Chapter 159 World War

"They are here to find me." C.C. sat next to Keilal, still eating pizza. This was the food Keilal made for her when she first met her, and it was also the first time she had eaten like this. Delicious food.

Since then, she has been obsessed with pizza to this day.

"Do you know anything about Emperor Charles?" Keilar asked.

"They needed me to complete the Sword of Akasha. I am an aggregation of magic power, just like that V.V.. After that V.V. found me, he started a sect with me as the center. Then they searched the whole world and finally found it. Another magic aggregate besides me. These are probably the only two magic aggregates in the world. And the activation of their Sword of Akasha requires a lot of magic power. Besides V.V., the other one is me .”

"They had to get me, so they started the war."

"Interesting," Keilal said with a smile on his face. "In other words, they are mainly spinning for you, and I am just an accessory. It is really interesting."

Keilar murmured with a smile, but the chill contained in it made even everyone next to him close their mouths and look at Keilar.

"It seems that the emperor has really been idle for too long. He doesn't even know who has the upper hand now."

indeed. Bunitalia's mobilization ability is still the strongest in the world.

For example, after the emperor gives an order, they can easily summon hundreds of thousands of drivers. There is no way that the Chinese Federation and the EU can catch up with Bunitalia for a while.

But the size of these two countries is there. Even in the weakest period, when 70% of the territory of the map was lost. Neither of these two countries ever perished.

The emperor had indeed not touched government affairs for a long time, and did not even have any understanding of the international situation. They just found out where C.C. was and impatiently launched an attack on the Chinese Federation.

Lelouch and Kelal's statement was a very good trigger, making the Emperor feel that they had enough excuses to launch a war against the Chinese Federation.

But if the emperor had a little chat with Schneizel, he should understand what kind of monster has appeared in this world, and this monster has already controlled the EU and the Chinese Federation, and he even controlled the entire world in a short period of time.

Why didn't Schneizel declare war on the Chinese Federation or the EU in one fell swoop? Didn't he want to? This is of course impossible. But Keilal's strength forced Schneizel to slowly try to weaken his power.

Like a declaration of war against Lelouch. For example, the killing of Indian soldiers is part of weakening the strength of the Chinese Federation.

Except for those real elite Bunitalia knights. Schneizel actually didn't care how many other numberers died. As long as they died worthily, that would be fine.

For example, the emperor's declaration of war now directly pushed them into an extremely passive situation. Not only were they unprepared, but neither were the Bunitalia soldiers. It is also inexplicable that the EU people suddenly declare war on them.

The reason for this may only be understood by a few people. But it was too late to persuade the emperor now. The emperor is Bunitalia's highest will, and what he says is a golden word, a fact that cannot be changed. In other words, even if Bunitalia grits his teeth, he must swallow this bitter pill.

Now all Cornelia can think of is to capture the Indian Military District, and then cut the Chinese Federation and the EU into two sections, making it impossible for them to communicate with each other and prevent resources from flowing to each other. This is how Bunitaglia can truly win this war.

The result was nothing more than an easy attack without exerting all its strength, and it turned into a major strategic issue that had to be conquered, otherwise the entire world war would be very passive. The burden on Cornelia's shoulders became heavier and heavier. After she had a little chat with the Knights of the Round Table, the Knights of the Round Table also understood the importance of this battle.

Now they have no way out, and they can only try their best to win this battle for Bunitalia.

And Cornelia told them very clearly not to have unrealistic illusions. If he can see through this, then Keilal can definitely see this too. In other words, there is not much time left for them. Once Kelal reinforces New Delhi again, it is simply unimaginable how many troops they will need to defeat New Delhi.

And one thing that worries Cornelia even more is who is the commander of the entire Bunitalia army that she and Schneizel are commanding on the front line in New Delhi?

Bismarck, the First Knight of the Round Table, was the only person with such prestige. But he has the ability to stand alone, but he cannot command the entire world war. If it were left to Bismarck, could Bismarck really be able to cope with Keilar's unparalleled strategic ability?

Thinking of this, Cornelia was filled with sorrow, and she told Schneizel her worries. Jean Schneizel indeed had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Now only if you, Emperor Brother, take a plane, return to your country, and take charge of the overall situation, can I rest assured and continue to fight on the front line."

The worst has happened. Cornelia no longer has any intention of seizing the throne. She said sincerely to Schneizel, which made Schneizel very moved.

"I understand. I will return to my country to take charge of the overall situation."

Neither of them was very confident about Emperor Charles, because the emperor had not managed state affairs and the army for nearly eight years. How much did the emperor who took over state affairs and the army know about these things at this time?

Just when Schneizel made up his mind to return to his work as the leader of his country, Kelal took the lead instead.

As soon as he took action, he was seven inches into the Bunitalia Empire. The White Tiger Regiment, led by General Le Xingqu, took off directly from the Korean Peninsula to attack the hinterland of Area 11, and captured dozens of cities including New Tokyo in one day.

Cornelia's sister, Euphemia, also became Kelar's prisoner. As for the Japanese area, it has been occupied by the continuously advancing Chinese Federal Army.

At about three o'clock last night. By nine o'clock in the morning, Area 11, the important fortress of Bunitalia and the support point of the first defense island chain, was neatly captured by Kelal.

Since war has been declared, any action he takes is reasonable and legal.

They have calculated everything, but they have forgotten that District 11, which is just around the corner, is always under threat from the Chinese Federation.

Now if they want to return to their home country, they have to take a detour from the Indian Ocean.

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