The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 702 Prime Minister and Emperor

Chapter 118 Prime Minister and Emperor

"Lelouch someone wants to see you."

When C.C. appeared in front of Lelouch and said this to him, Lelouch frowned slightly.

He was completely out of it, so to speak.

The Black Knights have nothing to do with him anymore. He even threw away his ZERO clothes. He already has further plans to use his super powers to slowly control the Britannia Empire. grassroots level.

The reason why he didn't dare to directly control the top management was because C.C. was previously a prisoner of Clovis.

He couldn't guarantee that C.C. had not spread his abilities to others.

It is precisely because of this that it is a very good practice to control others from the grassroots level. Very safe, very effective, able to help him complete a comeback at critical moments.

But C.C. should be his staunch ally, the one least likely to betray him.

But why is this notification so weird.

"Someone wants to see me? Who?" Lelouch asked strangely.

"Big shot."

C.C. smiled mysteriously.

He didn't speak, but pointed to Nunnally's room and said. "If you want to live a stable life for the rest of your life, it would be better to meet him."

Lelouch's face darkened instantly.

Nunnally was his reverse scale, a place no one was allowed to touch.

But for him now, he doesn't have many means to threaten C.C. Because C.C.'s fighting power is stronger than him. And his superpowers were given by C.C. and have no effect on C.C.

In other words, if you think about it carefully, she can catch Lelouch at any time due to her superior physique and fighting skills, and Lelouch has no ability to resist.

"What's the time and place?" Lelouch asked.

"Tomorrow," C.C. said.

"So fast." Lelouch was a little surprised.

It was difficult for him to plan for such a quick meeting. This directly disrupts his pace and rhythm.

"It doesn't matter, there won't be much danger." C.C. comforted her.

But with Lelouch's suspicious and sensitive high IQ, how could he believe her words? He will definitely do some necessary means. Keep yourself safe, keep Nunnally safe.

This is a small road for C.C. or Kelal. There is no necessary meaning.

Any resistance is futile in the face of the general trend. Lelouch if he refuses to cooperate. Then it can only be sent to Cornelia as a chess piece.

Keilal doesn't know Lelouch, so he doesn't need to bear any burden or responsibility for him.

In a sense, Lelouch also murdered him. If Lelouch couldn't provide enough chips to do business with him, then it would be the same if he directly used Lu Xiu as a bargaining chip to do business with Cornelia.

He believed that Lelouch could figure it out clearly. A person with a high IQ like him would not let his fate be controlled by Cornelia. If Cornelia is his enemy, will Cornelia kill him based on her iron-blooded heart? Will it kill Nunnally? This was a risk that he absolutely did not want to test.

This can only be blamed on the fact that Cornelia has always presented herself as an iron-blooded general. She gives people the impression of being ruthless and disowning all her relatives except her sister Euphemia. No one else could take advantage of Cornelia.

And Schneizel has always given people a sinister image. So it’s hard to imagine that a sinister person would ruthlessly kill his own brothers and sisters.

For Lelouch, as long as there is the slightest risk, he will never take it. This is indeed the right choice for a smart person, but for a wise person, there is no risk and no benefit. If someone like Lelouch is unwilling to take risks, it is actually very difficult to gain anything.

If Keilal was young, he would put his sister in a safe place, and then use himself to test the attitudes of these royal brothers and sisters. Moreover, he used to be a prince, so his mother must also be powerful. For example, Ashford's family behind Ashford Academy are supporters of his mother's side.

It seems that once you have supporters, it will be much easier to handle. He can even have someone take him out of danger quietly.

It's not like they are completely incapable of resistance, even if they really stand up and compete with these princes and princesses.

Lelouch is definitely not without the possibility of winning.

But just because of his inexplicable pride, Lelouch gave up his identity as a prince and lost the ability to confront them openly.

But if Lelouch wants to become Kelal's pawn. You must abandon your inexplicable self-esteem in the past. He regained his identity as a prince and used his upright identity to fight against Cornelia and Schneizel.

Keilal's original intention was to support Lelouch. Together with Schneizel and Cornelia, they formed a three-family division. Slowly eroding Emperor Charles' power.

But how effective can this move be? Even Keilal wasn't so sure.

But it’s a pretty good piece. Just like the Emperor, it has a miraculous effect on the Britannia Empire, and the Emperor has a miraculous effect on Japan.

Isn’t that how the political card is played? The more cards you have in your hand, the greater your chances of winning and the more room for maneuver you have. Keilal could even test how much the Guilin Tania Empire valued Lelouch. If you really take it seriously, it's possible to just trade Lelouch back to District 11.

As for the guerrillas on Karen's side. Here's another card.

There was no chance of Kelal losing in this card game from the beginning. He is just increasing his cards now.

As for what Keilal really wants to do? This requires the Britannia Empire to understand in detail.

Even C.C., the woman who had been following him from the beginning, had absolutely no way of understanding what Keilal meant every step of the way.

Starting from Cornelia, then to the Emperor, then to the Emperor, and then to Lelouch, every step of Kelar has its own meaning. And he wasn't going to see Lelouch today. It was just because someone with the same status as Lelouch wanted to see him.

"Hello, His Majesty the Emperor."

When he looked at the little girl wearing a classic silk kimono sitting opposite him. Keilal was slightly startled.

Then he smiled, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with the other person.

The little girl opposite showed a sweet smile. He stretched out his hand and shook Kayla's hand without any hesitation.

She said with a sweet smile. "Hello, Sir Kelal. Nice to meet you."

At this moment, the Prime Minister of the Chinese Federation and the Emperor of Japan met here.

Keilal really did not expect that the emperor turned out to be a skinny little girl, two years older than the emperor.

Looking back now, the history is surprisingly similar. Interest groups in the two countries all involuntarily chose underage girls, who are better controlled and easier to control, as spiritual leaders and decorations.

Of course they don't expect anything these girls can do. It's best if these girls don't do anything.

For example, the current emperor has almost slowly disappeared from the hearts of ordinary Japanese. One is that Japan has been wiped out. The role of the emperor was naturally and slowly lost.

The other was the need to hide her. Lest the Bunitalians find him. became a political card in the hands of the Brittanians.

Now all those who controlled the Emperor were dead. The rest are not qualified or able to control the emperor. So now the Emperor steps out. Walked up to Keilal.

Kelal was not sure whether this was controlled by Todo, or whether it was the emperor's own wishes. So he decided to talk to the emperor and take a look. With some people, you can immediately know what kind of person he is.

Someone like Kelal can accurately determine your character and personality just by talking to him for a few minutes.

After the two of them sat down, they served tea and tasted it gently. After putting down the tea bowl, they looked at each other and began to chat.

This is the etiquette of Chinese greetings, and Kagura did it right. It made Keilal look at him with admiration.

The Federation of China is not the largest country. Even if they want to learn, most people still want to learn the etiquette of the Bunitalia Empire.

But when Kagura became the emperor, he was probably only six years old. After all these years, she has not fallen behind the etiquette of the Chinese Federation. Obviously, she had already foreseen that one day she would use such etiquette to face senior officials of the Chinese Federation.

It can be seen from this detail that she was actually prepared for this meeting. Even ones that have been prepared for several years.

This means that Kagura actually has her own ambitions, but Keilal does not hate ambitious people. Only ambitious people will continue to make progress. Only then will you have the motivation to move forward and work hard to climb up. Instead of just sitting there eating and waiting to die.

It's just that whether an ambitious emperor is good or bad, this matter really made Kelal not think clearly for a while.

But Keilal doesn't hate this smart little girl.

The conversation between the two was full of formulas. However, Kagura deliberately changed her tone and demeanor to be closer to her younger daughter. It was obvious that she wanted to use her age and gender as a card to play.

Keilal looked at her appreciatively. There is nothing shameful about using your gender and age as a weapon. Especially now that she doesn't have many cards to play.

"How about Mr. Kelar marrying me?" Kaguraye suddenly said.

Her words made Ajid and Kallen, who were sitting in the back, cough at the same time.

Needless to say for Karen, this is a very serious conflict for her entire outlook on life.

Although Akito is a Japanese who left Japan, he was still a Japanese before.

Before that, the emperor was their spiritual leader, and she was a woman with a lofty status.

Now this woman is recommending herself as a pillow mat. It was simply something that made them lose their outlook on life.

"It's really smart." Keilal admired. Although this is beyond the common sense of Kallen and Akide, there is no doubt that this is a very subtle move.

First of all, regardless of whether Area 11 belongs to the Britannia Empire or the Chinese Federation, the concept of Japan will become increasingly out of reach. Because of this, if her identity is not used now, it will only become more and more useless in the future, which is why she has the right not to expire.

If she can't get enough chips for herself now. Then we can see that her title of emperor will become worthless in the future.

So what should she do? Should I find a long-term meal ticket, or should I continue to have exposure to attract the attention and eyeballs of Japanese people?

But if you marry Keilal. Then she will get this double thing.

Keilal can be a long-term meal ticket, guaranteeing her future life. She can appear in newspapers for a long time as her topic, and more importantly, because of Kelar, the Britalia Empire cannot even touch her.

Because if it moves, the Brittanian Empire will take action against the wife of the prime minister of another major country in the world. By that time, it will not be easy to solve the problem.

Keilal saw through all these thoughts for a moment but praised her. "That's a really good move."

So good that no one in Cornelia or even in the Chinese Federation could have imagined that this little girl would think of a move.

Her wisdom is indeed somewhat beyond Keilal's expectations.

"But this kind of thing is not allowed. It won't do me any good." Kai said with a smile.

Indeed, this is a great honor for ordinary Japanese, but for a foreigner like Keilar, it is nothing.

If Kelal is willing, he can marry the emperor, Cornelia, or Liwang. These are all people of similar status to Kagura.

Of course, these are things that have no meaning to Kelar. After Artoria, Kelar will not marry anyone. Otherwise, his game will change from difficult to easy.

If he could unify the world, he would just become the Speaker of the EU and then marry Cornelia and the Emperor.

This world will soon become a country, a country that belongs only to him.

No one can withstand him. Cornelia herself represents a force within the Brittanian Empire. Once you get the support of this foreign power from Kelal. Then it will definitely directly affect the political balance of the Bunitalia Empire. By that time, the emperor would have no way to compete with Kelal who owned the whole world.

He had no choice but to abdicate and choose Cornelia as emperor, otherwise it would turn into a world war. Even the Emperor's faction definitely does not have this kind of power and courage. Come and fight such a war with Kelal. There's no doubt that this road has been an easier game for Keilar.

But don’t look at Keilal only executing what he thinks. But he also has a certain bottom line.

It was like when he recognized Artoria as her partner. He will never marry anyone else. Having an affair with another woman is one thing. Marriage giving a sacred promise is another matter.

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