The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 714 Surprise from EU

Chapter 130 Surprise from EU

European Federation, Central Research Institute, there are already people standing outside the institute, waiting eagerly. Like a swan, they stretched their necks. Standing on a towering signal tower, I looked hard at the sky.

Although they can see where the aircraft are in the sky from the radar, it is one thing to see it on the radar and another thing to see it with the naked eye.

Li Wang and other high-level EU officials are all here. They are all waiting for the completion of this machine.

After a buzzing roar came from the sky. Everyone's necks craned longer.

The people here are not fools. They firmly believe that what is about to land will change the pattern of the world.

With a rumbling sound, a huge thing slowly landed. This behemoth is so big that it can even hold four cars, two armored cars or trucks, or a knightmare.

She can hold so many things in her belly, which shows how huge it looks. Like a fat giant bird. Landing slowly.

Everyone knows that this is just an illusion caused by the naked eye. The real speed of this fat giant bird is actually much faster than ordinary mechas. It can reach 600 kilometers per hour in the sky. , even when landing, the speed per hour is not less than 200 kilometers per hour, which is really a terrifying number.

If you add that terrifying load capacity and endurance. Then this thing is undoubtedly the future.

Their vision is absolutely correct. Large aircraft are the future of mankind. In a few years these aircraft will be commercially available.

Large-scale commercial aircraft will occupy human skies and make human connections closer than ever.

The future of mankind will be greatly changed because of this thing.

But whether this thing can land, no one knows.

Everyone watched with trepidation as the big fat bird slowly rode the wind and landed. Everyone's hearts were lifted. They only saw his front wheel falling to the ground with all kinds of dust. Then the rear wheel hit the ground.

Although the pilot had flown the P51 countless times, it was the first time for him to control such a huge aircraft.

Everyone was uneasy, but under everyone's uneasy inner gaze, the plane landed steadily on the ground, slid forward for about a hundred meters, and then slowly stopped.

After the propeller actually stopped moving just now, it was all due to the inertia and gliding of the aircraft itself. After there is no more propeller power. The remaining power of the entire aircraft is only a few hundred meters. When the plane landed firmly on the ground and stopped, everyone on the command podium cheered. They hugged each other and cheered for the success of this big plane.

Everyone knows that a new era is coming.

Noeru clapped her hands to get everyone's attention, and she spoke. "Now that the test flight has been successful, mass production can begin. We are going to directly manufacture a long-range flight transport aircraft and slightly modify it. It is time to bring back our Lord Speaker."

Although the current speaker is Archduke Ferland. But even Archduke Ferland admitted that Kelal was the core of EU.

Although Kelal is now far away in the Chinese Federation. But no one can erase his mark on EU. Even if he remotely controls EU, EU is still thriving, many times better than before.

Kelar has made full use of the various topographic features of many countries in the EU. The specialties produced by these topographic features are only traded within the EU. Let the EU economy grow greatly. If the China-Europe railway is successfully built, economic and trade exchanges between the two sides will undoubtedly become closer.

With this long-range transport plane, it can easily transport hundreds or thousands of people as long as the inside is slightly modified into seats.

You know, most transport planes only have the upper part that can be used as a human being, while the lower half is a cargo warehouse, and they undoubtedly do not have such conditions now. The entire cabin can only be changed into three floors, upper, lower and middle. You can almost tell how many people can sit on these three floors without asking. There are at least a thousand people.

If these one thousand people are equipped with electromagnetic weapons for rapid release, then they can appear in almost any corner of the planet, even in the Americas of the Bunitalia Empire.

This electric transport aircraft based on the C130 looks the same as the C130, but its data is completely different from the C130. Especially in terms of cruising range, the diesel engine C130 has a range of only 3,800 kilometers.

This can only fly an intercontinental distance, and there is no doubt that it cannot conduct strategic operations across continents. This is the range of the C130 using a diesel engine, but if the engine is turned into a battery. If a Sakurashi generator is installed inside, the range of the aircraft code-named C130 will directly become 13,000 kilometers. And this terrifying range is 2,000 kilometers higher than that of the C17 Global Overlord strategic transport aircraft, which is two sizes larger. It can be said to be very terrifying.

Of course, the transportation weight may be lighter, because this is an electric drive engine after all, and the thrust is far less powerful than a diesel engine. But even so, it is still possible to install a knightmare in the belly of the cabin or even add three tons of supplies.

Sometimes, one machine and an ace can turn the tide of the battle. Coupled with the super long battery life of the ca130. He can deliver the body anywhere in the world. Compared with a thousand soldiers, the combat effectiveness of a knightmare is more powerful, because the mobility and battery life of a knightmare are undoubtedly stronger than that of infantry.

Since then, the tactics have changed a lot.

Taking a step back, a factory that manufactures such transport aircraft can monopolize 100% of the world's air transport industry just by producing passenger aircraft modified from transport aircraft every day. As we all know, monopoly is the most profitable, by that time. The EU's tax revenue alone can easily exceed the Britannia Empire's tax revenue.

"Let's give Kai a surprise," Kou Kou said with a smile. "After building the first passenger plane, we drove directly to the Chinese Federation. Then we brought Kai back. With this transport plane, it will be much more convenient for Kailar to go back and forth."

Indeed, no weapons on this planet can attack this transport aircraft with a maximum flight altitude of 6,000 meters. In terms of safety, even if it was a bit dangerous, there was no big trouble after Ajid's P51 escort.

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