The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 651 The Situation of the Chinese Federation

Chapter 065 The Situation of the Chinese Federation

"What's the matter?" Seeing the man in front of her, Lakshatta held a slender and elegant pipe in her hand, took a deep drag on the cigarette, and looked at him with interest.

It is said that the man in front of him is the shadow speaker behind the EU. Although he only holds the rank of colonel, his intelligence department has extended its tentacles to every corner of the EU in a short period of time.

And his intelligence section chief was a girl with silver hair like him, a woman who became a major at a young age - Koko Hekmatia.

Lakshatta knew that the man in front of her was not a simple man. She looked at this man because he was really charming. His strong and well-proportioned body was rare without the rich body hair of Europeans. He was like a piece of white jade, which made the East People can tell that he is a gentleman at first sight and can't help but feel good about him.

"How about having a drink together?" Keilar smiled and extended the invitation.

She is not a subordinate of the EU, but from the Indian Military Region, and the Indian Military Region is a subordinate military region of the Chinese Empire. It can be said that the political significance of her appearance here is profound.

"Okay, but let me explain first, I won't go without good wine."

"How about the dry red from 1982? It's a good thing that even Bunitalia doesn't have." (In Lelouch's world, it is calculated according to the imperial calendar of the Bunitalia Empire, which happens to be 2017 in the imperial calendar.)

Lakshata's eyes lit up like stars: "Then I'll do whatever it takes."

It was said to be a drink, but it was impossible for people like them to go to a bar affiliated with the R\u0026D Bureau to drink.

The place where the two drank was moved directly to Keilar's dormitory - the so-called dormitory is actually the villa of senior officers. In addition to the head of the research institute, only senior officers like Keilar who were sent abroad can be found here. Qualified to live.

I have to say that the EU is a combination of decadent capitalism and aristocracy. They are indeed incapable of fighting, but when it comes to luxury in life, the Bunitalia Empire is really inferior to them.

This villa covering an area of ​​one hundred and twenty square meters is located in the research institute.

Although there is absolutely no shortage of space for this kind of mecha research institute, the fact that an administrative agency of this level occupies one hundred and twenty square meters of land is enough to prove the noble status of this person.

What's more important is that this is a villa. The duplex villa starts from the first floor to the third floor. Almost every floor has a use area of ​​more than 100 square meters, which adds up to more than 300 square meters.

When you walk into the door, you will see a huge European-style living room. Fine smokeless coals are burning in a long transparent fireplace. A long waxed cowhide sofa is placed horizontally not far from the fireplace.

Above the fireplace is a 100-inch-tall TV like a movie theater. There are single sofas on both sides of the sofa, and wine glasses are placed on the yew coffee table in the middle.

There is a large single-back sofa slightly closer to the fireplace, and there is a foot rest in front of the sofa.

It can be said that just a living room directly creates an atmospheric feeling.

Next to the living room is a small bar separated by a bar.

It is impossible to have a kitchen, and it is impossible to build a kitchen in this life. How can an officer in this kind of senior officer's dormitory cook in his dormitory?

So the original kitchen design was transformed into a bar. Yes, there is a bar in this kind of private villa.

Except for the bar counter, the other three sides of the bar are like glass cabinets. Behind the transparent glass on the three walls are permanent temperature-controlled wine cabinets. Yes, there are three entire walls of wine cabinets.

These wine cabinets are divided into diamond-shaped wooden grids, which are densely filled with wine. There are also some small characters on them, which are English abbreviations, telling you where these wines come from and when they were born.

If you don’t have any knowledge, you won’t even be able to understand the instructions with capital letters and numbers above!

I opened the wine cabinet and picked up a bottle of red wine - this is also very particular. The entire wine cabinet is placed from left to right with dry red, dry white, whiskey, gin and rum. There are ten bottles of each type of wine. They all have different vintages and origins, but they all have one thing in common, which is good wine.

Keilar casually took two glasses on the bar, looked at the dry red wine in his hand, took a decanter, poured the dry red wine into it, and then took out a bottle of whiskey of unknown vintage from the wine cabinet. .

"It's better to wake up to the bar for such a good drink." He smiled at Lakshatta, who was sitting on the sofa, almost lying on top of Ge You: "Drink some whiskey first to appetize."

He took out an ice bucket from the refrigerator next to him, clamped the ice cubes in the bucket into the cup, and then poured the golden whiskey into it.

Whiskey is a bit too strong and mellow even for heavy-flavored white people. It is precisely because of this that it is necessary to add ice cubes or chill it to suppress the taste of the whiskey to a refreshing level, which makes it very easy to drink. .

Lakshatta looked at Keilal's every move and already put a label on him: this is a man who knows how to drink.

Otherwise, I would not have sobered up the wine, otherwise I would not have poured a glass of whiskey in the ten or twenty minutes after the wine was sobered up.

He grabbed the rim of the glass with his hand and shook it gently. The round ice cube happened to be in the large glass, and the whiskey was completely immersed in it. He shook it a few times, and the whiskey at room temperature quickly became cold. When I got up, a layer of mist immediately condensed on the glass.

"Come." Keilal came to the single sofa and handed the whiskey in his hand to Lakshatta who was slumped on it.

He is not as domineering as the ordinary nobles in EU, and he is not disgusted with her lazy attitude at all. Is he more respectful? Or is it his disguise?

Lakshatta squinted her eyes, sat up slightly and took a sip of whiskey.

After being neutralized by the ice water and whiskey that has slightly melted away from the whiskey at room temperature, it has become very easy to drink. After freezing, it is like a mouthful of ice spring that slides directly from the tongue to the stomach, and there is no breath in one breath. After stopping, Lakshata drank half a glass of whiskey in one gulp, and then he pondered for a while, then opened his mouth and spit out a heavy breath of alcohol, with a seductive blush on his face.

"Good wine!" she praised.

"Indeed," Keilal also took a gentle sip next to him. Unlike Rakshata's bold drinking, he was truly savoring the taste and style of the whiskey.

"What's the origin?" Lakshata asked, giving him a sidelong glance.

"I don't know, I didn't look at it, I just picked it up." Keilar shook his head and raised his wine glass.

The glass-like crystal chandelier in the living room reflects the intoxicating golden light from the wine.

"If I remember correctly, Miss Lakshatta is a researcher in the Indian Military Region?"

He sat in the big armchair next to the fireplace and turned to look at Lakshata and asked.

"Well, yes." Lakshatta nodded, looking at Keilal who was gently shaking the whiskey in the glass, and asked strangely: "Why do you ask these."

These things should have been known to her when she was invited over.

This is really an injustice to Keilal. They were hired by Kou Kou through connections. With Kou Kou's connections, it is quite normal to find a friend from the Indian military.

Of course, Koko didn't communicate with Keilal in advance, she just mentioned this matter.

After the Indian technical personnel joined the entire plan, they really helped Noeliu greatly.

After the EU technical personnel were added to the Indian technical personnel, the entire progress has been greatly enhanced, so there is no need to ask where this group of people came from.

But their skin color can be clearly seen by everyone.

This is an unnecessary question.

"Has the current situation in the Chinese Empire reached this point?" Keilar seemed to be asking her, but also seemed to be asking herself.

Small things make a big difference. As a member of the Chinese Federation, the technical team of the Indian Military Region actually left the EU to provide technical support. Although Kelal and the others spent money, they made extra money in this way, but the Chinese Federation did not respond at all. Obviously , the Chinese Federation has completely lost its ability to control the Indian Military Region.

From this, it can be seen that the Chinese Federation has completely lost control of the major military regions. Not to mention the Indian Military Region, there are several other military regions that are probably ready to move.

Although the EU attaches great importance to the Bunitalia Empire, it has no plans to form an alliance with the Chinese Federation, because strictly speaking, the Bunitalia Empire and the EU are both white and come from the Anglo-Saxon race. And the descendants of Vikings, while the Chinese Federation is all yellow people. If we look at the careful division, the old-fashioned EU people don't even want to have anything to do with the Chinese Federation.

They can even join the Bunitalia Empire in the future, but if the Chinese Federation in the imperial + federal system destroys the Bunitalia Empire, the EU will have to bear the threat from the yellow race alone.

It is natural that they do not want to have any dealings with the Chinese Federation.

It is precisely because of this that the EU's intelligence agency on the Chinese Federation side is almost 0.

This made him uncomfortable. If there was no intelligence network before, now it would be difficult to obtain intelligence from the Chinese Federation by building an intelligence network from scratch.

Keilar could only learn about the situation in the Chinese Federation by using the stupidest method - buying newspapers and chatting with these locals.

He is different from those elder statesmen. They do not want to change and have a place even if they surrender, but he has no intention of surrendering to the Bunitalia Empire.

Once the centralization of power like Bunitalia completes the unification, people with intelligence like Kelal will definitely be investigated.

Kelal didn't want his origins to be found out. He knew the efficiency of a centralized empire best.

Secondly, the Bunitalia Empire is a usurper, and the object of the usurpation is his and Artoria's descendants.

And not only the usurper of the country, but all the previous direct bloodlines were killed by their line.

Although it was a stupid decision to avenge his grandchildren who had lived for who knows how many lives, Keilar was destined not to work for the Bunitalia Empire.

What's more, he took a brief look at the current political situation of the Bunitalia Empire. Although everything in the Bunitalia Empire seemed to be in good condition, the first prince was a technocrat who was independent of the world, and the second prince was a wise prime minister. Talent, the second princess is a general. Although the political ecology revolves around the battle for the next throne, everyone wants to capture EU as their own political achievement. Generally speaking, they are very united and progressive, especially externally. positive.

But this is only the credit of a few princes and princesses. What is the emperor doing?

Keilar only had to look through the newspapers in recent years to clearly see that the emperor made less and less decisions, and more decisions were made by the ministers and the second prince Schneizel.

It always felt like the Emperor of Bunitalia was preparing something else.

That night, Keilal and Lakshata were chatting, drinking wine, and having a great time.

Keilal got what he wanted, and Lakshatta could finally find someone who had no interest in him to express his feelings to. Both of them had a great time chatting and drank a lot of wine.

Apparently she had a classic hangover.

She shook her head slightly and realized that her hair was extremely messy, as if it were a grassland trampled by dozens of elephants.

She squinted her eyes and looked out, then looked around.

Finally, I found the man who was fully dressed and drinking soup at the bar.

"I went to the canteen and brought you a breakfast. Do you want to eat it?" He was drinking soup at the bar, and there was a piece of food opposite him.

Lakshatta scratched her messy hair, wrapped herself in a blanket, and walked over with her bare feet on the marble tiles with an exotic sense of beauty.

"what time is it now?"

"Ten thirty." Keilal said with a smile while sipping the soup.

"Today's work will be postponed." She seemed to be complaining and said coquettishly.

"It's okay, you can work overtime." Kaylar stretched out her hand and lifted her chin.

"Do your best here, Lakshata, I need your talents."

"I'll go to Paris later."

"Wait for me here." His words were very domineering and unreasonable.

But unexpectedly Lakshata somewhat enjoyed this unreasonableness.

After all, she is a woman, and she is still an Indian woman. Too many things are pressing on her shoulders. It is really a burden that does not belong to her.

Sometimes it is good to let men share some of the burden.

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