. Hestia was so excited that she didn't sleep all night long, talking to Bell about his bright future.

Indeed, after entering the second level of adventurer, he can be regarded as an upright adventurer, an adventurer who can enter the palace and be on the stage.

His name will soon enter the Council of Gods, enter the ears of the gods in the Council of Gods, and enter the ears of everyone in Orario.

He may be a meteor that flashes by, and after a while, everyone will forget about him. He may be a silent moon, and everyone will only see him occasionally. He may be the sun, as long as it appears in the sky, it will never be seen. Fall.

All this depends on Bell's quality and talent, but at this point, he has finally grown to a certain extent.

Hestia's excitement has not infected Bell. Bell is now like old wine in the sediment. After experiencing the baptism of Kelar, Ais, Bert, this series of strong men, after all, he is not the one who only grew up in ten years. A young man who is wandering around below the level without any knowledge.

Hestia finally fell into a deep sleep after dawn, but Bell looked at the bright sky outside the church and thought about his own shortcomings.

His speed has been proven to be faster than those monsters below the 30th floor, but unfortunately his insufficient attack power has prevented him from causing fatal injuries to the monsters. Perhaps the artifact made by Hephaestus can help him obtain Stronger attack power.

When agility is enough, the next thing to consider is defense.

He and Kelal learned a lot, one of which was dodge. However, no matter how flexible Kelal's dodge was, sometimes he could only directly receive the enemy's attack.

This is inevitable, and he must take these things into consideration if he wants to become an excellent adventurer.

Small buckler? Or armor?

These are all things that Bell needs to consider. Hestia is his harbor, but she can't give him advice on such matters.

He is now trying his best to get closer to Kelal. Being a scout is by no means his end. His goal is to become an all-round warrior like Kelal.

Whether it's agility, high attack, or strong defense, he hopes to become someone like Kelal.

He admired Keilal immensely, and precisely because of this, his second skill slowly emerged behind him.

Early the next morning, Lily had a day off, and Keilal and Bell went to Hephaestus to retrieve his artifact and pay the balance.

Hestia didn't come with him. She actually had two jobs to do. During the day, she set up a roasted sweet potato stall, and at night, she worked with Hephaestus to pay off her debts.

Now that Bell has begun to earn tens of millions of dollars, she can finally relax. Before Bell had no job, she was working five jobs a day, which was very tiring.

Before Bell, she was just eating and drinking with other members of the family. Fortunately, she was a goddess. If she were a male god, such a loser would have been exiled long ago.

But now, she has finally gotten through it. She can sleep in during the day, go to work at noon, and go to Hephaestus to pay off her debt at night. With the money brought back by Bell, she has finally gotten rid of her previous The plight of poverty is no longer the god of poverty.

When Kelar and Bell came to the Hephaestus Familia, it was not lively here.

In fact, not everyone can afford the weapons of the Hephaestus Familia. Only the top few can afford the weapons of Hephaestus.

For example, Loki Familia and Freya Familia.

Keilal was the one doing business with Hephaestus. After they arrived, they were introduced directly to Hephaestus.

There were two boxes placed in front of Hephaestus, one large and one small, which were the artifacts created for Kelal and Bell.

Bell's eyes shone behind Kelal, but he didn't go beyond.

Hephaestus looked at Keilal, somewhat amazed at how well Keilal had trained Bell, and pushed the two boxes.

"Let's take a look and see if it fits." Her words made Keilar step forward and put an IOU from the Adventurer's Guild on the table. Obviously, this was the final payment.

She looked at the number above, with a satisfied smile on her face.

And Keilal and Bell opened their own boxes together.


One more update.

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