The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 649 Ten Years Later

Chapter 138 Ten Years Later

"I am Kelal Pan Dragon. I will kill the gods here today. Everyone, remember this moment! If any gods return to the world, I will definitely come back and kill them here!" He said in the sky Zhong said loudly.

Ais and the others gritted their teeth and looked at Keilal. Finn raised his head and looked at Keilal with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Obviously what Kelal is doing now is beneficial to mankind.

He seemed to have killed the gods, which made many people think that the channels for ascending were blocked. However, in fact, the magic power liberated from the gods opened up their future promotion paths, and there was no need to ask the gods for help. .

His declaration in the sky warned the remaining gods that if they dared to come back, Kelal would never let them go.

This is a threat, an eternal threat. If the remaining gods, such as Odin and Hera who were exiled by Loki and the others, want to re-enter Orario and establish their own families, then Kelal will definitely Come back and kill them.

This is the eternal Sword of Damocles, and no god dares to appear again.

Kelal does want to end things once and for all, but leaving a threat is more in the interest of mankind than ending things once and for all.

Keilal may seem reckless, but in reality he frees humanity from the control of the gods, just like a man who takes care of his children.

After the man who looked like an angel in mid-air said these words loudly, he flapped his wings, and ripples formed by a layer of air spread out around him. His speed broke through this layer of ripples in an instant, and then took him with him. The roar suddenly disappeared into the horizon.

He disappeared and was never seen again.

The legend of this man will always be circulated in the underground city, but the endless flow of people is the most forgetful.

In the first year, very few people discussed this matter.

In the second year, people would only think of it occasionally after dinner.

By the third year, only the adventurers who had followed the gods and were very close to the gods would remember them.

By the fourth year, these adventurers were dying and retiring. The number of people in the entire dungeon and Orario who remembered these gods could be counted on one hand.

In the fifth year, only in the dead of night, will one or two people remember that there were some "gods" in Orario?

But these are already trivial matters. After all, they claim to be gods, so they are gods?

Now, if you ask a child if they remember that a group of gods existed in Orario before, they will definitely ask: "So what super powers do these gods have?"

Then the adventurers would be speechless for a while, hesitatingly saying: "They don't have any superpowers, they only make people stronger."

Then this group of children would laugh at them loudly: "Today's adventurers can't become stronger by themselves, why should they leave the matter of becoming stronger to others?"

"Besides, can he be considered a god even if he doesn't have any abilities?"

As a result, no adventurers mentioned this matter again.

As time goes by slowly, people's concept of the word "god" has become blurred.

Some people even think that the silver-haired man with wings might be the real god, right?

These thoughts even gave birth to a sect that worshiped the silver-haired man with wings, but the world eventually returned to peace.

ten years later

Riveria sat in the wooden house, looking out the window quietly.

This is a three-story building that belongs only to her and is located in the residence of Loki Familia.

The strange thing is that the two largest Familia in the dungeon are still the Loki Familia and the Freya Familia.

Needless to say about the Loki Familia, Finn, Riveria, Gareth and Ais were not in that "catastrophe" - no one calls it that now. What kind of losses did the Loki Familia suffer? The high-level combat power is completely preserved, but the Freya Familia is a little special.

After the death of the core character Freya, a girl named Hill stood up and withstood the pressure, stabilized most of the Freya family members who were about to disperse, and even joined the new force— —Level 4 adventurer "Half Wind" Lyu, level 4 adventurer "Black Cat" Chloe, level 4 adventurer "Black Fist" Lu Noah.

And the level 6 adventurer "Little Giant" Aunt Mia came out again. The two level 6 adventurers, plus the three newly added level 4 adventurers, instantly stabilized the situation of the entire Freya Familia. , and silenced the other members of the family who were about to make a move.

"Ten years," Riveria muttered to herself as she suddenly sighed and looked at the leafy maple trees outside the window.

Time has not left any trace on her face, and she looks as young as she did ten years ago.

"Time goes really fast." She picked up the book on the table.

That book is a tool used by her as an elf to record history. Because of the long lifespan of the elves, she can even accurately record events every day, but when it comes to the most exciting and most exciting events in the past hundred years, The complicated history is probably limited to what Kelal did after arriving in the dungeon.

She even wrote a book specifically for Keilal, the one she has in her hands now.

"Rivelia." Someone called from downstairs.

"Tiona?" She stuck her head out and looked downstairs.

"Yes, we are all ready. All we need is you. Come on." Tiona has grown slightly. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is that her breasts have finally changed from an ordinary A+ to a B+. This is for For her, this was something that made her happier than changing from a level 5 adventurer to a level 7 adventurer.

Oh, now most adventurers no longer have accurate evaluations - because there is no God anymore, and no one updates the data. Without intuitive data, the only thing to talk about is performance and combat effectiveness.

The Adventurer's Guild evaluates the adventurers' achievements and tasks every year, and adventurers who have reached a certain level can be upgraded naturally.

For example, if you reach the 28th floor, escape unscathed, and complete the mission, then you will naturally have the strength of a level 3 adventurer.

People who challenge the class leader can also have a higher level than the class leader.

The current blurring of levels will not blur the strength of the adventurers, because compared with the previous intuitive data, the current adventurers need to show substantial performance to prove themselves to be promoted, which is why Because of this, it requires more strength than the previous data.

After all, some people level up after enduring it. After updating their data, they can become level 2 or level 3 adventurers. But now, I'm afraid they have to come up with something convincing and practical, so that they can become level 2 or level 3 adventurers. The certified adventurers have real strength and no moisture at all.

For example, the current top level 10 adventurers, Finn, Gareth, Riveria, and Ais, all have records of reaching the 85th floor. It is precisely because of this that they are stable. This is the fundamental reason why the Loki Familia are among the top adventure groups.

It's just that the Loki Familia is no longer called the Loki Familia, but the Loki Adventure Group.

But outsiders prefer to call them "Clown Adventure Group".

As for why Loki is called the Joker, it has been forgotten.

Keilal really calculated that no one remembers any god now.

Riveria sighed, adjusted her clothes, and walked down the stairs.

Her room is also made according to the standard room on the 18th floor.

After this kind of room manufacturing technology became popular on the 18th floor, it was also brought to Orario. If two or three people live in a three-story building, it will be a bit crowded, but if one person lives in it, if the toilet is slightly modified, It can be very comfortable.

There is a study room on the third floor of Riveria's house. The sunlight coming in from the slanted window gives a very comfortable reading light. She likes to read or write on her desk in lazy mornings.

The second floor is her living room, which contains her clothes, bed, staff and other things.

The first floor is a collection of kitchen, living room and dining room.

When she walked out of the entrance hall, she had already put on a gorgeous robe and walked out with a staff in her hand.

With her level 10 adventurer's fighting ability, she didn't need to dress up like this, because it was just a monster festival.

Monster Festival As the levels of adventurers increase, the levels of monsters also continue to increase. For example, monsters below level 20 were almost the same in the past.

But now, the level of the strongest monster has been raised to around level 50.

Despite this, there are many adventurers who can subdue these monsters.

But because a certain man ten years ago made such a deep impression on others, she subconsciously dressed up like this.

Now it seems that that man is affecting their lives all the time.

Riveria burst into laughter. No matter what she saw, she would always think of that man. She was really obsessed with it.

"Riveria." Standing not far away, several girls stood looking at her.

The sisters Tione and Tiona are already in their twenties. Tione is already married to Finn and has a beautiful baby. Tione can be said to have had a hard time. After all, I waited for Finn's response.

Their child is now three years old and is being held by Tione. She is a child with Finn's beautiful blond hair. Although Tione is already a level 10 adventurer, she has withdrawn from the adventure. She is now a A stay-at-home mom.

However, Tiona is still active on the front line of the dungeon and is a very famous [Great Cutoff].

As for Ais, Ais has grown up a little and is already a heroic female warrior. She is called the Sword Queen and the Princess of Swords in the dungeon. She is the undoubted protagonist.

She is now a twenty-five-year-old adult woman, and is the most promising adventurer to break through to level 11. Not only is her combat power top-notch, she is also beautiful, and she is a popular adventurer with both idol and strength.

And she is also known as the woman most likely to become the leader of the next generation of clown adventure groups.

If we can get her, maybe even the Clown Adventure Group can be included.

So those who pursue her can line up from the 18th floor to Orario.

Although the blond girl wearing only a breastplate has grown to a height of 1.7 meters, time has not left any traces on her face. Obviously one of her parents must have something else. The blood of the race is the right thing.

But she has matured a lot.

The same goes for Lefiya, the little follower beside her. Although she has grown a bit, in terms of elf years, she is only a year or two older.

"Then let's go." Riveria said with a smile at them.

The group of people slowly walked towards the main square of the Monster Festival. The Rocky Adventure Group's station itself was very close to the city. After leaving the station, it was already a busy street.

Tione, who was holding her son in her arms, smiled and said, "There are so many people."

"Well, there are as many people as ever."

Tiona held her head and smiled heartily.

"But, are there so many people in Orario?" Lefiya said slightly strangely.

"It seems like there weren't so many people before..."

Her words silenced everyone. Lefiya didn't know what she said wrong, so she followed everyone forward with some anxiety.

"Everything is because of that person."

Ais said calmly.

There was even more silence among the team. Only the little boy playing with his mother's braid could still smile without being affected at all.

Yes, it's all because of that person. Riveria has the deepest feelings about these things, because she is a magician, and she can clearly perceive the magic content of the magic in the atmosphere.

If the magic power content before that person came out was 1, then after he killed the god and disappeared from the sky, the magic power content had begun to rise significantly, from 1 to 10, and then to 50. It's almost around 100 now.

It's all because of that man, and there's a lot more to it than that.

This man seemed to have integrated into their lives without doing anything, and seemed to have done everything. This was really...

They came all the way to the Colosseum, and after following the flow of people into the Colosseum, there was naturally a VIP passage that took them directly to the VIP seats.

As a group of level 10 adventurers, if they were still the same as ordinary people, it would be too bad.

Everyone sitting in the VIP seats was either observing the Colosseum or chatting. Only Aisi's eyes were aimlessly scanning the Colosseum auditorium.

A flash of silver broke into her eyes.

She suddenly stood up from her seat and rushed out of the room like the wind.

"Ais?" The others were shocked, but relying on the instinct of adventurers for many years, they rushed out of the room with Ais.

Everyone followed Aisi's footsteps to the stone steps outside where ordinary people were sitting. They saw Aisi jumping up to the highest point three times and looking into the distance.

Everyone came to Aisi's side.

Riveria asked seriously: "Ais, what's wrong?"

"That..." Ais looked in a certain direction and was lost in thought.

Everyone looked in the direction she was looking.

All he saw was his silver hair tied into a ponytail gradually disappearing into the crowd.

"Could it be that that person is..."

Lefiya covered her mouth and asked in disbelief.

"It's great that he didn't leave the dungeon." For some reason, Riveria breathed a sigh of relief and said softly.

"Ah..." Aisi opened her mouth.

In the end, all the words condensed into one word.


————What’s wrong with encountering sages in dungeons (End)——————

I originally wanted to insert Dragon Tower, Dungeon on the Tip of the Tongue, etc. into it to flesh out the plot. If I wrote it slowly, I would have no problem writing 1.5 million words. Unfortunately, the results were not satisfactory, so I can only Cut them all, leaving only the main plot, like Sword Art Online. I originally planned to insert it, but then the entire setting would have to be changed, and it was also cut off. It is really a pity.

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