The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 711 Efficiency Theory

Chapter 127 Efficiency Theory

Putting Lelouch there originally was actually the second best choice.

But since it was Lelouch's own choice, Kelal respected his choice and put him over to the Indian Military Region.

To be honest, of course he went to the Indian Military District as a federal envoy.

But once he got there, he naturally used GEASS to control the upper-level officers of the Indian military region.

Then came this public speech that shocked the world.

What does this matter have to do with Kelal? Kelal is also a victim. He is the Chancellor of the Federation Empire. A territory was divided by Lelouch, saying that he should take revenge on Lelouch.

He just took it out of the matter.

In other words, Schneizel had no excuse to accuse Keilal.

Should it be said that it is worthy of Keilal? Schneizel held up his chin and tapped his temple with a headache.

In just two or three days, the number of soldiers in the entire 11th District has been reduced by 3/4. It is foreseeable what the situation will be like in other parts of the Bunitalia Empire.

Princess Mariana's appeal is so great that even though Princess Mariana has been dead for ten years, she still has unexpected appeal throughout the entire Britannia Empire.

Some people simply disappeared, while others simply took their knightmare and disappeared into the ranks of the army.

It can be said that this kind of talent is the biggest trouble. While they were reducing the strength of the Thalia Empire, they were bringing a steady stream of troops to Lelouch.

It's not like Schneizel didn't send his own special intelligence unit to join Lelouch's camp to obtain information.

But I don’t know why, these people have lost contact. Schneizel would definitely not believe it if they were said to have defected en masse. But there is no reason for them to lose contact en masse.

This strange situation cast a layer of gloom in Schneizel's heart.

This matter is actually very simple. For every person from the Bunitalia Empire who comes to seek refuge with Lelouch, Lelouch will issue a GEASS instruction to them: Absolutely obey my orders.

If Lelouch had some concerns about the use of this ability before, then now that he is in the enemy camp, he is not indecisive. More importantly, this group of people actually came from the Bunitalia Empire. Coming all the way to the Indian Military Region represented their allegiance to Princess Mariana. In this case, Lelouch was too lazy to distinguish one by one whether they were spies sent by the enemy.

He directly issued GEASS to them to obey orders absolutely, so it didn't matter whether they were spies or not. They will all become Lelouch's subordinates.

There is a very simple logic here, which is if they originally came to seek refuge with Lelouch. This GEASS has no conflict with their hearts at all. If they originally wanted to be spies and cause destruction, then this order can help them completely obey Lelouch.

Relying on this lazy policy, Lelouch did not need to distinguish these spies at all. These people quickly gathered around Lelouch and became his strength.

Schneizel had no idea Lelouch had such a convenient ability.

But it is obvious that Lelouch is constantly absorbing the nutrients of the Bunitalia Empire to strengthen itself.

The Bunitalia Empire not only has to face Keilal's aggressive political pressure, but also Lelouch's steady supply of nutrients.

No matter which empire it is, it cannot stand this.

Therefore, what was very surprising to Cornelia and Euphemia was that in the next few days, Schneizel began to make weak concessions during the negotiations with Kelar.

Obviously, this man who can measure current events chose to compromise under pressure from all sides.

I don’t remember who said it [Compromise is the art of politics] Politics is about obtaining one’s own interests through mutual compromise.

And now the two prime ministers Keilard and Schneizel are undoubtedly the ones who know the art of politics best. Keilal did not ask for a high price, and Schneizel did not reveal his psychological bottom line to him.

The two discussed the share of the cherry stone trade in a very harmonious manner. It must be said that the cherry stone in Japan's Mount Fuji has the advantages of large quantity, high quality, etc., just like Australia's natural iron ore.

It can almost be mined from the open pit. Convenience means that the mining cost is very low. The mining cost is very low, which means that other cherry stone mines can be squeezed out at lower prices.

Of course Schneizel couldn't be deceived by Kelar. He knows very well that even if he uses low prices to hit the markets of the two countries now. It is impossible to change Kelal's determination to develop the cherry stone mine on his own.

The current cherry stone is just a coping product before those cherry stone mines are put into production.

Once the cherry stone mine belonging to Kelal starts production, this business will not be possible.

Originally, Shuzenair could choose not to sell it to weaken the cherry stone reserves of the two countries. In this case, during the war, the two countries would become weaker and weaker.

After all, it is not said that the Sakura Stone Mine can be put into operation immediately.

This time difference is Schneizel's victory point.

But now this time has become something that is on Kelal's side.

If the battle is resolved quickly and Lelouch is defeated.

I am afraid that the local rule of the Bunitalia Empire is in danger.

Neizel could see clearly which one was lighter and which was heavier, so he accepted it calmly when faced with Keilal's lower price.

He knew that even if he gave up the price to Keilal, Keilal would never stop supporting Lelouch, but as long as he did not openly support him, there would still be room for relaxation and recovery in all this. room.

In fact, Kai's move was really wonderful.

If the Bunitania Empire wants to take action against Lelouch, then Kelal will refuse the Bunitania Empire by saying: Do not interfere in the internal affairs of the Federation.

If the Bunitania Empire insists.

Then Kai can easily hide behind the Indian military area. Continuously transporting blood to the Indian Military Region, allowing those in the Indian Military Region and the Bunitalia Empire to defect to Lelouch's side, continue to consume the military power and energy of the Bunitalia Empire.

This is precious time in which Kelal can complete the integration of the EU and the Federation.

Kai is a very efficient and organized person. His logical thinking is very powerful. And he has very rich experience in governing the country. If his goal is a high point, then he will definitely start from the four aspects of the base. After a solid foundation, he will quickly start building stairs and houses.

He is the kind of person who is suitable for authoritarian and efficient government. He is not good at arguing with others in parliament and convincing them.

In his opinion, if there is time for wrangling, it is better to oust all those members from their seats and replace them with obedient people, fully implement his orders, and operate the government quickly and efficiently.

Small profits can be tolerated, but greed and corruption are the beginning of the collapse of the entire country. This is absolutely unforgivable.

He is the kind of person who likes to use intelligence agencies to fight corruption.

One thing can be summed up from this, he pays great attention to efficiency.

In fact, it was precisely because of his extremely efficient behavior that in his previous life he was able to allow a small human country to quickly leapfrog the other country in just a few hundred years, which would have taken tens of thousands of years to do so. problem, becoming the ultimate empire.

It is good that life expectancy has increased, but that is not the reason why the government operates slowly.

In Kay's view, the more developed a society, the faster and more efficient the government's operating agencies should be.

This is the inevitable path for human evolution and social progress.

For example, in the West, the more advanced the government, the slower it operates. In fact, it is completely different. In other words, it is precisely because they have entered a developed society and lost their sense of crisis that they have progressed so slowly.

It's just that such a government could never appear under Kay's command.

All political systems are structured from top to bottom. If your upper-level structure is constantly shifting the blame and discussing things, it will waste time and energy.

So what is the possibility that the speed of the underlying structure will be efficient and fast?

This is of course impossible. There is no reason for you to procrastinate and ask others to be efficient and fast.

Politically speaking, it is always the upper structure that determines the lower base.

If the orders and commands from the upper levels are efficient and fast, does it mean that the lower levels will inherit this efficiency and speed from generation to generation?

Judging from Kai’s many years of experience in governing the country, this assumption is valid. Once the upper levels are not lazy in governance, do not apply one-size-fits-all, face problems head-on, and choose to solve problems quickly and efficiently, then the execution ability of the lower levels will be the same as the decision-making of the upper levels. Capabilities are synchronized.

The Bunitalia Empire is indeed the most powerful military government empire in the world with the highest execution rate.

But so what? No matter in terms of mobilization ability or execution ability, the upper echelons of the Bunitalia Empire are far from being able to compete with Kai.

Not to mention anything else, just on the matter of whether or not to attack Lelouch, it would not take a month to reach a conclusion.

After reaching a conclusion, it will take another month to discuss how to fight.

But at this time, facing the three-party double-team, even Schneizel was unwilling to fight such a losing war.

So he needs time.

Both sides need time.

Kelal needs time to integrate the two countries and reform, while Schneizel needs time to deal with Lelouch.

Lelouch's independence in the Indian Military District can indeed be said to be a stroke of genius.

Even C.C., who knew the inside story, felt that Kelal was horribly resourceful when he saw the current situation.

If Lelouch chooses to follow Keilal, Keilal will cultivate a guy who is not weaker than him in a few years. By then, one person will be in charge of the EU, one will be in charge of the Federation, one will be heading west, and one will be heading west. Going east, the Bunitalia Empire will be in a very awkward position no matter where it resists.

But Lelouch's trip to the Indian Military Region was also a clever move.

In short, Kelal can easily delay time no matter what, giving himself time to integrate the two countries.

After avoiding Keilard's economic trap, Schneizel fell into Keilard's continuous designs.

Yes, this is Keilal. Being his opponent is very difficult. When the enemy reveals a flaw, he will hit the opponent's weakness in an instant like lightning. If the opponent does not show a flaw, he may be defeated. Step by step, he pushed himself into a desperate situation.

They may struggle, but it's like being strangled by a snake. The more they struggle, the tighter it becomes, slowly suffocating them.

Kai is not a kind person. He is the kind of counselor who is good at judging the situation and uses troops like a god. The cost of becoming his enemy is very high.

Schneizel was feeling very uncomfortable now. He had never encountered an enemy like Kelal before.

This is because he has never encountered it before, so his estimate of Kelal is very insufficient.

The two sides once discussed the issue of the Britannia Empire sending troops to the Indian Military District during talks. You must know that India is not a simple place. It has a large area of ​​fertile land and an Indian Military District with troops. There are also excellent ports, and the land on both sides of the Ganges is extremely fertile.

Coupled with the huge population and weapons and equipment that are in line with the Federation, they are not weak chickens. Although they are slightly lacking in discipline, their numbers can completely make up for this weakness.

If the Britannian Empire wants to attack India, it will not be an easy battle. Schneizel wants to finalize with Kelal that the federation will not interfere with the Britannian Empire's troop dispatch.

But this is the internal affairs of the Federation. According to international morality, it is not the Britalia Empire's turn to intervene anyway. Keilal pushed 256, first of all, he wanted to go out to discuss with the emperor, and then the territory was sacred and inviolable.

In short, Keilar will never agree immediately, isn't it just delaying, the longer it is delayed, the better it is for him.

In addition to cherry stone exports and Indian military region issues, the two sides have also reached intentions on textiles, tea, steel exports, and other issues.

Intention means that the leaders of both parties have agreed, and then the specific details need to be discussed by the people below. Of course, they cannot talk about each item. At their level, as long as they discuss an intention, the people below will basically handle it themselves. of.

Cornelia and Euphemia participated in the entire negotiation between the two, but they said nothing.

On this occasion, it was really not their turn to speak.

The whole world is looking forward to the two men negotiating a peace.

But unfortunately, looking at the current situation, the pace of war is getting closer and closer.

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