Chapter 097 Fearless

15 minutes.

The time needed to kill all these powerful people was only 15 minutes.

Human life is really fragile.

Keilal stood on the railing, looked at the night scene and sighed.

Liu Bian's banquet was on the eighth floor. The huge Qiong Tower, which was more than 400 square meters, had eight floors.

The eighth floor is even taller than the tallest building in the Forbidden City - this is obviously illegal.

And standing by the window sill on the eighth floor, you can clearly see the scenery of the entire Forbidden City.

Kelal, who was leaning on the railing, turned around and looked at Li Xingke, who was standing behind him.

Li Xingke's armor was already covered in blood.

He went through hell-like killings, but his face remained unchanged and his expression was calm.

"It's all been cleaned up," he said, clasping his fists.

"Very good, where is Hong Gu?"

"We've already started cleaning up the interior."

Honggu's side is the key, what happens here is not important at all.

If Hong Gu can control Steel Skull's troops, then even if this side fails, Hong Gu can easily kill this group of people.

But if that side fails, even if this side wins, it will end in failure, and the emperor will have to flee immediately.

Fortunately, Hong Gu, as the general of the Steel Skeleton Army, seemed to be attending Liu Bian's banquet, but he also hosted a banquet for the middle-level members of his army.

There is no need for ordinary grassroots soldiers to win over and encourage them. They can do whatever is ordered from above.

It even included an order to shoot directly at the emperor.

They will all accept it.

And those who control them are the middle-level officers.

In fact, a large part of these middle-level officers, like Hong Gu, had no choice but to take refuge with the eunuchs, otherwise they would not be able to climb up and there would be no place for them to gain a foothold.

But there are still some people who are really like the eunuchs, who have no regard for the king's laws and only have power and status in their eyes.

Honggu could only develop those backbones he considered loyal.

As for the remaining backbone, some are innocent and some deserve it, but for the emperor, they must all die.

This is for the sake of this empire, even if there are innocent people among them, they must all be killed.

This is inevitable, everything is for stability and foolproofness.

This group of middle-level generals who were invited to the banquet did not know that it was a Hongmen Banquet.

When a group of soldiers rushed in and started shooting at their officers, the middle-level generals holding the prostitutes in their arms had no time to prepare and were shot dead on the spot together with the prostitutes in their arms.

Hong Gu had no intention of attending the banquet.

He and the members of the Red Dragon Club were all sitting among the steel skeletons.

When the news of "success of the plan" came from Li Xingke, Hong Gu roared and said on the communication channel: "Block the four gates! Start taking action!!"

Hundreds of steel skeletons were neatly arranged on both sides. After Hong Gu gave an order, this strange knightmare with only one head, two hands, and two feet lit up, and the rotation system under their feet instantly made them look like The car generally started to move.

They spread out and headed for the city's thoroughfares.

Although they are only a handful of people, as knightmare drivers and cavalry regiments, they can put the infantry to shame as long as they have a steel skeleton.

As they blocked intersection after intersection, they made their way toward the palace.

The palace is huge, but the only four real gates are Suzaku Gate, Xuanwu Gate, Qinglong Gate and White Tiger Gate.

As long as one steel skeleton is left behind, it will be impossible for water to pour in.

This ancient building is actually not as well defended as imagined.

Ordinary soldiers and military personnel may be able to withstand shelling and other problems, but when faced with the new era weapon knightmare, this kind of door is just like paper.

They used their claws Feiyan to easily hook onto the city wall, and then slowly pulled themselves up.

If the knightmare is powerful, he can rush to the top of the city in a few seconds just by relying on his minions Feiyan.

Yes, I'm talking about Cornelia, a knightmare pilot at the level of the Knights of the Round Table.

After they boarded the city, they had already controlled the situation. No one dared to resist under the knightmare's 20mm gun, and the remaining knightmare rushed into the Forbidden City.

There is a map in their knightmare, they just need to find the palace.

The palace where the emperor resides.

"Just leave everything to Zhou Xiangling and Hong Gu." Kailar nodded lightly.

"Our mission is not over yet."

he said.

Their mission is certainly not over yet.

Just killing these people is not the end.

The empire is thriving, but the battle here is far from over.

Conquer homes and exterminate clans.

The eunuchs killed all of them without sparing any one, while the maids were all tied up and sent to one place to guard them.

This night belonged to blood, and no one set fire to it, because it was an organized, planned, rigorous and deliberate operation with a strong purpose.

Anything set on fire is their property.

The eight thousand forbidden troops have been controlled by Li Xingke, and those who were not under his control have already been killed by him, or were killed during the banquet just now.

Now these eight thousand people were divided into eight groups and spread out in all directions.

The first is the mansion of the Eight Tigers.

In the Bahu Mansion, all the servants and guards were killed, then the maids were tied up, the property was sealed, some people were left behind, and then they went straight to the next place.

As long as there were palaces, the eunuchs were massacred, and after the eunuchs were killed, the civil servants were followed.

After the civil servants, there are the generals.

All the people in power were brutally and exterminately killed. This kind of approach that did not leave any bottom line was like destroying both the jade and the stone.

The palace guards thought it was a political struggle at first and drove all the eunuchs to death. When they started killing civil servants, they thought it was the military commander's monopoly.

But when the generals began to be exterminated by them, they began to feel uneasy in their hearts.

But now there is no room for them to retreat.

There are countless soldiers like them in the whole city. They are just one of the eight groups, maybe even one of the sixteen groups. They have no idea how many people are performing the same mission as them.

They stopped now. They wanted to ask the people who issued this order if they would accept it. They wanted to ask the former students of the civil servants and generals who they killed if they would accept it. They wanted to ask the eight major military regions and the twelve major governors in the world. Whether they will accept it or not.

They have no way out, so kill them!

Kill them to your heart's content! Kill them all! Create a bright future!

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