Chapter 135 Ruthless

Everyone was stunned.

Who is Bell?

Bell followed Kelal from the beginning and became Kelal's right-hand man.

The two people around Keilal, Belle and Lily, must not be ignored.

But even though Bell, who had been following Kelal, was easily killed by him.

Doesn’t this man have any humanity at all?

If they knew what Keilal had been through, they would never think this way.

When humanity is about to become extinct, everyone is expendable, including himself.

Although this is not a world where humans are extinct, Keilar's style has not changed.

He clearly distinguishes between right and wrong and righteousness.

This world is not gentle, this world is cold and cruel.

People who cannot see through this are just livestock raised under the warmth of civilization. After tearing off the cloak of civilization, they will never survive in a cruel world.

Kelal's efforts to maintain this peaceful civilization were definitely not out of fear that they would not survive in a truly cruel world.

Or in other words, by killing these gods, wasn't he tearing apart this false civilization?

If we are unable to see through this and are unable to extricate ourselves from the false world constructed by the gods, then human beings will truly be hopeless and irredeemable.

Otta was like this, and even Bell, who had been following him for so long, was like this. Keilar was really disappointed.

Disappointment is a disappointment. If you thought he would be merciful, you would be too naive.

Keilal's slightly opened eyes were blue, like gems, and as cold as gems, without any warmth at all.

It would be better not to confuse his determination with your thoughts.

Kelar's attack was so fast that on the entire eighteenth floor, only Finn and Ace, a few level 6 adventurers, could react. However, they were beyond their reach. When they wanted to take action, the laser had already penetrated Bell and Hestia. elegant.

I don't know whether it was because Bell's body was not as strong as Otta's, or because Keilal increased his magic power, but I saw the laser instantly penetrated the two of them and then slowly dissipated.

Before Bell could even turn his head back, he gritted his teeth and saw that his God was also pierced through the chest.

"I'm sorry." The ferocious face seemed to have understood something, and slowly became calm again. His face was filled with a regretful smile, and he raised his hand and touched Hestia's face: " I’m really sorry that I didn’t protect Lord God in the end.”

"No, I'm very happy to be with Bell..." Hestia had tears in her eyes, but looked at Bell with a happy smile on her face, and her whole body slowly turned into a point of light.

It is enough to meet someone like Bell in this life.

Knowing that a god has been killed and seeing a god being killed in front of you are two different things.

Everyone's scalps were numb, and the two gods Freya and Hermes were the ones who reacted the most.

The two of them turned pale, finally confirming that Keilal was definitely not joking.

"There is no time to hesitate, Freya, free your mind," he shouted.

No one knows what the will of God is, because no one has ever seen the gods release any skills or martial arts. Even Canison or Jian Yulei, who like fighting and are known as the gods of war, have never taught any martial arts.

Kelal believed that these people were indeed ignorant of martial arts.

Because you can easily tell from his movements, movements, and muscles whether he is a martial artist or not.

There is a huge difference between muscles with strength and muscles without strength.

Obviously, these gods are just a group of gentle guys. They have never fought with anyone and cannot defeat anyone.

The only thing that Kelal feared about them was their principle of updating data and the methods they might hide.

Keilar already understood the principle of updating data. They used the bodies of adventurers in dungeons after they broke through their limits as carriers, and then used the data to make intuitive descriptions. After pouring magic into it, the adventurers could grow smoothly. A big chunk.

To put it in the simplest terms, there is very little magic power in this world. Adventurers need to work hard to increase their magic capacity by a large amount, and then find the gods to inject magic power into them to truly become stronger. .

In other words, this group of gods who are not involved in production can directly rely on this "privilege" to "be one line for eternity" and never fall to the ground.

It is certainly more than enough to support these less than thirty gods with the productivity of all mankind.

But so what?

As a human being, are you willing to support this "god" that appears above your head for no reason? Do you want your son and daughter to be enslaved by them from generation to generation?

They have locked all the magic power in their bodies through technologies and skills they don't know where they came from, and can easily play with humans.

Although Keilar didn't know whether they were truly immortal or immortal, he never wanted humans to be enslaved by them for generations to come.

Since Ota comes to stop me, I will kill Ota.

Since Bell comes to stop me, I will kill Bell.

During the Qing Dynasty, there were so many old people and young people using their arms as chariots, how many people died?

Keilal has the courage and consciousness to cut down mountains and destroy temples, which is definitely not what Bell and the others can imagine.

Seeing that Freya and the others seemed to have a trump card, Keilar stopped thinking and the two lasers rushed towards the two of them in an instant.

Hermes was decisive, knowing that he would not be spared today, so he immediately threw himself on Freya, using his body as a shield to block Freya's body.

Two laser beams landed on him one after the other, instantly turning his back into a piece of charcoal.

At this time, Freya's eyes were shining with light, and her whole body was surging with huge magic power, comparable to Kelar.

The magic power of the roaring mountains and tsunami looked very terrifying, but Keilar always felt that something was wrong.

The feeling of just seeing the magic power on her body was not normal. While Keilar was thinking, the dungeon suddenly shook slightly.

All I saw was that a large area of ​​the ceiling had collapsed, and the rocks were like landslides.

But mixed with these stones, there is also a huge monster.

This monster is about twenty meters tall, with muscles all over its body bulging like a powerful engine.

Kelar was stunned for a moment, but quite a few adventurers shouted out in surprise: "Class Lord! Goliath!!"

After landing, this giant-like creature seemed to have just stepped down a step. It bent down slightly, then raised its head and roared loudly.

Kelal thought for two seconds and understood why the dungeon suddenly rioted.

Before this, the gods locked the magic power in their bodies. This was obviously some kind of magic or skill, but when they released their blockade, the magic power would overflow from their bodies, and these Magic power is undoubtedly a great healing elixir for the monsters in the dungeon. Ordinary monsters cannot detect this magic power across classes, but the class master is different.

The strata master should have direct access to the upper and lower floors, which means that if it collapses, the adventurers on the upper floor may fall directly in front of the stratum master, or the stratum master's floor may collapse and fall to the next floor.

For example, this Goliath class leader obviously fell from the previous layer.

But it is still unknown whether he directly broke through the land and landed here because Freya released the magic power of his body.

"Is this your trump card?" Looking at the alert adventurers around him, Keilar sighed in disappointment.

They still haven't figured out what the deaths of these gods brought them.

Without him, the death of every god would probably be a "self-sacrifice" and "gift" that everyone should be grateful for.

But now that he has come and killed the gods, these gods have stepped down from the altar, and these things are no longer gifts.

The deaths of Hestia and Hermes brought unparalleled magical power. If I had to say it, Kelar could not measure this unparalleled power, but Goliath came at the right time, and these magical powers were exactly what he wanted. What Goliath wanted.

In other words, what Goliath wants more is Freya, who is a self-propelled magic solidified body in human form.

Kelal knew what Goliath was thinking, he wanted to eat Freya.

And Freya is also seducing Goliath into the eighteenth floor. If Kelar and Goliath fight, then she will have the opportunity to benefit from the situation and find a chance to escape.

After returning to the ground, several of her level 6 adventurers will be her bodyguards. From then on, whether she hides or unites with other adventurer families to encircle Kelal, she can advance, attack, retreat or defend. situation.

It's just that since Keilal has to do it with one blow, he will not let her have another chance to make a comeback.

He sighed softly and waved his hand.

Before Goliath finished his roar, he saw the light from the sky washing down towards it like a waterfall. Those lights were not magic power, but lasers.

A huge, huge, unparalleled laser stream. The heat of this laser stream can be clearly felt even from hundreds of meters away. People who are slightly closer will even have their hair zoomed and curled.

Obviously, Kelal's laser stream is more than just a simple attack. The heat radiated alone makes it impossible for ordinary people to resist, let alone the Goliath at the center?

Only Goliath was seen, as if he was being tortured by endless karmic fire in hell. It was wailing and moaning pitifully, and its voice echoed endlessly in the eighteenth floor, making everyone pale with fear.

"Now, you know what you sealed away from humanity."

"Whether you don't know the significance of this matter to mankind, what you do cannot be done quickly." As if the huge laser stream was not Keilar's handiwork at all, he actually still had the energy to chat with Freya. Touching the sky.

Freya put on a wry smile and finally put on a hint of understanding.

She knew that she would never survive today, but she still wanted to try her best.

"I used to really like you." She smiled sadly.

"I know."

"A woman like you looks very wild, but in fact you have very high standards and a proud heart. How can you look down on those mediocre people?"

"I understand what you're thinking. You and I are the same type of people, and I don't look down on those ordinary people. Look at the people around me, how many of them are mediocre?"

Freya suddenly realized what Keilal said.

It turned out that the two were so similar that she couldn't help but get closer to Keilar.

That's why Keilal is as ruthless as she is when facing her enemies.

That's why Kelal killed the god so decisively, found the answer he wanted, and didn't hesitate to break his face when he had the power.

It turns out that their attributes are actually the same.

Freya didn't have any last words, she just smiled at him.

"Goodbye, Freya." This time, Kelar did not choose the laser. Instead, he pulled out his long sword, came to her, pierced her chest with the sword, and embraced her. In arms.

"Goodbye, lovely and hateful man. Sure enough, even to the end, my vision was correct." There was blood at the corner of her mouth, and she collapsed in Kailar's arms, murmuring softly, slowly Slowly turned into a point of light.

Keilal didn't ask her what the truth was.

She will never answer. They are all proud people. The victor will not ask the secret of the defeated, and the defeated also wants to maintain the last dignity. In this case, neither Keilal nor she will ask. Come up with that embarrassing question.

Seeing her slowly dissipating into a point of light, Kelar sighed softly and glanced at Finn and the others. Suddenly his wings trembled and his whole body moved upwards along the collapsed place. Fly away.

Finn and the others were still a little stunned, not knowing what Keilal's look meant. When Keilal disappeared on the collapsed ceiling of the strata master, Finn yelled: "No, he's going to Go kill Loki!"

Everyone was excited.

Only Finn can guess Keilar's thoughts. After Ota and Bell, if Keilal continues to kill Loki, then they will definitely fight Keilal desperately.

In this case, Kelal would take the lead and go to the dungeon to kill Loki. The other main gods would directly avoid the battle with the adventurer families and directly deal with the gods.

Based on Finn's character, they would definitely do this.

Keilal will never show mercy.

There will be too many people to kill.

It would be more enjoyable to finish these things directly while they are in the dungeon and unable to rush back.

Although he only glanced at Finn and the others, Finn immediately guessed what he was thinking and shouted out.

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