The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 638: Find out more about the Farmers Guild

Chapter 127 Find out more about the Farmers Guild

The third block included a brothel, two casinos, as well as countless billiard rooms, bowling rooms and other entertainment facilities. The four gods were very interested in seeing it, but there was no need to rush in to try it today, so they were even more excited. 's are more interested in the second block and the first block.

This third block is actually the most prosperous and serves the nobles. So what are the second block and the first block used for?

With this idea in mind, they walked along the alley of the third block to the second block.

But before they even left the alley of the third block, they were on alert.

It turns out that there are more adventurers on the entire road than on the commercial street in the fourth district.

Why are there so many adventurers? There is not a single merchant, noble, civilian, or laborer on the entire street. They are all adventurers in different costumes.

This is also a pedestrian street, with thousands, even tens of thousands, of adventurers coming and going in this pedestrian street.

It seemed like all the adventurers in the "safe house" on the 18th floor were here.

This kind of scenery is very spectacular. You must know that a year ago, it was already amazing that there were 500 adventurers on the entire eighteenth floor.

Now, the food and water sources on the 18th floor are completely self-sufficient, and there is even room for export. Although it is only a little export now, it will definitely be exported in large quantities in the future - after all, the merchants have never imagined it. The food here can be harvested three times a year. (Wheat that is harvested three times a year is just something I mentioned casually, but I recently heard about technology discovered in space. Wheat that is exposed to the sun 22 hours a day can triple its yield. Am I a god?)

Since food can be self-sufficient, relying on external imports has become weak. Keilar still did not expect such a situation, so the amount of his investment was actually overstated.

The self-sufficient food has allowed many adventurers to live here permanently, and the second district shows very well what the core of this city is.

Now that there is a steady supply of farmers, workers, coolies, merchants, and nobles, the expenses of these adventurers will become very low.

Kelal's government uses a powerful government to subsidize adventurers - whether they are big adventurers or small adventurers, adventurers can enjoy very low-cost adventurer villas as long as they register with the Adventurer Guild.

And because several large adventurer families have shares on the 18th floor, it is precisely because of this that in addition to hotels, taverns, and restaurants, there is also a huge adventurer guild on the entire street, and several huge adventurers. Dependent family.

From Loki Familia, Freya Familia, to Familia, they are all on this street.

And it is precisely because there are so many dependents, adventurer guilds, and other restaurants, inns, and taverns that are cheap enough and have sufficient portions that they create such a prosperous situation.

But precisely because of this, the four gods covered their bodies and walked to the next block like they were hiding from monsters.

"What's wrong, Ace?" Finn asked, looking strangely at Ace who turned her head and looked behind her.

"No, it's nothing, it seems to be an illusion." Sword Lady shook her head and said lightly.

If it was Loki, she would definitely be able to recognize him at a glance, but with gods like Freya and Hestia who had not interacted with each other in the past, her feelings were not so sensitive.

The four gods passed through the next block, and they were not safe. The adventurers' chatter could be clearly heard in the wooden houses here, and adventurers walked in and out of the wooden houses from time to time.

They walked non-stop towards the first block.

To be honest they were getting more and more interested.

If the adventurers who are the top pillars can only live in the second block, then what exactly is in the first block?

In order to avoid the adventurers and to see where the first street was, they passed directly through the second block and then came to the core of the entire eighteenth floor.

This place is the core street of the entire city.

If they continued on from Second to Sixth Streets, they would converge on the street in front of them.

Compared with the two-carriage lane sidewalk, there are four carriage lanes here, and the sidewalk is wider, just like a carriage lane. Even if four people are walking abreast at the same time, it will not be crowded.

Here, there are people coming and going.

But what caught the attention of the four gods was that there were all kinds of people coming and going in this place.

There are adventurers, workers, coolies, and even farmers driving oxcarts, all among this endless stream of people.

The gods were curious about their purpose, so they followed a farmer to the door of a large building.

"Farmers Guild." Hestia read out the name of this building curiously.

There are a few words clearly written on the door of this building, but they believe that the farmers who come here will never understand these words.

But they couldn't understand it, so they just walked in.

In this "Farmers' Guild" stood several service staff dressed like the Adventurers' Guild. These people received the farmers in a friendly manner. It seemed that these farmers had some problems and they would be able to solve them if they came to them. Same.

"Adventurers' Guild, Farmers' Guild... Hey." Dionysus laughed, and said with disdain: "Adventurers are powerful, so they need the Adventurers' Guild to provide order, but this group of farmers ...What do you need a guild for?”

Although Hermes and Hestia are not as direct as Dionysus, they agree with Dionysus' views in their hearts.

The largest violent institution in the world, apart from the military, is the only one composed of adventurers.

In a sense, adventurer groups with magicians are even more dangerous than the army.

It is precisely because of this that they are so disdainful of farmers.

Adventurers are the largest violent group, so they need to be organized by guilds to prevent them from going on a rampage.

But what do farmers have?

hoe? sickle? ox? Or a dog?

Their hands are rough and their minds are stupid. As for their bodies, they are probably stronger than ordinary people, but that's of no use.

It is precisely because of this that the ridicule of farmers has not stopped for thousands of years.

As for the fact that farmers really have any power - if they could really do it, they would have overturned the nobles and gods above them.

Freya had a thoughtful expression on her face.

In this world, no one can understand the surging energy contained in the body of the farmer wielding the sickle.


As expected, I stayed in Rucheng after soaking in the hot springs in Rucheng.

I miss my 8700k and 1070ti very much

I recommend a book, "Sacred Oath" written by the leader of the alliance "The Stars Moving in the Clouds". It has 100,000 words and can be sold.

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