The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 608 To everyone (1/2)

Chapter 608 To everyone (12)

Chapter 097 To everyone

"That's nice," Keilal said to her with a smile.

"It's great to have your support." Keilal looked at her and said softly: "Then, let's stop here today."

Freya was stunned for a moment, and asked with a strange look on her face: "Wait, what does this mean..."

"It's so late at night, let me take you back. It's not safe for a girl to walk alone at night." He said softly and in a gentlemanly manner.

Freya didn't expect that even after reaching this point, Keilal could still endure it and send her back.

Is this man a monk?

But from Aina's point of view, Keilal is definitely not that kind of impotent guy.

In other words, does this man's self-discipline remain unwavering even in front of a goddess like Freya?

Freya licked her lips and looked at Keilal, her eyes even more aggressive.

In matters between men and women, men are often the attackers, while women are the defenders. But between Keral and the goddess Freya, their offense and defense are completely reversed. Freya has a strong Aggressive and aggressive, while Kelar is more conservative and defensive.

This is Keilal’s strategy, and it’s the strategy of many women.

Drag, fish, and never let him/her get a bite.

Whether this strategy is clever or effective, Keilal will never go to bed with Freya.

Freya and Hephaestus were different.

Hephaestus is a craftsman and an engineering student with a relatively simple mind. She has finished reading Kelar’s ​​attributes and has nothing else to do. She will neither tell others nor brag about it everywhere. Or the eighth wife.

Hestia is a person who has a wide range of friends. She is kind and approachable. She only has the power of two low-level adventurers, Bell and Lily. She is harmless and innocent, and has no idea what should and should not be said.

Freya is superior to Hephaestus and Hestia in terms of scheming, skill, courage and action.

In terms of achievements, there was no man in the entire dungeon who could rival her—except Keilal.

In terms of power, only Loki could rival her.

But judging from the ruthlessness and ruthlessness, she wants to surpass everyone and firmly occupy the top of Orario's crown.

So Keilar didn't dare to go up, couldn't go up, didn't want to go up.

He's not the kind of animal that can't walk when he sees a woman. Even if he wants to fuck, he has to look at what's on the plate and can't fuck around.

Freya, just hang it up. Anyway, she has so many prey, and the ones she can't hunt are the most precious ones.

Keilal was very insistent. Even though Freya was swaying and confused now, Keilal still had no intention of disrupting her pace.

He was wearing a soft silk robe, with the artifact "First Snow" samurai sword on his waist, and soft shoes on his feet. He accompanied Freya on the road back to the family camp, looking like two lovers taking a walk. .

Freya hugged Keilal's arm, leaned on Keilal's body, and looked up at Keilal with eyes filled with admiration, just like a little girl seeing her idol. The big, barking eyes are simply irresistible.

Keilar looked ahead without squinting, holding the scabbard with his left hand, with a smile on his face, as if he was taking a walk.

He knew that there were people protecting her secretly. There were about four people, all at level 5 or above. Although their auras were hidden, the feeling was unmistakable.

As expected of the goddess Freya, she is watertight.

Although no one in the dungeon would take action against the goddess, it was obvious that Freya would not take such a risk at all, and she would not leave her safety in the hands of others.

This is a woman who thinks exactly like Keilal.

But their paths were completely different. Keilal strengthened herself and became the strongest magician in the world, while she developed the first Familia in Orario.

It really is……

A woman who is full of desire to conquer.

Between men and women, men are always the ones who take the initiative.

Strong women are still the target of men. In other words, the more powerful a woman provides a man with a stronger desire to conquer, the stronger the pleasure after conquest.

But the goddess Freya, her power seems to lure men to conquer her. She looks easy to get, but in fact this is just her disguise. She is like a poisonous snake or a spider, disguising herself. In the camouflage, in fact, by the time these men reacted, they had all been swallowed by her and even digested.

If the development of the Loki Familia is the royal way, Freya has been using this tactic since she was weak to swallow up one strong enemy after another.

Until Otta appeared.

Keilar patiently evaluated Freya's family members, and evaluated Freya. As for Freya's seduction, seduction, etc., he didn't take it to heart at all. Maybe his body would respond honestly. , which made Freya feel that she could make Keilal surrender obediently as long as she took one step further, but her strong reason and willpower kept Keilal's head as clear as a rock.

Along the way, several prying eyes appeared in the dark, and then disappeared. Obviously Orario was not as calm as she appeared. As one of the two giants, Freya, no matter when and where, her movements and Every action is watched and spied upon.

It's just that peeping is peeping. Under the secret protection of four level 5 adventurers, not everyone dares to do it.

Only the Loki Familia has 4 level 6 adventurers and 4 level 5 adventurers. As for the other family members, it is already a great thing to have one level 4 adventurer, and one level 5 adventurer can already enter directly. Orario's first line of Familia, as for the plurality of level 5 adventurers and above...

Sorry, they really can't get it out.

Unless the Loki Familia takes action, it is almost impossible to deal with the Freya Familia from the goddess Freya.

As for Loki, she seems casual and free, but she is usually protected by at least a level 4 adventurer, otherwise how would she dare to run around.

Standing at the door of Freya's family residence, Keilar stopped, smiled and lowered his head to look at her. The 1.75-meter-tall goddess Freya looked like a little woman in front of the 1.88-meter Keilar. generally.

"Okay, we're here. Regarding the person responsible for this matter, you can ask him to come to my room to find me tomorrow." Keilar looked at her with a smile and said.

"This will be fun, I promise you." A meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Whether it's for humans or gods...


There will be another update soon.

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