The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 735 Chess Player

Chapter 151 Chess Player

It turns out that this is a group of lions commanded by lions. Sitting in the command ship, looking at the situation on the entire battlefield, Schneizel was easily reversed and muttered to himself.

Unlike the Bunitalia Imperial Army led by him before, the Bunitalia Imperial Army led by Cornelia is now like a tiger descending from the mountain.

As if the old saying comes true: Sheep led by lions and lions led by sheep are two completely different groups.

Especially after the comparison, the damage to Schneizel was even deeper. Looking at the Bunitalia Imperial Army now led by Cornelia, he felt like a sheep. He now understood a little bit why the military faction of the Bunitalia Imperial Army had been looking down on him. Compared with Cornelia, a real-life fighter who rose through the ranks through meritorious deeds, he was indeed unable to compete with Cornelia in war. It was normal for those military factions to look down on him. For the first time in his life, he felt that maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing for Cornelia to lead the Bunitalia Empire in the future.

He has always looked down on warriors like Cornelia. He always thought that it might be someone like Cornelia who could conquer the world, but in the future, it would be someone like him who would govern the world. Able to make this world prosperous.

But now he deeply understands how difficult it is to conquer the world. Even with the logistical capabilities of the Bunitalia Empire behind him. But he still could not conquer this small Calcutta.

On the contrary, after Cornelia arrived, the momentum of the entire Bunitalia Imperial Army was like a rainbow, changing the previous decadence and directly turning the entire battle situation around. Only when you know these difficulties can you appreciate the hard work of others.

Human beings have always been hypothetical about this kind of empathy, but it is difficult to truly empathize. Now, Schneizel finally knows how difficult it is to conquer a country, and he finally knows , why did the Knights of the Round Table, known as muscle warriors, have such a high status? The emperor was indeed very far-sighted.

He wants to be an emperor now, but he is far from qualified.

Calcutta was captured three days after Cornelia entered India.

It is said that on the day Calcutta was captured, Cornelia stood at a high point on the battlefield holding the flag of the Bunitalia Empire and shouted loudly.

"Don't relax your vigilance and strength, attack it directly in one go!"

This woman is like a Valkyrie on the battlefield. Obviously just her appearance made the momentum of the entire Bunitalia Imperial Army rise instantly. Mixed with the momentum of conquering Calcutta that day, the entire Bunitalia Imperial Army was so powerful that they conquered Lanzhou that night. Deed.

The cities they conquered along the way made the Bunitalia army very excited. They just felt that since Cornelia arrived, their war suddenly became much smoother.

Even Schneizel couldn't help but smile when he saw this. He went through all the troubles to conquer Calcutta and catch Lelouch to prove himself, but in the end, they all became Cornelia's wedding dress.

Not only that, he also owed Cornelia a favor. For people like them who were in high positions, favors were very valuable. Perhaps this favor was the ultimate weight for who of the two would become the emperor.

However, Cornelia came to help him so selflessly, which made Schneizel's heart open. Now it is no longer a question of who will be the emperor, but who can deal with Lelouch and who can deal with that silver-haired man. The threat to the Bunitalia Empire, who is qualified to be emperor.

This who even includes the man sitting in the palace.

"Has Cornelia joined the battle? It's really overwhelming. Sure enough, an enemy who understands you is a thousand times more difficult to deal with than an enemy who doesn't understand you."

In the Forbidden City of the Chinese Federation, Keilar smiled slightly after hearing the news. As expected, Calcutta only delayed the other party for two months. No matter how long it took, the other party's patience would have made them unable to help but solve the problem directly. And the fact is that they should have done so long ago. I'm here now, don't you think it's a little late?

Two months is enough to change a lot of things. In these two months, Kelar completed the reform of the manufacturing factory of the Chinese Federation. He slightly opened up the public ownership system, and businessmen with capital sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. With the support of the government, they quickly streamlined their staff and increased the efficiency of the entire factory to 200. %.

And in the case of war, their speed will increase.

Yes, the combination of capitalism and imperial power. Such freaks are born. Their theoretical identity is imperial merchants, but they are pure businessmen who exploit those workers. They bear the infamy and profits, while the emperor gets what he wants.

When public anger reaches a certain level. It is the time when the emperor removes the mill and kills the donkey.

And it's not just them. Keilal is still teaching talented people selected from all over the world.

These geniuses are no more than 30 years old. The youngest is only 15 years old, and they are all geniuses. But genius must also be polished first. I think Keilar is now in the process of polishing a group of talents.

And it's not just geniuses. Even the emperor, Emperor Kagura, and the little princess Nunnally. He took them all with him and taught them the principles of governing the country.

In fact, he doesn't have to do this at all. But I don’t know if it’s out of bad taste for myself. Still have plans and plans for the future. Keilal has not given up on raising these three little girls. It would be better to say that these three little girls are the top priority in her training.

Those people are just tools and replaceable. But these three people are irreplaceable.

Although I don’t want to admit it, this is the way the world is. Identity is the most important, and a person's identity determines his upper limit.

For example, if the father is a farmer, then his son's upper limit is at most the management level of a company. He may encounter opportunities and become a boss due to the tide of the times, but it is already impossible to take a step forward. things.

The son of a colonel, before joining the army, was aiming to surpass his father's military rank from the very beginning.

The world itself is like that. This group of geniuses selected by Kailar have already changed their destiny. But no matter how they change, they cannot change the fate of these three girls unless they overthrow the entire country.

I have to say that things in this world are so ironic.

Even the most talented people just want to be sold to the emperor's family. Someone who can become a chess player like Keilal. Very few.

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