Chapter 129 Tentacles

This is no longer a year ago.

There was nothing here on the 18th floor a year ago, and even farmers were rare resources.

Now——no one can bargain with Kelal anymore.

These people seemed to have a bargaining naivety because of the power Keilal had given them.

But the people below them will not give them any room for such naivety.

"It seems that Mr. Kelal's tolerance has made you forget yourself." The receptionist looked at the old farmer with a look like a paramecium.

Although they are only thirty years old, the appearance of both parties is like the difference between people in their twenties and those in their fifties.

But in fact the receptionist was an elf, so he was probably over seventy years old, and the other party was only thirty years old.

No matter how old the elf is in maturity, he has more knowledge than the old farmer. It is precisely because of this that what the old farmer is thinking is too simple, too normal, and too clear for the elf.

Counting over and over again, all this man had in mind was greed.

Beyond greed, it’s just luck.


As a leader, he absolutely cannot refute this person here.

He is a guide, not an agricultural officer.


"I will convey your words to the higher ups." He clicked his tongue in his heart, but the words that came out of his mouth were completely different from what he thought.

It's because of this that these farmers forget about themselves.

He was extremely discriminatory and despised this rule, but that was the rule.

Especially the race of elves, whether they are elves or half-elves, they are the guardians of order and rules. Since Kelal has set rules, which can even be said to be laws, they will definitely abide by them.

The old farmer had a satisfied smile on his face. Obviously, this was the purpose of his coming here.

As long as it is not directly rejected, then his proposal has the possibility of implementation.

Then he has an explanation for those ordinary farmers.

Although it is just the simplest perfunctory, he has already mastered the "democratic" technique very well.

He thought that he could perfunctory the people above and gain the support of the people below, but to the gods and elves, this was just an arrogant idea of ​​a person without any foundation.

Kelal doesn't have any foundation, but not everyone has his means and negotiation skills.

Even though Kelal gave his farmers a certain degree of freedom and maximum benefits, they still wanted to obtain more benefits and rights.

This is inevitable. Kailar has already expected it, so he has also taken certain preventive measures. For example, like now, he does not respond to the other party in person, but the other party's information will be sent to him as soon as possible. Go in front of Keilal.

This is a trap.

Several gods looked at each other and smiled. Sure enough, it is impossible for these civilians to come into contact with this kind of thing so easily. Rights and other things are just fictitious things.

Keilal's disguise was well done, as was anyone's guess, and the gods saw no more than anyone else.

This was true, so they quickly gave up on this farmers' guild and turned to other guilds.

Other guilds will definitely not be like this.

If it were a farmer's guild, it would definitely become something "perfunctory" like this, but if it was a merchant guild, or a noble association, then these guilds would definitely become something like an adventurer's guild.

The gods have certain thoughts about this kind of thing. After all, the establishment of the Adventurer's Guild relies entirely on their support, and the gods who support the establishment of the Adventurer's Guild foresee that the Adventurer's Guild will become something in the future. What was established.

Adventurers are people with power above ordinary people. Likewise, a merchant association formed by businessmen with wealth above ordinary people, and an aristocratic association established by nobles with rights above ordinary people can use their power even more. It is indeed more advantageous and convenient to go to one place than the farmers' guild and the workers' guild.

They all thought that Keilar just wanted to gather the power of businessmen and nobles. As for the workers and farmers, they were just a cover-up and something he threw to appease the people. The real matter would still fall to the nobles and businessmen. On the body.

It's not just the gods who think so.

Farmers or workers all think so.

If that's the case, why not take advantage of the fact that he's doing superficial things to benefit himself more?

This is human nature. No one believes that Kelar values ​​these two classes even more than adventurers.

After all, the superstructure must be supported by a solid foundation. The so-called rugby economy was ultimately proved to be nothing more than a joke that is round on the outside and empty on the inside.

They came to the merchants association. There were many more people here. There were more than a dozen receptionists. These receptionists received merchants. The merchants not only came to them to complain or solve problems, they even notarized them. who notarize transactions between merchants.

It is precisely because of this that businessmen come to this place frequently.

After the notarization of this place, if one party fails to fulfill the contract, he will be blacklisted next time he comes to this place.

They can indeed find someone else to be their spokesperson, but whether the spokesperson is willing to thoroughly implement their will is another matter.

It is precisely because of this that businessmen pay more attention to this notarization.

There is an endless stream of businessmen coming and going, making this place full of popularity, which is completely different from the isolated farmers' guild with only a few people.

This scene once again confirmed the speculations in the hearts of the gods.

Sure enough, the merchants and nobles were the real ones, and as for the farmers, they were just what the master brought.

What the nobles and merchants used as branches was the adventurer system that Kelar relied on.

They claimed to have seen the entire dungeon clearly and finally dispersed and started wandering around the dungeon.

"Four gods?" The silver-haired man sat in his seat and gently waved a roll of parchment in his hand.

Since the four gods arrived in the underground city, countless people have been reporting to him.

No, in other words, he had already received this information from the moment they stepped into the carriage.

Old John, who was driving the car, was willing to report the whereabouts of this group of abnormal guests. The hostess of the tavern was willing to report this group of people to him. As for the countless coolies, businessmen, and even adventurers who saw their abnormality along the way, they were willing to report. Report their movements to him.

This city is far deeper than they imagined, and Kelal's tentacles extend to every detail of this city more than they imagined.

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