The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 747 The whole country is shocked

Chapter 163 The whole country is shocked

Henry was just an ordinary worker in a Sunderland manufacturing factory.

He did not have the courage to go directly to the battlefield, nor did he have the advanced education of a knightmare driving academy. He felt that his greatest achievement in his life might be to become a supervisor in a factory.

But even if he is just a worker, he lives extremely happily in this world, with a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter. My daughter has become a high school student. If your academic performance is good, you may be able to directly enter a higher education institution in the future.

And relying on Bunitalia's conquests all over the world, they were able to buy very good things at very low prices. It can be said that the whole family is very happy.

But this night.

The world has changed.

Henry who just finished working overtime. Humming a little tune, he drove the car and walked on his way home. His home was far away from his factory, about two kilometers away, but it was a single-family villa with a nice yard and swimming pool. Got two dogs. It is a house that others envy.

It is precisely because of this that the drive home every time after working overtime seems very long.

This very long journey has always been very boring. But today a blue meteor suddenly appeared in the sky.

These blue meteors were so beautiful that Henry couldn't help but stop the car, stuck his head out, and admired the meteors carefully.

But wait, why are the directions of these meteors not normal?

Henry watched in surprise as the blue meteors rushed towards where he came from.

That was the factory where she had worked for 20 years. It was his place of residence, and it was even a place he loved more than his home.

He loved his job, loved the factory, and loved this country. He was one of thousands of ordinary Bunitalians.

Any military operation outside Bunitalia cannot be divorced from these thousands of ordinary Bunitalia people.

They are the foundation on which this country runs.

There are many, many people like Henry in this country.

Relying on the colonies conquered by Bunitalia, they were able to obtain resources such as cheap ore, cheap rubber, cheap fruits, and so on.

If so, they should atone for the sins of this country.

In war, no ordinary person is innocent. Henry is lucky. I had just finished my overtime work and walked home, escaping the attack of death from the sky.

But his colleagues and friends were not so lucky.

On this day, a Hercules ground attack aircraft appeared over their factory. Following the guidance of the balloon positioning in the stratosphere, they flew towards the factory without any obstruction.

This is a medium-sized factory that can produce up to 500 Sunderlands per month. Just this one factory can equip the Bunitalian army with a legion of Sunderland in a month.

Recently, their orders have been slowly decreasing, because Bunitalia has developed a new knightmare and is preparing to upgrade it.

Drawings for a new machine called the Vincent were sitting on the desks of factory engineers awaiting production confirmation.

Bunitalia's foreign war has begun, and they will soon upgrade their new knightmare to deal with the Chinese Federation, a powerful country of the same level.

It's just that this machine will never be produced. Hercules ground bomber. Appeared in the sky above their factory, and launched an attack on their factory two kilometers away.

Twelve large blue cannonballs carrying electric current were fired at once. Most of these special high-explosive electromagnetic artillery shells directly hit the factory area. When a shell directly hit the ground, the triggered fuse instantly caused the shell to explode. The shell seemed to be disintegrated in an instant, and the fragments flew in all directions, starting to kill Henry's colleagues and friends.

Of course, what's more important is that all the machines that directly produced Vincent were detonated by these fragments, and the entire factory was reduced to a sea of ​​​​fire in an instant.

These blue electromagnetic guns are the blue meteor shower that Henry saw on his way home.

This meteor shower was not just a one-time event. I just saw the Hercules bombers surrounding the factory and shooting out half of the artillery shells in their inventory before giving up.

The Hercules raised its height and flew towards the west. His mission today was not just this factory, there was another bombing target waiting for him.

Bombings like this were going on in cities all along Bunitalia's east coast.

A bomber like this that is relatively close to Area 11 has two bombing targets.

As for those far away from Area 11, or even deeper into Bunitalia itself, there is only one bombing target.

The newly born bomber is indeed powerful. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a strategic bomber. It can fully implement the strategy formulated by Kelar and destroy its own targets.

That night, the entire east coast of Bunitalia was like hell. Countless people lost their lives, families, and even themselves in this strategic bombing.

All targets hit by Kelar are military targets and industrial forces, and there are no civilian targets. But unfortunately, even at dawn in the morning, there are still many people working in these factories, because Bunitali Asia had just declared war on the Chinese Federation, so countless orders poured into these factories, pushing the stocks of these factories to extremely high levels, making the factory owners happy.

They hired these workers with double or even triple the funds to continue working overtime. That is to say, during this overtime work, they ushered in the baptism of the steel storm and the bombing of strategic bombers. For the first time, they knew that someone could attack. Arriving in Bunitalia's homeland, they knew for the first time that the peace they saw was just a false lie, and that war was so close to them.

Let their Avalon be completely shattered.

Riots broke out involuntarily. The people of Bunitalia have never been so confused. Once they are confused, they will be shaken, and once they are shaken, they will be incited. Cowardly people choose to stay in their homes and tremble, while crazy people choose to go out of their homes and smash, smash, loot and burn in every street of the city.

The people who were attacked fell into madness, and the people who were not attacked were afraid of being attacked. The whole Bunitalia seemed to have returned to the Middle Ages for an instant. Before dawn, people were like madmen and walking on the streets like dead souls. . As if waiting for the judgment to come.

The Inquisitors did not continue their bombing after daylight. After completing their mission objectives, this group of Hercules bombers began to return without hesitation.

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