The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 667 This Team (Modified)

Chapter 081 This Team

Although the war has passed for three days, they still can't forget the last war and battle.

They didn't know what gave them the courage to fight against the 300 machines of the Brittanian Empire.

But obviously, their gamble worked, they won, they got the reward, the honor they had.

They defeated the Brittanian Empire.

In the dormitory of one room, everyone was silent.

Everyone was quiet.

The wounds caused by war are indelible.

The average age of this group of people who relied on these six machines to defeat a total of 300 Britannian Empire machines was less than twenty years old.

They all looked very young, all young men and young girls. One of them was a girl Kyle met when leaving Saez Fortress. She liked to wear a red scarf on her head.

Originally a baker, she became a guerrilla before the Brittanian Empire invaded. Later, during this wave of conscription, she entered the EU's military system and became an official soldier. , and then in another selection, she became a pilot with her strong mecha control talent. It was precisely because of her excellent driving talent that she was selected to become the pilot of the new mecha.

Among the pilots who chose new mechas in the past, most of them had strong mecha control talents, but this time most of the new mecha pilots had no experience in operating the EU's Alexander II. .

It is precisely because they have never operated the Alexander II that they stand out from the crowd and become the operators of these new machines.

Not only Alicia, the girl with a red headscarf on her head, but also two other Japanese nationals in District 11-Hyuga Akide. This man who was originally an ace driver in Europe is the only one who has become an operator. The man who passed the Alexander II and became the pilot of the new machine.

And the other one is the Japanese terrorist Sayama Ryu mentioned before. This Sayama-ryu has extremely strong physical fitness and very strong operational talent, but because he has no experience in operating the machine, after simple training, he adapted very well to the new machine, so he became the second One of the Japanese nationals.

Unfortunately, two of his subordinates and friends, Yukiya Naruse and Ayano Kasaka, did not become pilots and were assigned to other organizations.

It is precisely because of this that Sayama Ryu is closer to Hyuga Akito. The other driver is a French girl born and raised in Europe, Violet Eve Garden.

She is a girl with beautiful golden hair. She is only 20 years old, but her fighting power is extremely powerful, which can be said to be at the level of a Knight of the Round Table.

It was precisely because of her fighting power that she directly resisted Monica, the Knight of the Round Table, and even captured Monica directly. It can be said that in this battle, her combat power was indispensable and contributed a lot.

In addition to them, there is also Jonah, Koko's personal guard.

Jonah was originally Koko's guard and a direct participant and experimenter in the development of the body.

With his participation, the collective research progress has been greatly accelerated.

Although he is a child, he is extremely physically strong.

It can be said that the existence of this group of people caused the Britannia Empire to experience a huge failure.

It is difficult to find talented pilots for such a powerful machine, and Monica did not expect that five of them would come at once this time.

This is simply a despairing gap.

In addition, the performance of the new machine is far superior to that of the fifth-generation machine of the Bunitalia Empire.

During their respective division of labor and cooperation, the Brittanian Empire was defeated by this small formation fighting method——

The first is the intelligence war. Because more than thirty stratospheric communication balloons have been launched, the formation of the Thalia Empire's army is completely placed in front of the EU command center.

And the battle commanded by Layla started directly in Paris.

The delivery of the five airframes was even more relaxed and enjoyable, using the railway to carefully place the airframes closest to the Bunitalia Imperial Army.

Then they launched a direct attack. The Bunitalia Imperial Army's attention was all on the fortress they were about to attack, and they didn't even notice that the EU Army still dared to attack and still had the energy to counterattack.

By the time the five men started fighting, the Bunitalia Imperial Army was unable to react.

There are five machines in total.

One of them is a close-combat type body used by Ajid: This is an extension of the Alexander II type, and the Alexander III type will be equipped on a large scale in the future. Knightmare also belongs to the sixth generation.

The Alexander III center will focus on the development of four modes: fire pack, flight pack, melee and defense pack.

As for submarine warfare and sea warfare, they have been completely abandoned strategically by Kelar and others - because the navy takes 20 to 30 years or more to build.

Therefore, Kelal had no extravagant demands and no time to build a navy, so he put all his resources and energy into researching new types of aircraft.

Alexander type III is the result of the further evolution of type II.

As for the other machines, they are even more bizarre. One of them is a fast-moving firepower turret modeled after Jianyu Leishen.

Controlled by Sayama Ryu, the overwhelming firepower also possesses mobility that is almost comparable to that of an armored vehicle. It can suppress the firepower of a regiment with almost one machine body.

The Alicia machine is more focused on comprehensive combat.

Alicia, who follows Hyuga Akide, is the best person to focus on last-hitting and helping Akide defend.

If Ajid is the strongest in close combat, Violet is the strongest in overall ability.

The power of this woman lies in the fact that whether it is melee combat or long-range combat, whether it is assault or force attack.

No one can resist her, she is like a Valkyrie on the battlefield, dancing across the battlefield.

Moreover, they fought in a small team. Although there were only five in number, almost everyone was able to help each other and cover each other. On the contrary, it was the Brittanian Empire army because they were still marching. Instead, they were killed and people were thrown off their backs, creating chaos.

As they become familiar with the experimental body. The small formation tactics created. Instead, it penetrated the entire army. After the Bunitalia Empire land command ship was blown up. Monica was even more entangled by Violet, and the entire Bunitalia Imperial Army was completely leaderless.

Everyone knows what happened next...

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