The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 722 Technological development is the primary productive force

Chapter 138 Technological development is the primary productive force

When Monica got off the plane. She looked confused. who I am? where am I? Where is this place? He was on the plane for a full 20 hours. Finally came to the Chinese Federation.

She is a hot yam for the EU.

Now Keilal and Schneizel have not reached an agreement on Monica's ownership. In other words, Schneizel has already acquiesced that Monica belongs to Keilal.

Keilal felt that keeping her on the EU side was not an option, and it would be best if she could use her strength.

So taking advantage of this opportunity for the long-distance voyage of the transport plane, I directly brought Monica here.

Schneizel doesn't know that the exchanges between the European Union and the Chinese Federation are very close now. Almost every week, there are transport planes flying back and forth at an altitude of 6,000 meters to transport materials and scientific research materials back and forth between the two places.

Of course, it is impossible for such secret documents to go online. If they were intercepted by the Bunitalia Empire, it would be a great disadvantage to the strategy. The physical aspect is much safer. Even if it is shot down, the data will be burned and no trace will remain. It is definitely better than being obtained by the Bunitalia Empire.

Because today's transport aircraft takes more than a week to fly across continents, and requires many stops along the way. Because Zaizhong could not afford their supplies to reach Europe at once, Schneizel, or anyone in the Bunitalia Empire, never thought that the exchanges between the two sides would be so close.

This is of course, although Kelar's focus is on the Chinese Federation, he will never take it easy on the EU side. There are three Knights of the Round Table sitting there at the same time. Once an attack is launched. It was difficult for him to react. The EU can only rely on the number of troops to delay the Knights of the Round Table.

The high-end combat power on Kelal's side is actually very lacking. Especially the ace driver.

There are actually only two ace pilots in the European Union. There are only ace pilots in the Chinese Federation. There are only three of them, Li Xingke and Ajide Kallen.

If you can instigate Monica. Then Kelal can get +1 ace pilot.

Of course, it's still a bit small compared to the Twelve Knights of the Round Table plus Cornelia.

In the previous war, the reason Schneizel was so confident was entirely because these two countries did not have as many high-end ace pilots as the Bunitalia Empire. The performance of ordinary aircraft is not as good as that of the Bunitalia Empire. How to fight with the huge productivity and combat effectiveness of both sides.

Therefore, Schneizel has always been full of confidence. He didn't wake up until he hit his head with blood on the Indian Federation side. Fang is also one of the three major countries standing in this world. Even if it is corrupt for a while, once it wakes up, its burst of creativity and innovation can immediately bring about earth-shaking changes.

The Bunitalia Empire, the EU and the Chinese Federation, these three countries represent three different scientific research routes, although they are all using knightmare, although they are using Sakurashi Generator at the same time. Although they are using Sakurashi Motor at the same time, there are differences and gaps between them.

This is like the Russian engine and the American engine. Although they are both called engines, they are in technical direction. The two engines are obviously different.

The three countries with vast territories and people naturally chose their own independently created R\u0026D systems instead of relying on other countries.

This is like the reason why the Americans and the British are allies, but the British still want to develop their own aircraft carriers and fighter jets.

It is precisely because of this that when two countries with different systems start technological exchanges, the other party's technology is very similar. Almost immediately, new doors opened for both parties.

There are actually very few opportunities for this kind of crude class bypass. In the original history, it was only after the defeat of Germany that the United States, Britain, Russia and other countries entered Germany and started a technological feast. The second is a technological feast in Western countries after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Because of these two "technical exchanges". For the first time, the missile capabilities of the Americans increased significantly. The second time brought the Americans' engine capabilities directly to the most advanced level in the world.

And now it seems that the Soviet Union and the United States are having unreserved technical exchanges. If not the leader of both countries, it is Kelal. I'm afraid this opportunity will never happen in the entire history of mankind.

When the P51 and transport planes came from Europe, they continuously brought European technology over. Only then did Li Xingke have to admit that Keilal really controlled the European Union behind the scenes.

"Welcome." Monica's status as a Knight of the Round Table warranted Keilal's personal greeting. Li Xingke was a little curious about the abilities of the Knights of the Round Table, so he also came to the airport.

Yes, airport.

In the past, there were no airports in this world, only apron for transport aircraft to park.

But now that the transport aircraft that need to be accelerated to start flying appear, the airport begins to open. Built in various parts of the Chinese Federation.

The airport does not need to be too precise. It only needs to be compacted and covered with cement to complete the work of taking off and landing aircraft.

Although the conditions for using large aircraft for transportation are not yet mature, the cost is still very high.

But war is never about cost-effectiveness. What's the point of spending some money as long as you can win?

So for the convenience of future strategy. Airports have begun to be built in several important places. For example, New Delhi where Lelouch is located. For example, there are two military regions: the southern and northern military regions. There are several other key cities. Building an airport is not a hassle. It's not like they built it directly in the city. It took a few days to find a piece of land outside the city and it was done. Although those who received the order didn't know what they were doing to build these things, they didn't resist much because it was not troublesome.

But Lelouch had a guess of his own. This runway is several hundred meters long. Apparently there for something giant. Lelouch is someone who used to be a p51. Almost instantly, he thought of an aircraft larger than the P51.

But he was startled by his guess. Can something that big really be considered an airplane? Or would it be better to use a new word to describe it?

The development of technology is the primary productive force. This was when Lelouch saw the electromagnetic weapons and had the idea to attack the Bunitalia Empire.

And if there is such an unknown aircraft, then. What kind of combat effectiveness can it produce?

Just thinking about it made him feel numb all over.

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