The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 704 The biggest difference

Chapter 120 The biggest difference

It's no wonder, Keilal was surprised, because the young man in front of him was thin, tall, and looked completely underage. He just looked like a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. There was nothing about him that resembled a terrorist. Not even related.

Kallen, who was standing behind Keilal, stared at Lelouch as if she wanted to kill him.

Lelouch was originally her leader, but he ran away at the last moment, and now the two of them have nothing to do with each other.

More importantly, Lelouch was her classmate at Ashford College, which meant that Kallen's most immediate boss was her classmate in her daily life.

To her, this was simply an insult to her intelligence. Lelouch looked at her as if he were looking at a monkey. Every time she thought about this and saw Lelouch, she wanted to cut him into pieces and bury these black histories forever. Is Karen here too? Lelouch was shocked at first when he saw Kallen, but then felt relieved, because if Kallen was here, plus C.C., basically his life safety would not be a big problem.

The only one to worry about is Nunnally. But now he has ordered his nanny to take Nunnally away from Ashford and hide. He should have no flaws now.

"Are you the owner of C.C.?"

He asked looking at Keilal with a mocking tone.

If C.C. was so eager to get in touch with the European Union a month ago, then he could meet C.C. It should be because he saw the news about this man. The two should have known each other for a long time.

He didn't know that it was C.C.'s magic device that caught C.C.'s attention.

He thought the two had been in contact before.

"It's not good to be too emotional." Keilal looked at Lelouch and said with a smile. But there was no comment on his question.

"Do you want coffee, black tea or green tea?"

he asked.

"black tea."

Although coffee is a popular drink, it is regarded as a drink for lower class people, such as high-ranking nobles. Obviously, black tea is more suitable for their status.

Sure enough, this child has not been able to let go of his identity as a Bunitalian, or he is proud of his royal status, but his hatred for the Britannia Empire is just a rebellion against his father.

Keilal actually began to analyze most of Lelouch's character from just one detail.

"Why didn't your sister come today?"

Keilal asked with a smile, his words made Lelouch's face change greatly.

"Don't touch my sister," Lelouch said to Keilal with a dark look on his face.

"I think you have some misunderstanding about me," Keilal shook his head gently. "Your judgment on me is that I was murdered by a man you once murdered but did not die. Now he seems to be looking for revenge on you. So you plan to use your own rhetoric to explain your previous actions but you don't want me to catch him. Your sister, you don’t want your weakness to be caught by me.”

"This is indeed the thinking of a wise man, but don't play such tricks in front of me. Lelouch, your position is too low, and the information you have obtained is too little. Your guesses are completely baseless. Evidence to help you prove it.”

"It's as if I'm here today to catch you in my hands, if I want to hand you over to your imperial sister Cornelia. Then your judgment is completely wrong."

Keilal casually mentioned a possibility that made Lelouch's face change.

His city is not as deep as Kailar and the others. After all, he is still a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old and can be seen through easily.

Lelouch took a few deep breaths and asked.

"I see. Just tell me what your purpose is."

He was still speaking to Keilal in an equal tone. Maybe he doesn't realize it, maybe he realizes it, but still wants to not fall behind in this regard. In short, Kelal didn't care about his tone. Instead, he crossed his hands on his knees.

"Are you interested in rebelling against the Bretanian Empire?"

"What I have been doing is resisting the Bunitalia Empire." Lelouch didn't know why Kelal said that?

Kelal shook his head. "What you have been resisting is just the governor of District 11. What I am talking about is the real resistance to the Bunitalia Empire."

"What's the difference?" Lelouch felt that Keilal was insulting him. He's belittling what he's done, what he's done.

"You have been entangled with these people in District 11 for too long. I can understand your mood of slowly encroaching on the Britannia Empire. But the fact is that Britannia is expanding faster than you cannibalize the empire internally. Much faster.

If I had used your superpower, I would have turned all of District 11 into my own country.

At your current development speed, you are still thinking about not relying on superpowers. Use District 11 natives to counter Bunitalia. How can a country with no manufacturing base, no farmland, and no production capacity compete with a global power? You have made a wrong approach to war from the very beginning, and you are obviously going further and further down the wrong path. "

Lelouch was shocked, had C.C. told Keilal about his super powers? Does this mean that C.C. has completely abandoned him and switched to Kelal's arms? Then Kelal's eyes were closed tightly because of the information C.C. gave him. Or it's because Keilal's eyes have his own ability. Once opened, superpowers will be activated.

For a moment, Lelouch thought a lot in his mind. Keilal could see through what he was thinking almost at a glance, and sighed softly. This child had indeed stayed in District 11 for a long time, and the layout had become somewhat smaller.

Just stare at those superpowers. But even without superpowers, he's still pretty good at what he does.

This child lacked a kind of courage, lacked the courage to be willing to die in a desperate situation, and to dare to pull the emperor down.

To put it simply, even if he is cornered, it will be difficult for him to die together with his enemy.

These are two completely different personalities from Keira. Although Keilar has an excellent overall view, Keilar's execution ability is extremely strong. As long as he thinks of something, he will do it immediately. In the process of doing it, he had already thought about when and what role this matter would play.

Lelouch, on the other hand, will integrate the entire plan before doing anything, and arrange the chess pieces step by step. Only after all the chess pieces are in place, will he start to implement the plan.

The difference is that after Keilal has completed the entire plan, Lelouch's plan has just begun, and once one of his chess pieces has a problem. Then the entire other chess game would be nullified. And there is no doubt that his plan will be aborted.

This is the biggest difference between Kelal and Lelouch.

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