The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 71 Guardian Guard

Chapter 071 Guardian Guard

"Bold!" Dumbledore stood up and roared in disbelief. Although he was usually crazy, he was an old man with a loud voice. His roar could be heard even in the heavy rain.

On the contrary, Keilal's roar could only be heard by the nearby teachers.

"Presumptuous!" Kailar also said this to those evil creatures.

However, as soon as the two of them finished speaking, they saw Harry Potter falling from the sky like a big bird with broken wings.

Unlike the previous students who were struck by lightning, Harry Potter's broom was directly smashed into pieces. Then Harry Potter had nothing in his hand and spun around completely losing his center of gravity and fell down. .

Keilal knew that other teachers would catch him, so his staff did nothing else and instead emitted thousands of rays of light.

He didn't know what the evil creature in the sky was, but he was sure to use the Patronus Guard.

He has never seen his patron saint, because no evil has ever been able to invade him, dare to approach him, or invade him.

But this time, he directly took out this, which was a large-scale defensive spell. He not only considered the safety of Harry Potter, but also ensured the safety of the entire Hogwarts students.

So the patron saint guard was released by Kelal with all his strength in an instant.

It is known that this ancient and mysterious spell summons a magical patronus who is a reflection of all your most positive emotions. It is very difficult to use a Patronus Charm, and many wizards and witches are unable to conjure a complete, physical Patronus, which usually takes the form of the animal with which it has the greatest affinity. You may not believe it, but you never really know what your Patronus looks like until you actually summon it. 】

What some people don’t know is that multiple patron saints can be summoned!

Mag once summoned three cats to deliver messages and could communicate. So what would Kelal summon when he went all out?

The moment he waved his wand, everyone discovered that countless silver patron saints were standing in the stands, forming a row and surrounding the entire Quidditch pitch.

Keilar paused for breath, and then smiled bitterly; even if it has been thousands or tens of thousands of years, are you still by my side, guarding me silently?

The entire Quidditch game stopped.

People were surprised to see these silver-haired women appearing around them, holding two-meter swords and closing their eyes silently, and they all exclaimed.

They have never seen such beautiful beauties. Each of these beauties holding big swords looks different. Each one has a faint silver light. Each one has their eyes closed as if they are sleeping. These tall and tall beauties , beautiful, pretty, long-haired, short-haired, curly-haired girls, each wearing tight-fitting clothes, and the capes behind them made them look majestic.

Even the well-informed teachers have never seen such a large-scale patron saint. This is not a patron saint, it is clearly an army.

Keilal slowly sat back, and four arms slowly wrapped around his body.

Two women were clinging to him, arms wrapped around him, one in his hair and the other on his shoulder.

"Dinisha, Milia, are you still here?" He raised his hand, gently touched the face that was completely made of magic, and breathed softly.

They are gone after all...

"Professor, are they...?" Professor McGonagall looked at Kelal in surprise and asked.

"They are my patron goddesses..." Keilal replied with a soft smile.

He didn't lie. During the Roman period, these girls were his personal guards. They were more powerful than most men. They came and went on the battlefield like the wind. They accompanied him straight into the enemy's formation and were his most reliable guardians. .

Even though a thousand years have passed, they are still guarding him, unchanged.

On both sides of him were the captain and vice-captain of the Guards, Dinisha and Milia. This protection had not wavered for thousands of years.

"Okay, girls, what are you waiting for?" Keilar was surrounded by the two people and then said.

In an instant, all the women holding swords opened their eyes.

The sharp-eyed students discovered that not only did this group of female warriors have silver hair, but their eyes were also silver. They held swords in both hands and swung them towards the sky.

The mages could only see one sword, but Kelal knew that they had swung countless swords. The fast sword from Aenea could swing the sword at least fifty times per second, and the powerful sword could swing it in one second. Swing hundreds of swords.

The little wizards only saw that with just one swing of the sword, a sword mark like a fishing net suddenly appeared in the sky.

Kelal's magic power is magic with light attributes, and the swords composed of his magic power undoubtedly also have light attributes, and the slashes with light attributes, just one sword strike by them all, instantly The slashes covered the entire sky. With just one strike, they cut the clouds into pieces, the heavy rain into smoke, and the lightning into fragments.

The sky became clear in an instant. Under the blue sky, everyone could clearly see the black objects floating in the sky.

"Dementors!" someone screamed.

Suddenly, the students and teachers were in chaos. Before, the Dementors were in the clouds. No one saw them, so no one would be afraid. But now, they are naked in front of them. Even the teachers are afraid. I couldn't help but panic, or maybe because I was a teacher, I was even more scared, because the joy on the Quidditch pitch just now was enough to attract the dementors.

Creatures like dementors feed on happiness and laughter!

It is a completely evil creature!

But why the Ministry of Magic actually tolerates recruiting them as law enforcers is a mystery.

However, their panic only lasted for a few seconds before they saw the female swordsmen who looked like Valkyries swinging their second swords.

Exorcise the dementors? what is that?

Anyone who dares to enter Hogwarts will be killed without any problem.

You must know that Hogwarts is a school with great autonomy, and the Dementors obey the command of the Ministry of Magic. The previous order was to search for Sirius outside Hogwarts, but now, they are attracted by the laughter and laughter of the school. , came to the sky above Hogwarts, even if he was killed, there would be no problem.

After all, Kelal controls the Daily Prophet, and Dementors are, after all, evil creatures that everyone hates. Even if they are killed, how many people will avenge them?

In just such an instant, dozens of Dementors in the sky turned into black fragments, slowly falling from the sky.

"The dead?!"

PS: Since you want to use your imagination, let’s make it bigger.

PS1: I am working on my second effort, please vote. When I had 5,000 collections, my daily recommendation was 1,200. Now I have 12,000 collections, and my daily recommendation is still 1,200...Only that group of people are voting from beginning to end...Thank you You, and also appeal to those who do not vote, please come and vote!

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