The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 65 The Man of the Red Dragon (26,000 tweets plus more updates)

Chapter 065 The Man of the Red Dragon

"But since you are already here, I can rest assured." The old man smiled at Keilar.

Although Dumbledore is old, no matter how old the old lion is, or even if it dies, its corpse can intimidate intruders. Facing the new lion, there is also a sense of comfort that someone will succeed him.

He had planned to finish this wave and carry Voldemort for another ten years to let Snape, Lupine and others grow up. When they enter their forties or fifties, they will really be qualified wizards. .

They have both the experience and sense of fighting when they were young, as well as the accumulation of magic power. It is precisely because of this that they will have powerful power and unparalleled combat effectiveness after the age of fifty, even Voldemort...

There is no way to compare with them.

They have endless possibilities.

Sirius and Snape were masters of Occlumency.

Sirius is the master of Transfiguration.

Snape was a master of potions, and even a master of spells. He created a very powerful spell of his own, the Divine Blade.

Although Lupine is down and out, he is not a weakling. Apart from being difficult to control when he was a werewolf, he doesn't have any major problems at other times. He is also a master of spells.

To be honest, these powers are indeed very strong, and they have an overwhelming advantage when facing Death Eaters.

But Voldemort is different.

Voldemort is a master of black magic, and even a higher level figure. It can be said that Dumbledore's attainments in black magic are not as great as Voldemort's. It is precisely because of this that Voldemort has Horcruxes, so Voldemort He couldn't be killed no matter what, so Voldemort could come back again and again, and that's why Voldemort had so many people surrounding him.

No one wants to die. Many people follow Voldemort and become Death Eaters. Many reasons are for his secret of immortality.

Strictly speaking, Voldemort is already sixty or seventy years old. Sirius and Snape are not even half of Voldemort's age. According to the difference of one year in twelve years, they are already at least four generations apart. These four generations are With a gap of forty years, there was no doubt that they had no chance of winning against Voldemort.

But this time Keilal appeared, Keilal was the ancient mage.

The ancient mage's offensive ability was extremely strong. Just like now, he could fight one against three without losing, and he could even capture them alive.

To be honest, he knew his body well. Dumbledore was very aware that he was getting thinner and older day by day, and he had even seen the shadow of death.

The thing he was most worried about was Hogwarts, even though he had left enough backup, including the Order of the Phoenix, which was secretly accumulating power, and the teachers at Hogwarts who were on the surface.

But for the endless black magic, he still didn't think that these could stop Voldemort.

Things are dead, but people are alive. No matter how many preparations and back-ups are taken, people still need to execute them.

It's like why in the original plot, he left Snape as his backup, but in the end he had to rely on a group of students to turn the situation around. There were too many variables and too many changes.

Voldemort didn't find out that Snape was a traitor until he killed him. Just because he was recognized by the Elder Wand, he wanted to kill him and seize the Elder Wand. No matter how detailed the plan was, it would not be worth the confrontation. .

How can conspiracy and conspiracy be as refreshing as facing them head-on?

No amount of conspiracies and tricks is as effective as a head-on confrontation.

And now, besides him, someone who can fight with Voldemort has appeared.

Even if his power is declining, with Kelar's attributes, he will never join forces with Voldemort.

They were destined to fight to the death. Dumbledore didn't know if he would be able to see that day, but at least for now, he felt that he should not force Kelar to face him.

"Thank you for your answer." Keilar showed a smile. Most of the things have been understood. All the points have been connected by clues. Everything has been clearly presented in front of him. He has been able to Through the fog of history, it is already clear what happened back then and what will happen in the future.

"I have one last question." Keilal said thoughtfully: "Sirius Black, who is that mouse you chase every day?"

"Peter Pettigrew," Sirius Black said through gritted teeth.

Snape and Dumbledore were shocked at the same time: "He is not dead, so he did what happened back then?!"

When it came to this matter, although Kelar did not understand the details, it was obvious that Snape, whose face instantly turned gloomy and cold, exuded a murderous aura that made Dumbledore look at him.

"Peter Pettigrew? This thing is really interesting," Kelar smiled. He had omitted this person. After all, no one would think about a dead person. This is the so-called blind spot in thinking.

But it doesn't matter, this person is very important to them, but it is harmless to him.

"I see, then, I also went to the Forbidden Forest for a day today. I'm a little tired, so I'm leaving." Keilar stood up, lightly patted the non-existent dust on his body, and said with a smile.

"Please take care of yourself." Dumbledore said politely.

Kelar lowered his body, hugged Hermione who had been motionless next to him, and then disappeared in front of them in an instant.

"Apparition." Dumbledore sighed: "Has he already learned such a profound spell in less than half a year since he came to this world?"

Apparition is generally an advanced spell that can only be learned by senior students, or even after graduation. It has certain dangers. For example, it will get stuck in walls or even stones, and you will basically die. deal.

If someone without certain attainments casts such an advanced spell, the chance of dying suddenly is very high.

But Keilar cast the spell without any difficulty, and instantly crossed several kilometers and appeared in his office.

"Professor, who is he?" Compared with positions such as principal, Lu Ping still prefers to call them the names they used when they were students, which makes them more intimate, even though he is also a professor now.

Not only was he concerned about this issue, but even Snape and Sirius Black pricked up their ears to hear what Dumbledore had to say.

Dumbledore's eyes were deep and his voice slowly sounded in the room.


"He was the sage of Camelot six thousand six hundred years ago."

"A disciple of Merlin, the ancestor of magicians, and the teacher of Curt, the pioneer of wizards."

"Legendary magician, a famous hero in history."

"King Arthur's husband, said in legend to be the wisest man of his time."

"He is Kelal-Pan-Dragon."

"The man known as the Red Dragon."

PS: There was a small problem just now, sorry, it has been fixed.

PS1: There are no more photos after 12 o'clock, I went to rest...

PS2: But even so, let me shout out loudly, please vote!

PS3: Also note, the man from "Red Dragon" (laughs

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