The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 750 The Captured Euphemia

Chapter 167 The Captured Euphemia

"We can't continue like this. We have to break out and leave here." Cornelia shouted.

The Indians in the city have been driven away, and only the Bunitalia are left. Since these Bunitalia soldiers were besieged by the Indian army from all directions, they found this person they could not name. The city of the name came and settled in for three days.

Over the past three days they were getting further and further away from the Ganges. Not even the slightest news from Bunitalia was received.

They have been on this island of information for three full days. Cornelia has already seen the problem. They cannot continue like this. They must break out of this place immediately and return to a safe place with Bunitali. Get in touch with Ya and let them report everything they know to the emperor, so that Bunitalia understands the danger of the enemy.

The current situation is extremely dangerous from a strategic point of view, because Bunitalia thought that the opponent was just a larger moose. He only needed to take a little risk to hunt a lot of fat, but the opponent was actually a larger moose. Giant bear. Any flaw will be caught by the opponent, and then their throats will be bitten open.

"We must gather all the knights and launch a breakout."

Cornelia's words at the military meeting silenced everyone, including about 6,000 knights. Knightmare also has this number, but in other words, they must abandon the remaining 44,000 people.

Shumu Suzaku opened his mouth next to him, wanting to ask if this choice was too cruel, but he kept his identity in mind, and as a numberer he did not speak.

And I heard that District 11 was captured by the Federation. I wonder if the Federation will treat the Japanese in District 11 well? But considering the silver-haired sage's methods, he probably wouldn't be too harsh on the Japanese like Bunitalia.

No matter how powerful Shumu Suzaku is, in terms of strategy and wisdom, it is still an ordinary person's idea. So he had defected to Bunitalia without hesitation before.

But now it is discovered that the sage opposite Bunitalia has been fully prepared and captured Area 11 easily. It is impossible to say that he does not have a trace of regret in his heart.

But Shumu Suzaku is an upright person, and he will never betray Bunitalia. He now only hopes that under the control of the sage, the ordinary people in District 11 can live well. Life.

This meeting directly set the tone of abandoning the other 40,000 infantrymen.

For ordinary people and knights, their decision can be said to be callous.

But after knowing the level of their enemies, Cornelia and Schneizel knew best how important it was to abandon these 40,000 people and send the news back as soon as possible.

District 11 is indeed as Shumu Suzaku expected, life is prosperous after being controlled by the Federation. Because after the Federation entered District 11, it abolished the identity of the people in District 11, made them Japanese again, and established the Japanese Province.

More and more people began to recruit Japanese men as construction workers and began to build combat fortresses in important places.

In the future, Japan will be the front line in the confrontation with Bunitalia. It is the bridgehead against Bunitalia and the springboard for Bunitalia to attack the Federation. All battlefields will revolve around the entire Japan. So a large number of male workers were recruited. Started being used as a construction worker.

After adult men are removed, women who want to rebel will naturally cease to exist. What's more, after these adult men have their own jobs, their families can have enough food and clothing.

Those Bunitalians who used to be aloof and unscrupulous now walk with their tails between their legs when they see the men in District 11 covering their faces.

However, it was also because of the Federation's transcendent status that the rioters in District 11 who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble were suppressed.

If the Japanese were to restore the country on their own, I am afraid that they would launch a genocide that showed no mercy to the Bunitalia people. But since Keilal is in charge of this country, then of course such a thing is impossible. occur.

Those Japanese who dared to commit crimes were all sent to the cruelest labor camps for death row prisoners to dig mines and do the most dangerous things.

As the saying goes, in troubled times, heavy rules should be used, but Keilar would not indulge in the Japanese's crimes just because he was a liberator.

The establishment of order is the most difficult. Once it is destroyed, more blood must be used to build the foundation if it is to be built up.

It is precisely because of this that the Bunitalians in Area 11 were protected. It was precisely because Kelar presided over the attack on Area 11 that Cornelia was not worried about her sister's safety.

Because she knew that with that man in Britannia, people would definitely not be massacred. If the previous Black Knights had captured Area 11, Cornelia would have been rushing back anxiously by now.

The place Cornelia wants to rush to now is the Strait of Malacca. Not District 11. With their small number of troops, it would be unthinkable to counterattack District 11.

Cornelia's resolute behavior always means doing what she says. After she decided to withdraw the troops at the staff meeting, she did not hesitate and started preparing for the withdrawal with all her strength.

Or call it a breakout, or call it an escape, no matter what. They all have to leave this damn India.

Now it has evolved into a war between three major powers. No one cares about whether Lelouch is the legal heir to the throne.

People only care about one thing: can they survive this world war?

If you are just an ordinary infantryman, then sorry, you have been abandoned by your commander and surrounded by enemies.

If you are a mecha pilot. You may only have a 1 chance of surviving the battlefield.

If you are a Knight of the Round Table level driver, congratulations, you can at least save your life.

If you are a prince or princess, then you hardly need to worry about your life because you have enough political value.

Although it is cruel to say this, unfortunately, this is the most real war in the world and the most cruel world war. Of course the soldiers who died the most were the soldiers. Those who planned these things will only die after being defeated by high-ranking generals.

Even like this. Even if you are captured, the other party will not kill you because of your value.

Just like the Princess Euphemia who was brought to Keilal now.

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